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Everything posted by brickNblock

  1. John,...you've a PM.
  2. My heart felt condolences to you Joey... This wont make you feel none the more at ease right now, but from those pic's, you can see the happy life that man was enjoying at that moment and its very clear it was from time being spent with a daughter hes very proud of & loves. Peace to you Joey.......
  3. Another great SK report. Rob, if I've the time to get onto the computer I drop in here and always look for Yours & Spikes reports...they just keep getting better all the time. If I drive out west next spring to visit my son in AB I intend on looking you up beforehand, just love to get out in the boat and wet a line with you two in a few of the lakes you fish. Keep these reports comming Bud..keep ém comming. -Peter
  4. #3- 11' heavy conventional glass rod with 50# mono hybrid line, 30 yards of 60# fluorocarbon, 7' of 140# stainless steal wire and 10/0 hook baited with 12" by 4" bluefish fillet. Ca-Roll....WOW!...that was one heck of a read....is was well worth all the time dial-up takes. I sat back afterward trying to picture the situation when just today I was out spooled w/#100 sumauri & #130 Seagaur for piddilly 40+"or so musky......NO COMPARRISON! Thanks for letting us in on this adventure of yours and Alex's.
  5. Gotta chime in onthis... ...................................I feel it is a duty of sorts.... If your asking where on Scugog can you catch muskellunge........Then it is no place at all for a 5yr old! Musky on Scugog are there for the taking in the smallish size BUT....its the small ones that do the thrashing when netted or brought boat side and they do the most damage. A little tip Dizzedevil, Go for 'lunge with someone else first who has experience... You will then be able to decide wether or not you'd like to have a 5yr old involved....... There are plenty of other species to fish for and even more important....the pan fish are also plentiful and will capture your sons attention for a mite........Even the most avid of 5yr olds...! You'd scare the begeeeze out of a 5yr old with a musky on your line if not handled properly........let alone yourself. They are like no other fish....... My rule of thumb... if my boating partner cannot handle a very large net or a decent pair of hook cutters they dont come period. You just may be too exhilarated durring the fight and forget what ends up...IT HAPPENS....SERIOUSLY No place for a 5yr old at all IMHO No Offence meant but, I thinks you need to read a little more about this species There are plenty of other species to be caught that will keep his attention if the interest is there Please rethink this plan and let us know how your day went.... Pictures are exellent... Peace
  6. Sorry no pic's, Thats pretty bad for my first post in maybe a year..... My truck has a blown engine (this week)...so the PrinceCraft sat in the driveway with no way to the water... I wasnt going to miss the opener so I took out the 14'ftr... Not thinkng that it would amount to much I didnt even bring a net never mind the camera... Loaded with 3 rods...2 Calcuttas and my Induron...(All lefties) spooled with #65,#85 & #100 all with Fluro leaders I went.... On arrival at my Fav spot soon as I pulled up, a very large 'ski in the 50"categorie just cruised by like I wasnt even there..(My knees started to shake) I tossed out one of my bucktails right away in the direction she was going about 20'a head without luck but, My very first cast with the Induron loaded with a JackPot she hit.....another 'ski.....soon as the bait touched down...no net, no camera but It didnt matter..it was opening day and I successfully brought her boat side ...re/re hooks and she was off.... Not even a minute afterward the boat 70-100'away boated another...47"...they didnt even get as far as releasing the beast when anothewr fella on the same boat picked the lottery with a 52ér...... I saw another 3 fish caught by the next 30min but that was it for the day....No more by me ! The wife and I went out a few more times as the day went on without luck..but there is always tommorrow...right! God, I love this season.... Ahhhhh....steaks are off the BBQ and the game is about to begin soon.....Pengy's/Wings... Love to all...............Pete Be safe please!
