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Old Ironmaker

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Everything posted by Old Ironmaker

  1. What do you mean a worm? Just look at any tackle store or fishing show, no one markets worms!!!! You can't catch anything with a worm and certainly can't make millions off of worms!!!! I worked with a guy that had a worm farm, being the citiot that I am I asked him, Mike how do you get all the worms in the barn at night? Good going my friend as they say the early bird catches the...........................................
  2. Kept up on this thread since the ground was frozen down here, have 7 rounds of golf in by now, thanks to all for the entertainment and education. We had the pancake and syrup day last month at the local sugar shack and picked up a bottle of natures finest, every time I dole out some I think of TJ and Sinker. Thanks boys. And girls. TJ, how's your lovely daughter doing? Johnny D.
  3. Are you going to get those mounted Dave? Missed you at the swap meet, life gets in the way sometimes. Dad was in the General. He's OK.
  4. No stupid questions here. I spool lines on backwards all the time, used to be called stupid by my parents and all the teachers, now I'm called dyslectic.
  5. 30 years ago there was 1 bait for spring Pike, OK maybe 2, Eppinger Red Devil and 5 of diamonds, 4" in the spring and 4" in the fall. Anyone old enough here to remember? We also used dead smelts back then, I think they are against regs now . Going for pike in upper NY state in a few weeks, wanted to bring a few up to show the kids that have 4 trays of pike bait and went to CTC and they didn't have 1 Red Devil available. As for size, match the hatch. As for 12"snot rocket hammer handles hitting 10" bait, it's not feeding it's killing. They are practicing up to be big Pike. That's my non biology degree opinion.
  6. 2 things I never ask for or give on the Internet, medical or legal advice. Go to the MTO and ask them, sometimes going to the source beats the Internet any day!
  7. OK big guy I give, forgive my ignorance, I hate acronyms, what is WGSF?????? Looks like a Rock Bass to me, but my eyes just ain't what they used to be. BYW, is that by the way, needed to order a battery this week, I haven't forgotten about our outing kid. Did get to the USS creek, 1/2 bucket of nice Bullheads. Golf is getting in the way!! Can't make any money fishin'.
  8. You can't beat that Elite 5 for that price of all you need is sonar. I think I paid $700.00 for a tiny Eagle Ultra black and white portable in 94'. But it still works if you can believe it !!!!!! Not much else is still working from 1994, including me.
  9. Not an issue. Mine is all stored in an unheated, un insulated shed for 17 years, hot and humid in summer and have never had an issue with anything. No worries, loosen off the drag on reels and store away, The only thing I would say is to keep it away from direct sunlight if there is a window and keep any fluids i.e. bait sprays from freezing. Make sure you haven't put anything away wet.
  10. Welcome aboard, it warms my heart every time I see a youngster riding his or her bike with a rod strapped on to a back pack heading to or returning from a day tossing a line. Remember there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers and you won't find many stupid answers here, you picked a great site to launch your new fishing career. I bought my first rod and reel when I was 27 years old, and am left handed so I held the spinning rod upside down to fish. No one told me I could change the handle over until everyone got a good laugh. Good luck and again welcome to the start of a new life.
  11. My fishing pal is selling a like new Okuma. If you're interested I can get details from him. PM me I know this isn't the classified section and I respect that.
  12. I don't have any experience with that unit but I will say it surely is great insurance and piece of mind after making a major investment like a new engine. It's not everyday that customers are walking into dealers buying new power plants. I would venture a guess that the dealer cost for that unit is a much less than retail. I would ask for dealers cost for that unit after dropping more than a few new 20's on the counter for the new engine. My dear father taught me years ago all you can do is ask, that's free, and there is no such thing as embarrassment while brokering a deal. My former business partner used to freak when I would after sell a small item at cost after a major purchase until he realized the gesture almost guaranteed that customer always came back and brought new customers with them. it's some of the best marketing dollars ever spent. Here I go again, I digress once more, apologies all around.
