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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Temps are looking good and so are those weeds!!
  2. Yeah I am sorry about that Lew,I panicked and left that for ya!!! Yeah that is bear scat for sure. There must be a whistle and pepper spray in there somewhere!!
  3. Squid

    Oh JOEY!

    Love you big time Joey!!! happy birthday girlfriend hoping that Paul treats you right and takes you out for a really nice dinner.
  4. He needs to get on the Jared diet.
  5. The squeaky wheel get the grease!! keep calling and they will come!!
  6. So nice to see some of the old goats come out and post on this thread. Yeah we have lost some good people and some not so good who will remain unnamed. I believe that the board just celebrated its 10 th anniversary just a while back. Lets hear from some of the newer members on this board.
  7. I may just have to drop in there on the way over Lew!
  8. Just curious on the demographics of the members here on the board. How long have you been a member?
  9. Loose clothing for sure!! and where colors that are dull and belnd with the colors outside this weekend.
  10. Awesome report Joey!! Gald to se and read that Paul and you managed to nail a few.
  11. Gees Sheri has the luck eh Lew?? Glad she is ok and not injured. I noticed that all the snow is gone from your area.
  12. Hey thanks Mike and the gang, much appreciated!! No not in the boat today, driving the youngest back to Waterloo for university. Maybe next weekend Mike!! Lew we will make it up after Easter weekend.
  13. So how many changes have we gone through folks? 7 ?? Looks good to me!
  14. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
  15. praying for you Jack, be well.
  16. Awesome Lew, glad to hear all went well. I will give you a holler later this evening.
  17. that is a huge bass in the cooler Paul, how big was it?
  18. Yeah blame J will ya!! You bought those linens.
  19. It was nice to meet you Dave, you can net my muskies anytime
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