  7. I feel for you Dave. Hello all, been a while. Dave...I originally damaged my rotator cuff as so many others have reported...playing baseball..(That one hopper to throw the guy out on thrid from deep right field)..this was before the cutoff guy days. From being a tradesman most of my life I further damaged it...and then again in baseball later in life I dislocated it finally... Several years later I broke it and the collarbone in a soccer game....had a 13"brand new surgical stainless steel collarbone installed, w/ 7 screws. After approx 12mos of therapy I lived most painfree for about 12yrs until an accident at work left me with a torn (sp?) suspritus tendon(sp?). u]Complete diagnosis[/u]: Tendon tear that couldnt be repaired surgically as the steel was in the way, but they also found bone marrow degeneration...where removing then replacing the steel would be impossible due to the softness of the bone...also , disintegrated rotator cuff with bone spurs constantly making their way into the (sp?) Glenorum joint(sp?). I now have bursitus in the back shoulder blade, tendonitus and of course its arthritic through out the shoulder........end of my working days..period.. Recently, this past winter I had to give up on the ice fishing..sold my sled, hut, auger et al, as it was just to painful lugging everything around. Excuse the long story......(but true) I started off with 2 months of increasingly painful light therapy at a sports clinic owned by the ortho I was seeing for it....the therapist suggested something different altogether against the ortho's wishes or knowing.....TRIGGER POINT INJECTIONS....I had these injections for nearly 3 years accompanied with tylenol3's for the bad days.......it was working. The t-3's grew to percocets... Tired of the meds and countless injections...I returned to the family GP who reccommened other treatments which I still get to this day....and that is the (sp?) cortisteroid...that Moosebunk mentioned....approx 6 each 30 days. For about a 7-8 months he also had me on ....oxycontin.......then eventually ...100mg fentanyl.... The fenatnyl was the last straw......I was never a big man weight wise...but had dropped from about 170lbs to 126lbs by last November past....and that was with a full and proper diet....... (I failed to mention that there are many other injuries from my last work related one) I put my foot down and decided I didnt want to live like this anymore.........no more drugs..if I can get away with it. (the meds had...HAD..me at a point I couldnt do anything or motivate myself.....).... Well...since Dec1st/08.....I am now through with the fantanyl....and have retreated back down to the oxycontin, ....but have dropped from 80mg...to 5mg....... ...in a very proud 3 months /1 week....I have seen my weight climb slowly, ...real slowly back up to 145lbs so far.(from 126lbs)...... ....and counting....... They figure Ill have the injections for life..and they work for me!.....I cant wait for the day to come where there are no further meds however..... Ive given you my story on the shoulder and I suppose the real thing is...see a specialist....an ortho for the shoulder but get 2 opinions....They cant make an informed opinion without the x-rays...mri's....yes they did that to me with the steel in...couldnt beieve it... But where they found the most damage was by the results from the Ultra sound... Stay away from Chiro's......far away.... most importantly..if you must have meds for the pain.......be freaking careful and think.......just because they are prescribed...doesnt neccessarily mean they are for you or that they are even required all that much. I pray you heal sufficiently that pain is not an everyday all day item for you...but what I have learned is that in some cases it is now a part of life to be managed. Peace...
  8. Great report Shane! Been a long time Bud.....How the heck you feeling these days....I hope a full recovery was the end of the story. I dont know exactly when, but I will make it up this winter for some whitely action for sure....Ill be in touch long before that day.. Its got to be a trade off though...I'd like to see you and wifey out my way on Quinte for some walleye action on the ice too.. Theres room at the inn now that we've renovated so you dont have to worry about returning the same day. Take care Bud...we'll talk soon Pete BTW...seasons greetings and a safe NewYears buddie...Sincerely Glad your still up on your feet slaying them and enjoying your new water ride. Drop me a PM when you've the chance.
  9. Bernie Chris Lew Roy Ploywog GCD Thanks for your replies fellas....Ill have to get this dialup PC scenario changed as soon as we get the new tower out here for broadbend internet...no high sped out here. Anyway, Ya guys...Ive always a spare everything on the boat and a prop I do have. I will get at changing this up later today...and give it a shot. The boat right now is out of the water but it wouldnt take much then a couple of secs to getér back in....I didnt want the season to be over just yet and yeah Lew...m,y son was really looking forward to this...he had booked off work about a month in advance for this outing as was I for his company..I dont see him near as much. Im going to effect this change today and Ill let you know how it goes.......... Thanks for the heads up... Certa9inly would be very decent if all it is....
