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Everything posted by brickNblock

  1. LOL, Wendal, I have just tonight finished hooking up my new sonar unit and when I went to locate a placement for the transducer found thewre was 4 previous installations that were never siliconed/sealed.....could have added to my situation too... I just got in minutes ago from sealing these off as well.. I also gave the complete hull a TWICE OVER to check for anything else as well.....DANG!
  2. Well Cliff..my name is Pete and I need some balls..... LOL. Seriously... Im going to assume your talking Squid here. If Pete's already picked some up from another source and these become available Id like to be considered as the 'First Come, First Served" pete
  3. I had the boat out last night and there was no problems at all...after about an hour and a half trip w/30 min of it being WOT there was hardly a trickle to be pumped out. Thanks everyone for your thoughts on what might be , I took some advice and replaced the bilge plug. When I went into CTC w/ the old plug to compare sizes I thought the old one looked small and they didnt have my size.....So, off to the marina for advice and to spend three times as much. Turns out it was missing the nylon flap/collar, where the clevice folds down to lock and it was indeed split lengthways....like it had been run over or something. I dont know what else could have done that...(x3 spent with no problems this time) !WHEW!.....It had been taking water in, slowly but steadily...OK not so slowly.... I got to tell you the first time I noticed it it scared the begeeze out of me because when I came off plane there must have been so much water in the bilge that the boat shifted with the momentum of the water...which is why I had problems steering it and it dove to one side.... To say I was a little concerned would be an understatement. Thank-you all for your input. I dont think that was the original bilge plug from this boat anyway...it was to wore down/abused besides being cracked...(the crack was not all that visible but when pried or compressed it opened up) The boat is only 7yrs old... Ive a 14'tinny too, that is at least 25yrs old and there has never been an issue....I rechecked the tinny's plug and it was in better shape. Oh well...problem solved Thanks again folks.
  4. AWESOME awesome wife/boat/carp /job....it can only and will get better if'n you plug away at it. Congarats Bud and welcome back. bNb
  5. kemper,..she'll only get better Bud! At least you got the before/during and hold pic down and the memory of the moment that will last. bNb
  6. ...thanks Thomas, I will Have At It for sure....
  7. well johnyB, You are aware that Balsam is a great musky fsherie...so why not? Ive heard some pretty good reviews from Head Lake tho although I never ever fished it myself. On todays 'Lindner' show it tells everyone that they should try a never before, 'Fished by You'...lake or waterbody that you should make it a priority once a year...Why Not? ..just observe and look for what structure you should be on any other lake. bNb
  8. Well,...Father's Day came early Ive got to say.. ... what exellent thoughts and gifts from the family.... I'm not bragging so please dont take this wrong... just so freaking excited to use all these items.... From Charmaine: Lowrance LMS-522c iGPS..(Sonar,GPS/chartplotter) From the kids: 1/2 doz Zara Spooks (asst'd sizes), 80 and 100 lb Powerpro, Okuma SpinningReel w/ Compre rod for l/w casting 'eyes, RightSide planer board, Bulldawg from musky invovations, 13" Suick in firetiger and the new hooks from Mustad with the bent action shanks..(crikey, been doing that myself for a while now with just a pair of needlenose) From the Folks: Vivatar Binoculars and a flare gun. its going to be one heck of a weekend hooking all this up where it belongs and even better when the time comes to use it. Im really looking forward to the BBQ this weekend to top it all off...3 generations of dads..(hopefully no surprises that there may be 4 generations)...not yet anyway....aw..what the heck. Man, I must'a done something right this year..... It'll be a blast regardless just to get my dad out in the boat for a couple a hours as the best part of the weekend I think..it'll be a first in some years for sure....we'll be hitting the BOQ for some 'eyes. If my dad hits some walleye...Ill be posting the pics...I need that that memory..... Thanks for checking out my lil' proudness / happiness, please dont take it as anything else. pete
  9. Now that was a nice read..... Congratulations on your fish for the opener......
  10. Its has been said Bud, but 4th out 150....... WTG Mike....thats exellent ...congrats to your partner too, GlenK...
  11. Exellent news Bud!....... .....I am curious tho.....what size weight was that bucktail....or was it a bootail??? Unfortunately, Ill have to wait til nextweekend for my opener. WTG on yer first fish of the season.....I dont need a pic from you Bud!
  12. Newangler, you've had a lot of greeat suggestions Bud. John said........ Get a hold of buddy who sold you the boat and get him to show you if theres a lil trick to starting it...generally is on older motors. and, Brian (misfish)...those older motors dont all have the kill switch and are difficult to get parts for"... If thats the case you really need to get a motor a little newer for sure. I just got rid of the motor off my tinny...it was an 18hp ev and talk about something that would turn you off fishing all together....a real pain to get started.......WELL< I love fishing...so i got myself a newer motor. JMO
  13. WTG on the opener...Kinghtfisher Always an exellent start to the season. My trip was cancelled out at the last moment for a buddies health situation..(We;re hoping all will be alright)...so I found brownie point work to do in the yard, nextweekend ive made other plans...for my 'ski opener. Was wodering how everyone would have done with all this heat and wether or not the bite would be on. (I did mange a few very large OOS smallies off the dock this morning out back about 5am...near 3.5-3.75lb./all were safely and quickly released......)..this is my water and I do happen to know wether or not its a spawning area and it isnt...)..they were caught on small believers!.test driving them for next weekend....
