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Everything posted by Cast-Away

  1. Man that was a great show when I was growing up. I always hated Travolta though and even to this day I find that there is a cockyness to any character that he plays. I am sure that someone will tie this comment into his current media fame. No pun intended here, I am serious.
  2. i just got my wife a brand new Sante Fe V6 AWD. We towed the Legend (2000lbs) last week and boy it was way more powerful than my 2003 Caravan with the 3.3L engine. The fuel ecomomy is 10.6L/100km. This is the best time of year to buy a new vehicle if you plan to keep it a number of years and not worry about trade in value.
  3. Glen, Big Whitefish or Little Whitefish Lake? Big White has SM Bass and Laker. I caught some SMB a few weeks ago, and had a cottage there for many years but neer fished Little White.
  4. I once surgically removed the head off of a snake on my campsite, does that count?
  5. Remember to only tow in 3rd gear and never in overdrive.
  6. Nice report Backbay. I recognize quite a few of the scenery shots having been there myself so many times. Were you by chance fishing with a bunch of guys from Belleville?
  7. My lawn looks amazing and I do two simple things starting in April. #1, Fertilize while the grass is still brown and just starting to green up. Use a fertilizer with a high first number. #2 Two weeks later when the grass is starting, over seed with good quality grass seed. Two weeks later over seed again. The result is a very thick lawn that the weeds have a difficult time penetrating. I still have to pull a few weeds every week before I mow, but not too many. My neighbours all say that I have the nicest lawn around and ask what my secret is. Pretty simple eh? I only use Scotts products which I purchase at Costco. My lawn is so thick that I have to raise my lawnmower higher until the summer heat kicks in and the growing season slows down.
  8. You forgot to mention that you got "Wayned"! He was plane to see!
  9. Congratulations Bob! I had a friend in the US Navy do the same thing. He was in the ROTC, they put him through college and then into the Navy as a weapons officer in the back of an F-14. After his first tour was over, he applied to medical school through the Navy and was accepted. After serving for many years he opened an orthopedic practice in Chicago post military. Your military really takes care of those who serve with these fantastic opportunities.
  10. I just get my wife to pick up the trailer and bring it down to the ball while I sit and have beer giving her directions. It keeps her strong!
  11. Hi, I have been camping and fishing the Massasauga for 20 years and highly recommend it for family camping if your family does not mind using a thunderbox for a washroom! If you go to Pete's Place where you register you can go from there anywhere in Georgian Bay with zero portages. Most of the park is located in back bays that are relatively protected from high wind and high waves. There is a marina near by where you can get an extra supplies and is also an LCBO outlet for real emergencies! Here is a great link to all campsites in the park including the back lakes: Link to Campsites
  12. CP also stands for Canada Post, so maybe they are marking the spot where they will put your mailbox on a post! LOL
  13. One of my roommates was nicknamed Red for obvious reasons so when we were our fishing and he caught a fish we would say that we were on the Red Fisher show! At the end of the day my other buddy would say, "okay guys, let's head back to Scuttleslut lodge for a few"! We would say, "a few what?"
  14. Skeeter, I know a place east of Newmarket if you are interested?
  15. Because he is too busy robbing the hood!
  16. Dave, I did not mention that my buddy and I always camp and there are a ton of great large group campsites at the Massasauga if you can round up enough boats. I can give you a list of a few of these sites if this is an option?
  17. You can also try a couple of places at the Moon River where it drains into Georgian Bay. This is only two hours from the city and has plenty of Bass and Pike with the odd Walleye. Google it because there is Moon River Cottages and at least one other place there. My buddy and i have been fishing there for over 20 years in July and have a blast.
  18. Maybe someone here has your password! Ha
  19. That was great, do you have a video after you stopped the boat?
  20. GBW, That was the ultimate classic! I still restate that line from Mr. Carlson to this day!
  21. Hi gang. I remember reading here a few weeks ago about alternatives to using moth balls for boat storage. I can't stand the smell of the moth balls and have my boat stored in a barn. I need some alternative suggestions to keep Uncle Nester out of my boat! Thanks
  22. Am I nuts or did TJ not post as many Jiggy reports this year? I really enjoy reading them and seeing what inspector gadget has done next to the hi tech Lo tech getaway!
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