  10. Hey bernie....... I should have known better to just contact you directly... it indeed was readinng 4500-6500... The engine was running very hard and loud...like it anted to but wouldnt go into the next gear but I dont think we maxed out the first gear yet. the roller waves were strong and we just didnt take any chances hiting the big water..... We could have gotten out to it in reverse however but that was not a comfortable alternative at all. I dont know if it was this way before but there seemed to be extra 'BUBBLES comming from just above the prop...ro. Perhaps it was like that always and meant to be but it deff. was the first time Ive noticed it as I raised the motor /pprop just to the below the surface and reved 'er to check for anything but just seemed to be more bubbles then usual..... I have no idea....to me it sounds like it could possibly be any number of things but Im a bricklayer afterall and what exactly do I know about boat motors to this extreme....... Bernis, any input would be greatly appreciated.
  11. A question for them that may know........ I have a 2002 ...115hp/2strk/Johnson Tried to meet up w/ Gerritt and Joe last weekend at the Adolphus Reach... My son and I launched event free out of the Glennora launch across the water after the ferry. Whilst waiting for my son to park the truck I had to reverse considerably considering the position and traffic on water also the downpour we experienced... Reverse was no probs... I picked up my son after the few other boats launced nd then went on to meet up w/G and Joe but found I had no speed... The tach was reading 45-65 and top speed was about 8-10mph.......... tried reverse....15 +mph.....started to take on water..stopped...throttle down in forward... the same freaking thing....8-10mph... Any ideas out there......????????We never did meet up w/G and Joe as I didnt dare very far away from the launch in rough water that the trolling motor couldnt get us out of.... Our day was shortened greatly....we jigged the area but considering the weather just called it quites...it sucked. Man where we P-O'offed........ Any ideas out there what it may be??????? thankpeter
  12. one more thing.... I only have the one low-profile baitcaster...its one of the okumas.. the rest are the round baitcasters..they fit nicer into my hands... Most all my rods are compres and 1 pc M-H or H except for the okumas which just use okuma rods but the line counetr rods are either compres or st.croix of one model or another depending on the application... again...besides chris's rods...the best I ve felt out ther are the new to us Kistler selction....a litle pricey but well worth the ease of your fishing day as faras as stress on your elbows and such. I think Ill have another beer...I see my spelling and thought process isnt what it should be...G'night. and bestOluck to you.
  13. Edited: Lets just say say it was way too long..... I have changed over everything to baitcaster except my jigging and casting walleye reels/combo's. Always a shimano guy...I have the new Okuma round baitcasters very, very much tomu liking matched with their okuma rods. I do not have a SPIEL rod yet but have used one and the closest I have found to them commercially is either the okuma line of rods or one of the new to us 'KISTLER' line....a lil picey but...what isnt. For all mu shimano baitcasters I use almost nothing but Compres///1 pce and eithe M or M-H with the odd StCroix tossed in Im happy with what Ive got...more so then the sapincasting gear I used to throw.. If you'd like more info drop me a PM.
  14. Hey Joe.... sorry to hear ya got the pain thingee too from them baits. Maina, Saric and Meshikomer(sp) all spell the same thing...the right rod for the right bait for many, many reasons...but they never stress the STRESS on the elbow..and it does ache after 6hrs 'specially if your hard at it the very next day..usually thre very first retrieve... Joey, the only thing I can add to the long list you havefrom others.. is....that I match the rod to the bait and actually find it less stressful on the all the body parts but any sort of repitition is going to find a way to kill the joints.... I know you love the sport like the rest. of us so ..'GRINnBare it'........well, NOT EXACTLY.. I find if I take a 'lil hockey tape...(the white stuff)...and tape it just above and below the elbow and then again at my wrist it relieves the pain until you take it off. I tape it with about 2 wraps at each location but not too tightly after the 3rd day of CHUCKING. Then again if I really know we'll be heading out to a decent water where we will be catching instead of fishing Ill go for a cortizone shot about 3-4 days prior to the trip. I get the shot right in the elbow joint and INSTANTLY the pain is gone but it does return shortly after the trip is over but you know what...... The entire experience wether it be 1 long hard day or 3-4 days is completely pain free...... It does come back to bite ya in the butt tho.......... For me..it works and ...I dont miss the opurtunity for that kind of trip for anything. (No offence to the pro's I mentioned please.....I belive what they /you...say....correct rod for the matching bait , weight and....APPLICATION. Hope it was of some help GAL...... Geeze, we'd like to spend some time with you two sometime...perhaps over the winter out our way... peteNcharmaine.
