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Everything posted by Joey

  1. This is so wonderful Simon. You are one fantastic father my friend. Your son will definitely benefit from this and he looks so good and so happy. I'm sure this therapy will help him immensely! Kudos to you and please, keep the updates coming!
  2. Thanks for posting this Lew, we all need to remember. Thank you to your father and uncle. My grandfather also was there, only in a different capacity. He was a plane mechanic and fixed and maintained the planes that fought in that war. He also made it but my Grandmother could not speak of that day without crying every time.
  3. Thanks guys. Ya, the coyotes were sleeping I think until I woke them. Guess they'll be there until the decide to build there aswell.
  4. Thanks Lew, you got that right!!!
  5. Had to get the emission test done on my truck so did a Google map search of the area the auto shop was in and found an abandoned area with a small pond. So instead of just sitting there waiting for the truck, I took my camera and set off for the pond. Had to hop a barrier and go through some tall grass but right off the bat there was a nice heron at the pond. Fired off a few shot, the heron took off and I walked a bit further and something in the bush beside me rustled and then I could see tall grass and reeds folding over. I thought maybe a groundhog or beaver - Nope! IMG_9881 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9882 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9883 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr They're pretty crappy pics as I was surprised, and shaking a bit. Got my buck knife out of my bag and put it in my back pocket and decided maybe it would be a good idea to leave! I did get some good heron shots before all that though IMG_9648 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9696 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9697 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9698 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  6. Well that is cool and scary at the same time Lew. Thanks for sharing the pics, but be careful out there. We've got a date in two weeks ya know
  7. Ad is gone now!
  8. Okay, OFC G2G in the making for sure!!! Hope you get it, sounds awesome!
  9. Nice gator!
  10. That's really cool!
  11. Way to get em boys! Nicely done B & T
  12. Gorgeous pic. I love those birds too. So beautiful!
  13. hahahaha, awesome
  14. IMG_9509 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9515 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9561 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr See Ya!!! IMG_9593 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9470 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9485 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9376 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9400 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9401 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_8162 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_8163 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_8164 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_8165 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  15. This one too needs no comment, although I think it is a gazelle and not a goat! (I could be wrong though ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7-6nXGflec
  16. I've got a few indigo's near me, but the are never that brilliant. Any idea why? Great pics BTW!
  17. Thanks guys. I'll probably go back for another try next week.
  18. Yes, that is definitely a rare bird for your area Lew. What a cool find. I'm not sure who you would call. Maybe the MNR? Not sure you want to open that door though!
  19. Wow, that's lucky. Congrats!
  20. Well I'll give up my oranges, but damned if I'll let them have my grape jelly
  21. Great shots. Saw my first ever Rose Breasted yesterday. Beautiful birds. So if I put oranges in my backyard, the Baltimores will come?
  22. Not perfect by any means, but I'm getting closer each time IMG_9060 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9064 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9066 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9095 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9105 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9068 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  23. Joey

    Da Bloom

    Beauty shots B. They do smell so good. Cut a few pieces off and put them in a vase in the house, make your house smell like that for a few days.
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