  14. Now that is funny! Best of luck Raf.
  15. Not highjacking your thread Stoty, just didnt want to start another on a close topic. I can remember in Murray, Kentucky years ago the game wardens installed cardboard deer on the side of some backroads. Problem they had was OOS poachers that shot from the window of their trucks....they'd capture these guys on video......BUSTED!
  16. That is exellent news Chris as well exellent service you got. So, Is there a pic of the rods you made to seat them babies? and, like John said...."The handle apears to be on the wrong side "...Too Bad...they are sweet looking reels.
  17. .....in REMEMBERANCE! Thats all I'll say right now. What a period of time .....it should be one of our most important.... In my home, we will be remembering Thanks for posting......
  18. I heard Sinclair interviewed on the radio yesterday, the man truly sounded confused by all this was happening to him. Ignorance is Bliss.....lol, glad they nailed him.
  19. DANG.......DArn dial-up....cant get it at all...... Cliff....Im sure its just great bud....specially knowing your efforts into anything you do. I read the lyrics and they sound a lil country..aka John Bryant.........but I know your a rocker... OK..tommorow when Im back at the office Ill have the chance to hear it...... pete
  20. robv wish I could help ya more Bud! Ive a 115hp and i put $50 in each time I go out.. Never been out more then 4hrs yet tho..till this opener weekend anyway.. Ive a problem tho,..the freaking gas gauge doesnt work and you cant see the sides of the tank only the top.(Builtin) Ive checked everything electrical wise and cant find the problem..(Incl.Fuses)..my radio doesnt work either????? Everythng else works just fine....its a new to me boat...Ill have to take it in to find out for sure. Last time out I spent about 3 of the 4 hrs on the trolling motor so's it dont count...still the $50 went in. From past posts, Ive just heard that if your not full throttle all the time the consumption should be fine....or less. Is it a 4strk you have????? Wish I could have been of more help. bNb EDIT: the first time I put gas in it It took probably about twenty minutes pumping very, very slowly until the fuel in reached the top of the funnel I was using to just make sure it was completely full.
  21. H O L D F A S T............ You have my utmost respect Bud!!!!!!!!!!!! I can only wish I had the health...... I'm in my early 50's but have heard of others that have made it....the shape you must be in is foremost..mentally/physically. Bud, I live about 5km north of Trenton and the Armed Forces play a very large part in our town/community and everything that goes on it., and I have all the respect in the world for them and for.....FOLKS...JUST LIKE YOU !.... Them young'n soldiers truly need an inspiration such as your presence..it will go along way. God Speed..... and a Safe Return....Gotta love folk with the balls......WTG. bNb edit: ( I dont pray very much for things outside of family but,...YOU will be in mine from now on tho') 2nd Edit: SINCERELY
  22. A great Q HTHman..... I dont have an answer for ya tho pal....... I'd sure like to know tho..from them do know??????? Mine dont work like your'n tho' Got a 115 johnson main w/9.9 merc.... on the front end ive a 74lb minn kota..and have been wondering the same thing lately. Its enough that in semi calm waters to not just steer but propell the boat whre i wish to go. Great 'Q' EDIT: wheres Wayne when you need him?
  23. Well, Saric 1st..got the vids too ..(at least 3 mybe 4..love 'Muskys 'At the next Level) The Next Bite Lads 2nd..for info on eyes as well as musky.... Bob all the way....and, Charlie Wray is one of the best shows going IMHO...techniques/use of equipment,boat..hes got it all....just too much salmon lake trout happening for me but awesome otherwise. I dont fish bass either...but I love teh Exteme Team..... ..for some reason I just cant turn off Chronzey...... and,,,,,and, ???????????????????/ (never Henry or Italo for sure) but....... Petey from FNC... and..... "Son, that what Im talking about"......cant think of his name right now but his kids show is on right on or before his???...OK Roland Martin...thats the guy. Like Bob Mheskinomer (sp) too.......have to..got a few of his videos...(Anatomy of a musky lake and the Strike Zone) and of coarse.... Dave...got 2 of his vid's........and just generally like him in person but really dont like his shows..his vids are so much more serious without the AGAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...INSANITY .................. LIKE A WELL RESPECTED ...-PRO- from this board says........ "LEAVE THE SMILES ON SHORE"........ .....only thing I want to hear is......."Get the net"
  24. Eric, I'm a stickler for the Go-Too's.... -aplumma's suicks and store bought sledges as well the largest(mine) in-line spinners and a few more to boot, But, Bought the 001, 002, 017, 402 and 556 this year and took them for a swim last weekend checking them out troling eye;s. I hooked L-M almost every run, (OOS) but They sure looked deadly in the water. In/on the right conditions Im quite sure they'll do just fine. Nice to look at, nice action and they catch.......as for lunge......We'll see! I changed the splitrings and upgraded the hooks tho.... bNb
  25. J - E - A - L - O - -U - S EXELLENT DAY and..report Will. Loved the BBQ shot too! hey Bud.... Looking forward to when we get out together once more for sure. I'll be content leaving my boat at home provided were doing balsam again.
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