  15. Happy B-E-L-A-T-E-D sire....... Ya I missed it...sorry Bud...been super busy at school...its the first miss in near 6years....crikeky!!!!!!. Anyway Bud...I hope your day was just awesome. .so here'S to one of the finest: .....FIREFIGHTERS .....FATHERS .....HUSBANDS ....................MUSKY HUNTERS .....and someone I can rely on to tell me something straight...even if I dont like it ......You are a friend Lew...thanks Bud! Betcha the wimmins gotcha something real decent.......
  16. Crikey man... I just loked at where your from...the Sault.... Just just over the boarder into the States and you should get your blades there...... Not sure exactly where but I got to tell you the most available parts for just this are most likely right in this area,... Know anyone from just over the boarder...I'd be all over it... Your in prime fishing territory.....for all seasons. GoodLuck pete
  17. Im a smoker too G and even I dont think I could have handled all that second hand smoke Bud! Gerritt....your really a classy guy bud..(dont worry, I'll not tell anyone one, wouldnt want to take anything away from that gruff, tough dude exterior) I couldnt believe you actually held on to...and returned me....Boots, I had lent Cory some 2 years back. I had replaced them myself but there is just something decent about old friends you were used to...Thanks man! Secondly...You and your crew had a full load going home and ...(PayBack can be a 'B') ... You fellas found the room to drive one of my son's back to the big smoke from Quinte saving me the trip...that was particularly awesome of you.....again..A HUGE FREAKING THANKS. I dont know if you'll get this post but...How did you find the breakfeast at the 10AcreTruckStop ?? I could see you folk were a 'lil under the 'Hair'Othe Dog'...... I love it there and eat brekky there near 3-4 times a week.....plentiful and affordable....did I say great food too!. (anyone out Quinte way from the west should stop by this place for a bite..even go out of your way...NO SPAM HERE...its see-able from the 401...Wallbridge-Loyalist Rd...1st ramp exit off the 401 west of Belleville to the south) anyway...... Just wanted to say a big thanks man.......and please G...get this to Joe.... A big thanks for picking me up them planer boards......I really ticked right now with the boat and wont be using them til next year til I get thatt engine looked at. WTG and again...huge thanks Bud.... hope to see you out this way on the ice this season...ya got my number! -pete
  18. Pike guy, Dont know if they're still open but, 'RERRIES'...in the east end of Toronto used to stock just this type of 'HardtoGet' article...Ive gotten replacement items in days gone by from them and exactly for ice augers....GOOD LUCK! .......I have my Jiffy now and are happy as can be with the extra coin spent. NOW.....if I can just find Gerritts post from a week ago.......(Ive been off line since.)
  19. WTG Mark....it wouldnt happen to be one fine looking bass water machine would it?...ahahaha Mo, OK ,..I'll drop you a Pm when we get close as I know you'll be super busy... We're good to go.
