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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Very Nice!!! Congrats to the two of you and many many happy years together!!
  2. Not true, he is still alive. CTV got it wrong.
  3. This post should be moved to cottages and resorts no?
  4. Sorry for your loss Gov. My dog is on his last legs and I know that soon enough I will posting the same good bye message to my friend of 15yrs.
  5. Awesome Aaron!!! WTG buddy !!! I cannot believe that you and your partner caught all those fish and had Banana's on Board!!!
  6. sweet work there Joey and Paul awesome!!
  7. Yeah the long weekend would not work for me as I have to move my son into his house for his university start date ( 2nd yr).
  8. MAckenzie did a fine job on that essay. Vote cast!!
  9. Yes I am interested on going Matt!!
  10. Great company and awesome pics Joey!!
  11. really nice fish there!!
  12. nice fish Roger, love the lines.
  13. awesome report Joey and great photography!!! Did the gang manage a fish fry on tombstone this time? Nice musky Paul!!!
  14. My friend over on Pigeon was saying the exact same thing yesterday!! all the walleye have shut their yaps!! is it the sunshine and warm weather?
  15. looks like you guys had a blast out there!!
  16. Happy belated birthday Art!!!!
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