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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Has to be musky for me also. Nothing freaks you out more than a 46+ inch fish hitting your figure 8!!! They come out of thin air to hit the lure!! The anticipation for the hit is tremendous.
  2. Thanks Cliif. As Maureen indicated in a PM, maybe Beans can grab your balls Cliff and bring them to Lakair. One of the guys from Burlington, like Bite me, can bring them back and I can grab your balls at Pete's house. I will PM Beans and Bite me to see if they are willing to assist in getting your balls to me in Burlington.
  3. Cliff and Lew I appreciate the thoughts. I will not be up your way for a few more weeks so fair is fair. Pete if you want them and you are first to Cliff's then they are yours. Cliff I appreciate you holding them for me. My loss.
  4. That sucks Ranger Guy. I am heading up to the Kawarthas tomorrow to do the "milk run" should be great. Hoepfully there is some wind to hide us from those muskies especially if it is sunny outside. Slow presentation if these fishes have just finished spawning. I am going to start shallow and go deeper through the day. If casting does not produce then I will be trolling for them. I have seen muskies in less than 2 feet of water on a sandy beach warming them selves so don't be afraid of casting close to shore with a topwater bait.
  5. Keep going CH you will have the floor done in no time. I am just bouncing off of the walls waiting for opener!!!
  6. yep mini report for sure. How's the hangover?
  7. Suicks, spinner baits. yeah I sure do Lew!! HAHAHAHA that was some funny stuff.
  8. Start Sharpening those hooks!!
  9. First things first, find the fish!
  10. If there is one guy to pay attention to it would be Lew. Start shallow in the morning and work out toward deeper water in the afternoon. Spinnerbaits, suciks and whatever else you have will work. If the fish are biting they will hit anything. Good luck to all, I am already bouncing around!!
  11. I would also recommend Fishmaster charters. Steve does an excellent job of putting customers onto fish.
  12. Congrats Joey and Paul on buying a new home!!
  13. Nice to hear that a post helped people change. Smoke free and loving it.
  14. board rules John. "Spam will get you banned faster than anything else. Spam is any unsolicited business ad or offer. If someone happens to ask about a product or service you may offer, then you are of course free to mention it. If you come in here and spam, you will be given a pretty rude welcome by the population and it will only hurt your business! We have very reasonable ad rates and can set you up very quickly.Contact TJQ for ad rates." There have been 570+ hits of this post. I applaud Steve for posting his business on here and showing us some pictures to entice us even further. Richard Collins, An awesome muskie guide on the Ottawa, was banned for less than this. Maybe Steve owns part of the OFC which in turn allows him to get away with this stuff. Glen, you are right on the ball man. This post would have lasted 5 mins on this board 5 yrs ago.
  15. Good morning Joey, Happy a great birthday!!
  16. Well truth be told, While fishing with Lew, I would sit down and have a smoke and watch Lew at work. I quickly realized that he was getting 10 casts in at a minimun to my smoking a cigarette. No wonder he was out fishing me. I has nothing to do with him being a better muskie fisherman, no way! HAHAHAHAHA.
  17. Well I have to say that Champix worked for me. I am still cigarette free and plan on treating myself to a nice Shimano Tekota when I get out to JB's. I also felt gulity and ashamed that I was smoking and for what??look cool? feel cool? Well it's really not that cool at all. For those that want to quit go for it!! For those that have quit, way to go and you have the support of the entire fishing board to lean on!!
  18. Talk about increasing your post count!! Good to read about your life Pete, everyone should bare their sole ( mispelled intentionally) on the board.
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