  20. Well, my son called and asked if I wanted to do the last 2 days of Musky fishing the Kawarthas.. and after reading 'FishNsled's",... post, it is exactly what we were going to do...except Pigeon rather than Balsam. One message from Gerritt and we are doing Quinte with `ya all..... Shouldnt take me longer then a quick whizz to re-rig the boat...and the gear.` The wife and I have fished "The Reach", quite a bit recently and last time out we lost a board and the other we lost a snap connectio"n on another board. ....no offence but...(fishing with my better half)... Seems no one has anymore boards out my way... (I'd like to add that I live in Quinte....and there are no boards available....they have all been sold out at last I looked...and its no wonder)) Anyone have an extra set...I'd gladly purchase them. Drop me a line and let me know...otherwise we'll see Ya'll at the launch. OK...Im begging now....I need a set of boards...Limit of $100 left/right.... Gerritt...bring them boots sir...bring ém...if you didnt get my PM..lemme know where your staying..K bud. Everyone have a very safe, fun and successful weekend. bNb
  21. I think the others covered it very thoroughly.......act quickly. If youve already done all the pre-lim's -hows it heated -whats the foundation like -is it town water or well..and if its well..whats it like???? -Whats the roof like, insulation, windows,etc...etc..... There is just too darn much to mention , but before you fall in love with it...have it checked by a pro for everything....Septics can be a big 'B We..I should say my wife..searched Nsearched for dang near 3years for our place...and we travelled from Sturgeon Falls"..... (TJ wouldnt have us) .........to Huron (Goderich) but found this .. 1 acre lot on the Trent river system 5 locks above Bay of Quinte. for sale for taxes owed plus the diff.....thers a pic of it in my Avatar.. If the place blew over we would rebuild...if it burnt down we would rebuild but we will never move,,.... It truly is heaven on earth and in the warmer days of the season...when you waken and step out with java in hand and look around out back........You feel like your on vacation every single freaking day...(still) BeautifulNbreathtaking. We wish you success.................beware of the house needs tho....it'll hit you hard in the pocket book and any sort of renovation in some areas with waterfront is difficult. All the Best with your decision.. I certainly hope it is all you want... peter
  22. Mo, How are you?............Been a While! I remember a little OFC Board Flak over some measurements I had done in a post about 5-6 years ago and to prove my prowess at this fine art now, I'd like to volunteer as the Ófficial Measurér'.....-JOB TAKEN- I'll toss my usual prizes in too... (4 Monster Size Musky - In-Line Spinners), as 1 prize... A very small donation to what YOU have grown this event into but a prize just the same. (Folks, the prize table is HUGE) We will be there with a party of 3 this year and if all goes as planned it should include my brothers which brings us up to a party of 9 altogether. Truly looking forward to this upcomming event for Tyler`cause. You take care Mo`....and bring in more folk.. ...........................no need for you to do -EVERY 'dang' thing. pete My Edit: (Mo...PM me if there is anything you wish to add or...well, just or)
  23. Will, Congrats on a successful day..... You sure didnt have this poor luck prior to this day when we have gone out.... I betcha your buddies Ken NGerry will think twice next time and just the fact that they witnessed your catches, 'Me Thinks they'll be turned on to the hunt now. Cliff shouldnt worry about the messages 'Right Cliff"...better then none. Hey Bud, when your certain, give me a shout about what setup you'd like in the baits. Blade colour,Boo/hair, trebsNsingle or all trebs..(I actually prefer having a larger single at the end..plastics attachNlook great and ease in hook removal.... Lately Ive been using 10/0 singles for the last hook with, 8/0-trebs 1st and 7/0 trebs in the middle.......... .........------'KEEPÉM SHARP'------........! Will, that 2nd pic with the head shot is awesome.....If its OK with you Im going to enlarge that pic for my wall. We'll getTOgethernext year........'Perhaps the Opener? Great Day out Bud, take care pete (Usually, about every 10 casts I bring out the file..for a couple a quick strokes to keep the edge)
  24. George, I've honestly no experience with the hotmaps but have heard great things about them but that being said I do have the Navionics Gold......and I love it. It is the GreatLakes version and Maritimes. I llive in Quinte so having the bay and this area is important to me but I also get all the Kawarthas, Lake of the Woods and ...........to there, as well just about every other water body I normally fish. I find the depths and land/water boundries are quite often incorrect as well a lot of depths but we get along.
  25. Sorry I cant comment on the Luna300 but the Calcutta TE is one of my confidence reels, ......and Im a lefty so its 401. On the other hand,,Okuma has a nice reel similar to the Calcutta for about 1/3-1/2 the price and also one of my confidence reels. Its the Okuma Induron 301 ($150) of pure magic. I do0nt know much about Luna as I had said but Shimano as well Okuma have better then great waranties. my $0.02
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