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Everything posted by Cast-Away

  1. I have a 160gb recorder and it is good for about 70 hours of recording. I've been recording 4 1 hour shows since the beginning of September and have not deleted anything yet. I also recorded Braveheart, edited out the commercials and burned it to a DVD. You can also watch a previously recorded show while the machine is taping a new show. The same goes for watching a DVD while the machine records. What I let the best is that I can come home part way through a show that is recording, hit the play button and watch it while it is still recording! These machines are much better than a PVR because you can play, watch and burn DVD's.
  2. Wow Tony what a privilage! That must have made you feel like a million bucks!
  3. I think this is the 3rd generation of OFC for me. When did TJ put up the first board? I still remember when the old UofT thread board was popular as well. Does anyone else remember?
  4. It sounds like her parents were NDP!
  5. I noticed that when I put a floor in my old 12 footer, it was much more stable.
  6. The websites are still active, so you should still be able to do it on line. I'm not sure why people think that after the deadline you have to take the course in a classroom?
  7. Raf, here is the phone number for Oasler PP who are in charge of the Masassauga, they should be able to tell you. 705-378-2401
  8. Welcome back Lew! I was think about your absence recently.
  9. I was thinking about a side console until I spoke to my wife who also wanted to sit behind a windshield! Are you making the decision just for you, or is there a Mrs. LD17?
  10. Champ and his friend Yoshi were golfing one day and champ teed up his ball on a par three. Champ wacked a perfect shot that hit the pin and dropped right in the hole! Yoshi turned to the Chamm and said " Oh Mr. Champ, you ace hole"! I said pardon?
  11. GCD, do you think that your comment was appropriate?
  12. Wayne, does Leah know that you got hitched again? Are you from Utah?
  13. Wayne, I read all of you stories before replying now. We don't know each other, other than through a few past PM's, but I wanted to say I am very sorry to read about the passing of both your sister and your Mother. It truly was the summer from hell. On a lighter note, I had a quite a few laughs as well when reading the posts. Here are some of the funnies: Sanding dust on face Arriving home to a Fisher petting farm! Your Daughter eating a monster Rocky Lifejacket hat Second arrival home to a turkey petting farm! Other stuff: Pop down canoe off of plane Taking your Mom fishing which turned out to be the last time Being able to take a train from the big smoke to your summer escape Celebrating your Mom's life by taking your Daughter fishing before packing up to go home for the funeral Moosebunk being the first reply to part one with "Doood!! You get only the coolest guests visit." HA what a riot!
  14. I was driving east on Hwy 7 today where Hwy 35 meets it just south of Lindsay and I saw Lew's old Crestliner being towed by me in the other direction. I new it was his boat because of the Merc on the back and the OFC sticker!
  15. Great report. The latter part sounded like Deliverance! Did he tell you that you had a pertie mawth?
  16. Hi folks. My wife and I took our two kids to the east at the end of August. It was the first time for all of us and was a wonderful trip! Of the 400 plus pictures that we took, these were the best three. Here is the Blue Nose II The famous Hope Rocks at the Bay of Fundy. The tide fluctuation is 40 to 45 feet every 13 hours. I saved my favourite shot for the end. I just love the natural colours of the rocks in the water.
  17. Don't forget to plug the overflow hole as well. Sometimes water washes in there.
  18. Harry's Bait and Tackle in Keswick rents boats. 905-476-0441
  19. That is too funny! I was the one futher up this thread that suggested that you go here. What did your buddy lose around dinner time Friday night? It looked like he had a big fish on the line. I think I heard you say something about 60 ryes when you were going out on the boat one morning. You were likely repeating what one of us said by the campfire one night right? Did you read my post a few pages down about the bear? When it comes to posting pictures, you can post them on this side and then create the link. Here is the link to the instructions: Posting Photos
  20. Hey tightline, was there a green Legend across the channel from you all weekend and the guys stayed up really late each night partying?
  21. I personally would stick with Eagle or Lowrance which are one in the same anyway. The problem with Humminbird finders is that the transducer has a flat bottom verus the torpedo shape of Eagle/Lowrance products. The flat bottom style does not work once your boat is up on plane, so you get no reading when you are moving across a lake and won't see shallow water coming up and could end up hitting some underwater structure.
  22. Well I just got back from our worst trip in 19 years going to the same area. It rained on and off for the full 5 days. Every time we went out we got chased back in by a storm. We did very little fishing in 5 days. We had a new bass and small pike but nothing worth bragging about and no pics. We did have a couple of 2+ pound SM Bass out at a shoal in open Georgian Bay. The highlight of the trip was when we had a small adult bear on our site during the first day. We chased it off but it came back that night while we were out and got at some of our food. Once it got a taste of the food it became much more aggressive and stalked our campsite all night long. We had to put all of our food in the boat. Thankfully I have an Anchor Buddy to keep the boat well away from shore! We did not see him again after that night. The park rangers can’t do anything other than come by to scare it off.
  23. The only part of the Moon River where you can camp is the mouth. You have to enter through the Massasauga PP.
  24. Is your real name Dick Shrivels from Coldwater? I would think so after swimming out to try and salvage the boat! Seriousely, glad that you are okay.
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