  13. If what I hear about all the ice still on the lakes above TO you might not need a boat.
  14. I saw one flying over the tree line today while on the way to Caledonia, I knew they could fly and have seen plenty but this guy was way up there at least 30 feet. Nearly got attacked just this past Tuesday going from the 11th hole to number 12 on the golf course, one would think that after all these years we would remember they are nesting there every year. Man they can be mean. Not knowing anything about hunting Turkey have they had their litter by now? Very cool bird to see in the wild and better on the table. I usually see the weigh station open in May here in Haldimand County, they may be out of season, otherwise I might have laid a 9 iron on her, who am I kidding, that's as close to a birdy I had all year. Hey Irishfeild, what's all that white stuff on your lawn, hasn't anyone told you guys up there it's been spring now for a few weeks? Come on (weather) man..........the jokes over. Snow flurries Saturday and golf Tuesday in short sleeves.
  15. What you saw was a school of Mooneyes. They will be everywhere along the river for a few more weeks. Something like this, http://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&docid=VZ6DWdxUs1S4xM&tbnid=JF16dHA3K3IEbM:&ved=0CAgQjRwwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dec.ny.gov%2Fanimals%2F52751.html&ei=A0p4UfXkJI-vqQHIwYHgBw&psig=AFQjCNHJpf1X5I-QYZ3JP_I56F25dB-ofg&ust=1366924163637612
  16. I have to agree with Sinker. I have a 19.5' deep V Starcraft and really never had a problem. The set up I see that Irishfield has was what a friend had made and put a huge dent in the hull when the boat slammed into the unforgiving siderail. I see guys not wetting the bunks before trying to winch the barge on, back in so you wet all the bunks, then pull out until the centre roller is just out of the water, if the keel is lined up on the centre roller your boat is centered too. Now having said that I only launch in protected launches on Lake Erie, we have spent an hour or more trying to get a 17' er onto a trailer on an open shoreline here that has resulted in a few broken ribs, that's with side guides. No fish is worth broken ribs.
  17. Rich, not everybody lives on Erie where there are 100000 carp for every windmill, actually thousands more. Want to catch a carp? Get a can of sweet corn, eat it with supper, come down to Haldimand County shoreline, drive along with the window open, when you hear splashing stop you have found the carp. Go down to the shore and pick out your winning fish. Walk into the water about 5 feet and pick up your 30 pound fish, if you have a good back pick up a 35 pounder. If that's not legal, throw a line and hook amongst them and hold on Nelly!!!!!! Seriously, it's a bit early for easy Pickens. A few more weeks of warmer weather and the spawn is on, 50F water temps. They stay in close to shore spawning until June 1st here, or later, when they are in full on Love mode they aren't very interested in anything else. Nothing like seeing a 30 lb male submarine strait out of the water saying to a prospective girlfriend, "look at me".
  18. OK Rich, when are you available? Lets go.
  19. Before 8 AM this morning approximately 33 human beings had been slaughtered within the last 24 hours around the world by terrorists. Not even a byline on CNN. Just some food for thought and global perspective.
  20. Searching. Try this. http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/toronto-aunt-of-men-named-in-boston-bombings-wants-to-see-evidence-1.1245588
  21. The aunt is in Toronto, must see TV. She says the photos and videos of her nephews are staged, CNN via CTV news.
  22. United Steelworkers of America. A brotherhood of Canadian workers, none working for Canadian wholly owned companies. Yes it's great to be Canadian, but don't be naïve to think if you stood an American next to a Canadian, or an American or Canadian company anyone could tell the difference. And not many would care, other than the Canadian.
  23. If it wasn't for Americans I wouldn't be here, I love Americans.................Mom's American.
  24. Paid an entire dollar to see them at The Rock Pile in Hamilton in 70's. My buddy was bouncing there and we helped them load the van on a Saturday night. 10 years latter I see Getty Lee at a Blue Jays game, he says hey your the guy from Hamilton. Real people, never rock stars.
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