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Everything posted by Squid

  1. It works great Lew. I use it all the time.
  2. Come on Steve!! one more post and you hit 2000. Only 8000+ behind Wayner!!
  3. Bye Bye ms canadian dry, pour me another while the taps don't dry, going to be another crazy night, DANG-BEER-WINGS-ELITEISM
  4. I hear ya Steve. What a place eh. Man, I was going to start my April 1st rant early but there are lots of those going on within this forum. I am also sitting back and reading the posts and laughing at all the comments being made. This forum was so perfect back in 2002 eh?
  5. I may have mislead some with the picture of my boat. I just reposted the picture and have identified my boat in it.
  6. "There is no such thing as tornados, Chuck Norris just hates trailer parks." This one made me laugh out loud Joey !!!
  7. Way to go hon, good on ya.
  8. I have a rant just waitng to go...April 1st 12.01AM
  9. Another gem Einstein's original Theory of Relativity was; if Chuck Norris kicks you, your relatives will feel it....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  10. Love this one: Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding... Chusk Norris can slam a revolving door.... Space exists because it is afraid to be on the same planet as Chuck Norris... Chuck Norris can eat just one Lays potato chip!
  11. When chuck norris does sit ups, the earth moves.
  12. Nice going dude. keep it up.
  13. All the best (deep breath) Rob, Chris stay srong young man, we are all pulling for you.
  14. Hossa went down last nigth with a sprained MCL. Here we go.
  15. Ducks average weight= 207.125 Habs average weight= 203.00 not much of a difference.
  16. Ok then. HF do not be disgruntled. There are big boys coming. take for example, Hamerlik, O'Byrne and Komisarek. NEver mind, emilin, and liventenko. Chipchura is a big boy and so is Latendresse. The gusy are all under the age of 25. Montreal beat up on Philly and they are a bigger team. The only problme the Habs have is playing against the devils and their freaking trap system. I have watched 99 % of the habs games on RDS and this team is doing very well. Ryder is fianlly bakc to form. He is throwing his weight around all over the ice. Begin-Lapierre and Kostoplous are also creating injuries against other teams. Bullion has the HABS record fo bench press. Koivo is small but man can he body check. Take a look at the team stats for say Anneheim and Montreal. You will be surprised.
  17. Holdfast is just a disgruntled leafs fan is all. Carey price is not ready yet, but don't be surprised if he just shuts everyone out, now that he is the number one goalie. Gainey is setting his sights at a cup run next year. It is our last chance at a cup this decade. The Habs have won a cup in every decade since the start. It is also the HABS 100 yr anniversary next year. We may not make a huge statement this year, but watch out for next years team. They are an exciting team this year. lots of speed and the defense is getting stronger every game.
  18. All I can say Dan is GO HAB GO !! good to have you back.
  19. It is alwasy a good day when you can launch the boat and catch some rays, fish are just the bonus part of the trip.
  20. Another successful year Maureen. Excellent job by all.
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