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Everything posted by Rizzo

  1. isn't it currently wide open?
  2. beauty!
  3. haha that was great...I need a dog...2 dang cats running around here like they own the place
  4. to me it did look quite catchable and I guess the broadcaster felt so too. I believe his quote was "He catches that 100 out of 100 times". Because I have no clue who Welker is, I'm basing my opinion on that one specific moment. If he catches that ball it has a huge influence on the game. The drive continues, and either they chew up a whole bunch more time or they get a td themself. Great for Welker for being the reason they got to the superbowl, but that miss was the turning point in my opinion.
  5. Memo to self - start calling my shed a yurt and see if I can get someone to rent it...just kidding, looks like a decent set-up but in the first picture where you just see the outside its exactly what went through my head
  6. not a big fan but did watch a bit. That guy Weller? Welker cost the Pats the game with that dropped pass with a few minutes to go
  7. looking forward to some fishing reports SS
  8. I remember as a kid we would kneel on the breakwall and just feel around in the water and pull out suckers with our bare hands
  9. little lake in Barrie or Lake St John near the casino
  10. only thing more slippery than that hill is the whitie itself
  11. we had similar results a week ago. Tons of fish, but the ones 11" and up were very scarce. Personally, I can't keep an 8" perch. After my hack job of fileting there'd be nothing left
  12. what a beaut, congrats on the pb
  13. buy some suckers, buy some cheap tip ups. Attach sucker to tip up via line/hook, sit and wait for flag to pop up. Pretty much all it takes the spots I fish
  14. Can something be repo'd that has already been paid for? IE - Can you take my blue Leisure Suit with the nice ruffles because I never paid you for the 2 Disco Balls in my bedroom or can you only go after my balls?
  15. that's some key information that was initially missing. At first I thought your move was quite drastic, now I understand it better. Either way, still probably not worth it. I say drop off the rod at his house, and see if he man's up and tracks you down to repay you. If he doesn't he's not worth your friendship imo
  16. ya I drove by there yesterday and saw all that junk. I'd say the same, good on people for at least bringing it back to the garbage can, but when you see its full take it home!
  17. how much do you want for the combo
  18. If you were looking to get paid and he wasn't ponying up I would have cut my losses and stop taking him before it got too out of hand. After two trips of nothing I would have cut the guy loose...when he calls to find out why just be honest...fishing is expensive and you have a few people who help you cover the costs. If he wants to fish again he'll do the same! As far as "more than half" this is actually reasonable in my opinion but not easy to enforce. After all, you pay the insurance, tune-ups, new tires etc etc for the boat/trailer...its just hard to ask for more than half. Usually I go half half with people, but then let them buy me a coffee and bagel when we stop. The odd coffee/bagel is nowhere near my cost for operating the boat and keeping it on the road, but its better than nothing
  19. man do I miss ocean fishing. The power of the fish make a smallmouth bass look like a pansy. I once hooked a sailfish about 100 feet from the boat. Mate told me I've got a 45 minute fight on my hands. Didn't believe it until the thing was hundreds of feet away in a matter of seconds. Next 30 minutes was earn a foot, give back 11 inches...by the time I finally got it to the boat I was sooooo done with it!
  20. I took a drive by today, quite a few cars for a weekday I thought, don't any of you guys have jobs!
  21. decent pike, nicely done
  22. good thing it doesn't get icy there
  23. man what a fish. Makes me think one of these days I'll have to try the lake trout thing
  24. that's great! I have 4 little guys who show minimal interest in fishing, I hope someday I'll have days like that
  25. too many perch with bloated swim bladders plugging up the hole!
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