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Everything posted by lew

  1. Fortrex, which I have, is cable steer and a totally different animal that the Terrova.
  2. We had some nasty weather earlier this morning over this way with some heavy rain, thunder, lightening and even a bit of hail and then we lost our hydro from 7-9. Been nice and pleasant all afternoon though.
  3. Steve, you must have an awful lot of happy friends and customers with all the huge bass your always putting them on. Congrats to your GF, that smallie is a real beaut !!
  4. I use the double Cowgirl style baits with blades up to #13 and use a 7000 series Abu which makes them pretty easy to crank. I'm not a fan of Abu's but the 7000 works well for this application.
  5. Congrats on the new ride Raf and you'll be happy you went with the bigger V-8. I never heard anybody ever say they wished they had less power.
  6. Good to hear your daughters standing tough to the storm Jon, best of luck to her.
  7. Good stuff Eric.
  8. Really beautiful colours on some of those fish and as others have said, congrats on the PB.
  9. Your lures are top of the line Mike and you'll do well with selling them. I'll be giving a couple of them a good workout on Pigeon Lake tomorrow.
  10. I think "trophy" is a relative term depending on alot of things, skill level of the angler, experience, numbers of fish caught of a certain species or even the age of the anler. Some folks consider a 5 pound bass or 8 pound pickeral to be trophies while to others their just the norm and hardly get a 2nd glance. Same thing with Kawartha muskies and many folks would consider a 45 incher a fish of a life time and would definetely class that as a trophy and that's a good thing. The main difference with the Kawartha musky is the sheer number of them compared to Gbay, Nippissing, St. Lawrence or Ottawa Rivers and one angler getting 4, 5 or 6 muskies in a day is not the least bit uncommon and multiple fish over 45" in a day is quite common to someone with a bit of experience and knowledge. I once boated 9 muskies in 2 1/2 hours on a K-Lake. There are still plenty of fish in the 48"-49" range, although not as frequent and take a bit more work but are still relatively easy to get with some decent work. Fifty inch seems to be the point that most Kawartha fish stop growing and getting them that size takes alot more work and hours on the water and a 50'er is a trophy class to me and over 50 is fairly rare. My biggest to date in the Kawarthas wasn't measured or photographed but my partner and I both guestimated her at 52 inches.
  11. I got mine from Ringlord a couple years back and paid around $60 if I remember correctly. Shipping only took a couple days too, great service.
  12. Probably doesn't matter as the pathetic excuse we have for justice system would have more than likely just slapped their wrists anyways.
  13. Your having a good season so far Larry !!
  14. So, what happened after they were arrested, were they convicted for pulling the knife ??
  15. mercman, after my dad passed away in 97 I went thru his workshop and also found alot of his old things that I hadn't seen in years. I kept some of his tools that I still use today. I found his old tape measure and even though it was broken I kept it and it still sits on a shelf above my workbench. Your post has brought back some fond memories for me, thanks for that.
  16. Big chunky fish, very nice !!
  17. There's the most sensible reply yet.
  18. Actually it was just an ordinary digital camera, Canon PowerShot A720, 8 MP, but I cropped the picture in full resolution before I edited it. It did bring the picture out nice though.
  19. I had a trailer on Katchawanooka Lake in the Kawarthas for 36 years and there was an Osprey nest on an island near us and there was a family of birds in that nest for that entire time. Really nice to watch them raise their families year after year. There's been 5 or 6 different families of Osprey off and on over the years in different nests but none ever used the same nest for as many years. A family of Bald Eagles also took up residence on the lake a few years back but they seem to have left the lake this year for some reason. Wonder if it had anything to do with all the Ospreys ??
  20. I like to keep ALL my release tools in the SAME place on the front deck ALL the time cause there's nothing worse than needing something right away and you can't find it. I can put my hand on whatever I need, even in total darkness, without even looking. You get used to where they are and it just makes life simpler when you need a tool in a hurry. Knipex cutters are expensive and you don't want to drop them in the drink when your cutting hooks in the net, and a good trick I learned from a friend was to attach them to a boat cleat with an extendable telephone cord. The one I use can reach anywhere in the boat and if I drop them over the side it's not a problem.
  21. Don't know what your doing, your gonna use an old boat and a 56 year old motor I'd stay away from Simcoe completely, but that's just my own opinion.
  22. When I bought this place in March and notified my insurance company they also requested the photograph of the tank and the questionaire to be filled out. Everythings good though as it's ULC approved. Perhaps with the threat of a leak from older or non-approved tanks, this is the new norm for insurance companies. On a positive note with insurance companies though, when I moved from Toronto to the country my truck insurance went down $500 per year, and that's a good thing.
  23. Grandfathers are special people. Condolances to you & yours Marvin.
  24. I got one on Upper Buck a couple years back that was also missing her upper jaw Matt,just like yours, and she also appeared to be very healthy.
  25. Awesome smallie, infact a true brute !!
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