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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Where can I buy some of those around our parts John? Does JBs have them?
  2. Has there even been a day over 30C in Southern Ontario this Summer? I do recall a couple in June??
  3. Wow!! Sorry for your loss Wayne, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this sad time.
  4. You should be fine with the boat you have. just be aware of the weather conditions before going out on the lake. For Smallies and Eyes i guess the same tactics apply to St.Clair as it does to simcoe.
  5. Well I have a pete mania musky reel that I bought off of Lew who bought it for his daughter Sherri. She used it twice and wanted a lLH retrieve. I used it 3 times last summer as I have a shimano calcutta that I use 98 % of the time. So here is the problem. The reel will not wind the line because the part that moves across and feeds the line in to the reel broke. This reel has maybe 10 hrs on it. What do I do with it?
  6. Wow, lots of guys going to Pigeon!!
  7. Enjoy the summer bud!! See you next week!
  8. Sweet Sweet ride there Lew!! See you next week!!
  9. good job!! very nice fish and a nice day to boot!!!
  10. Sweet!! nice fishing guys!!
  11. Don't be shy, get in close to shore 12-15 ft of water, long line blue white raps and other colors , jointed or sticks, 8inch baits. They could also be out in 20-30 feet. make sure you have plenty of line on your rod. If you hook into a 25lb king he/she will take you for a ride if you are using a spinning reel with 12LB test. As mentioned, there could be a mudline but I have caught fish inside the mudline too. Trolling at 2-2.5 mph and good luck to you.
  12. FNA, thanks for educating the community. Hopefully folks realize just how dangerous it is to drink and drive and will think twice about starting their vehicles.
  13. Really nice fish there Darren, way to go bud.
  14. Looking forward to it Rizz, hope more can make it out, its always a good time.
  15. Well for those of us that actually pay the fee to fish on the american side of the border, the 40 dollar USD was equal to 53.0 dollars cad. Now that looks like it will go up to 70usd that equals 93.10 cad. When Amercans buy Ontario license and pay 60 buck CAD, that equal rougly 49 dollars usd. So monetary wise 94 cad is quite steep to fish US NYS waters. I can tell you that I will be reconsidering buying a new license in October 09 if this is the new fee for us. For those that replied and do not have a NYS license, its easy to say go for it. For us that do enjoy fishing the us side, it sucks.
  16. You know,as funny as this is there are plenty of fishermen who know better but still use six rods for two guys while fishing for salmon. Take a trip out to the so called blue zone and you will see what I mean. There are fishermen out there using illegal spreads because they figure they are far out enough from shore that the Co's will not nab them.
  17. I find nothing wrong with this. Folks needed to eat so they speared the fish or shot them. Its tradition and leagal so all is good. There were a few segments where you actually see a DNR officer measuring the fish. When I was a kid, I would use a bow and arrow to pluck the carp that managed to stay land locked in Laval sur le lac golf course. The river-rapids would overflow st.rose blvd every year and if we did not take out the fish, they would die as the water dried out. My mother had a knack of making any species ogenerously proportionedish taste awesome. Our father would also take us to an island in pte. Calumet to take out the pike that came in and spawned and ended up land locked as the water receded. It was crazy and insane, there would be hundreds of pike stuck in the swamp. We would actually get bumped by the fish as they swam past us. I believe that we used spears to fish them out. We harvested what we needed and left the rest to mother nature. This activity took place in the 60's. It was always a fun time waiting for ice out so we could go and harvest these fish. Gees my father used to use a oar to smoke the carpe that went by!! Crazy Russian read neck he was!! When I get back to MontrealI will go through the pictures and find the ones of these outings and post them for all to enjoy!
  18. excellent report Wayne, tons of fun!!
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