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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Joey


    IMG_2123 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_2089 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_2096 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  2. Well if declined votes are supposed to be more than ever, they'd better hurry up. I voted after work, and did not spoil my vote, but asked after voting how many people declined or spoiled their vote so far and they said none!!!
  3. Great update Simon, love the new pics. Looks like an amazing summer is on the horizon!!!
  4. I agree, I don't see how anyone can logically vote liberal after the mess they have made and lies they have told. Anyone who votes liberal better blame only themselves when things get worse than they already are, and believe me, they will.
  5. Super report Rick. Looks like a nice place and plenty of fish to be caught!
  6. That's pretty cool B!
  7. Looks like a nice time and some great carp there. Congrats on the Walleye Tourney!
  8. You might be okay in the morning!! The weatherman's a dick anyhow, so don't listen to him. Go have fun, catch a musky
  9. What a great video, thanks for sharing your adventure. I'd love to take a trip like that someday!
  10. Cool, looks like it was a drone?
  11. Awesome report Randy. How did the toad like the Fritos?
  12. What a waste to an already suffering fishery
  13. IMG_1185 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_1821 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_1801 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_1765 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_1659 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_1488 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_1474 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_1453 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_1403 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_1329 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_1007 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_0993 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_0622 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_0306 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_0235 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  14. Hahahaha, cute!
  15. Wow, amazing work!
  16. That's cool B. Wonder why I've never noticed them before this year?
  17. Well hope you can wait until I get back from my week up north, at least give me a day or two after the first week of opener up there to do a report
  18. Well that beats a day on the couch right! Well done. A mixed bag for sure!
  19. You're such a handyman Cliff. Good on ya for helping a friend. Couldn't ask for a better one than Norm!!!
  20. Well hopefully it was an honest person who picked up your stuff and will give you a call. Glad you got a tow to shore too. Hopefully it was just a bit of a leak from the nozzle and it's good to go. Nice little Pumpkinseed there (I think it's a Pumpkinseed too)
  21. Very nice!
  22. That's great that they are trying to help them make a comeback. Hope the eggs hatch. Great photos!
  23. Wow, sweet!
  24. I'm thinking it was just the tag that got eaten too. Wonder why they didn't mention that as an option.
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