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Everything posted by Squid

  1. J.R. Nerat, technical manager for Kidde, says the shelf life of disposable fire extinguishers is three to 12 years, depending on the model and manufacturer. The fine print on the label will be marked with the rating of the device, in years. Nerat had me go through an exercise with my own fire extinguisher (of unknown age). With his direction, I found the tank's rating on the label, and then the year of manufacture stamped into the steel on the bottom of the tank. Piece of cake for me, directionally challenged as I am. To ensure the extinguisher will work when needed, it needs to be within rated age limits; have the recommended charge as indicated on the pressure gauge; and undergo periodic inspection for dents, corrosion and integrity of the safety pin. Nerat stressed that fire extinguishers (the nonrechargeable type) can be used only once and must immediately be thrown away after even the slightest amount of discharge or "testing." If you do need a new one, Nerat, who has been in the business for 30 years, suggests buying the largest and best fire extinguisher you can afford. Nerat's most important fire-extinguisher tip: Take the extinguisher out of the box, mount it so it is accessible, actually read the label and inspect it routinely. Have I done this? No. Mine's still in the box, and the vehicle extinguishers are somewhere under a seat. Don't do that: In a vehicle, it may become lost, inaccessible or an impromptu missile if not secured during even a small accident. Darrell Hay is a local home inspector and manages several rental properties. Send home-maintenance questions to [email protected]. Sorry, no personal replies. Copyright © 2007 The Seattle Times Company
  2. Well this thread brought a tear to my eye!! Gees dog lovers or what!! Bernie, sorry to hear that you lost a true friend. Ben, my 13 1/2 year old collie/golden retriever x is old very old. He has a hard time standing up yet still wants to go for a small walk. I can still get him all excited when I call out "Squirrel", though no more chasing is involved. I know that my time with my friend is coming to and end and it will be an extremely difficult time for me when I have to say goodbye to Ben.
  3. now that's funny right there!!!
  4. Man this is really freaking old. Broken record more like it. Wish we could post this freaking picture at the top of the forum with the proper story.
  5. Its going to be awesome seeing Lew in his new boat netting my muskie. HAHAHAHAHA just kidding buddy, sweet sweet ride.
  6. Squid

    Sad News

    Our sincerest condolences to you and your family Ron.
  7. Gees I am sorry to hear that Lew. My condolences to you and your family.
  8. Nice fish Jack!!! I have not missed much then with conditions that we have in the river. Maybe it will be nice enough next weekend to take the boat out for a bit of laker action at the bar.
  9. Man oh man Roy, excellent score bud!!
  10. Very very nice present there Paul!! Good job Chris.
  11. Hopefully it clears up a by the 29th. Winter boating season is here.
  12. Gerritt, I wish you the best of luck in quitting smoking. I quit on Jan 22 08 so I am coming up to a year. We are here for you as was everyone when I quit. Go for it, you will not regret it. I still have to buy a gift to myself for quitting but I will wait for the Muskie Odessey to but a new reel.
  13. It was an awesome day out there. Though we did not catch any muskies, did see some beautiful homes though. It was nice to meet new faces, Steve, Jack, Jen and Doug. Adam's friend too. Oh and Aile Goby. Until next year folks!! Keep the lines tight.
  14. Wayne, I will bring the SD cards for you tomorrow. I am pumped to go fishing!!
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