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Everything posted by G.mech

  1. You simply cannot compare the two mathematically; one is a unit of power and one is a unit of force. Without a time or velocity component, the two are like comparing apples and oranges.
  2. I carry these hand held skyblazer arial flares in the small boat since they are a little less bulky than the gun and shell kit. They launch to 450' and fit easily into the glove box, your orange can of crap safety kit, or even your life vest pocket. http://www.westmarine.com/buy/orion--skyblazer-ii-aerial-flares-four-pack--10344976
  3. Wife told me she just wanted me to be happy.... she got her wish and a new drill press for her birthday! I was happy. Amazingly, we're still married.
  4. Not to mention the other Tyrants they overthrew (or helped overthrow) in various other places such as Libya. Unfortunately, some of these tyrants were the reason worse people weren't in power to begin with...they weren't very nice people but they had the bad assess under control.
  5. I trust you sensed the sarcasm in my comment...it's hard to show in writing unless you type the sarcastic points in yellow text or something....
  6. Sorry Mr B, I didn't mean to come across like that. My point was that there are all kinds of conflicting numbers floating around and nobody really seems to have a good grip on all this. The 1.2B number for the first 25,000 refugees was published in a number of papers yesterday by the CP but who really knows what the real numbers are now or, more importantly, what they will be in the end. Another CP report states the numbers you posted which were released by the feds and don't include everything. I just don't like the fact that we can commit to a program like this in a big rush without fully understanding the true costs financially or socially. Hopefully somebody in Ottawa has the facts straight. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/11/19/cost-of-syrian-refugee-plan-pegged-at-12b-over-six-years.html http://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/2015/11/24/feds-push-back-refugee-deadline-to-february
  7. Your news facts are wrong. The 6 year cost is reported at $1.2 Billion and was budgeted at $250 million.
  8. Just for fun, I left my portable GPS turned on in my suitcase when I went to the airport one time...my max speed is now 850 km/h!!
  9. Sail has 15% off sales quite regularly. Their price on Minn Kota stuff is very competitive to begin with and when you save the extra 15 points you can't beat it. I shopped around all last winter and that was the best deal going including shopping in the US.
  10. Xplornet is doing all kinds of upgrades. They used to just have satellite transmission which was pretty crappy but they now have ground based 4G wireless service which is much, much better if you're in range. They are also getting two new satellites next year which will blow away their old satellite service and it will be available virtually anywhere in Canada. I've been looking in the wireless 4G and apparently it's pretty decent. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/xplornet-plans-unprecedented-expansion-of-high-speed-internet-to-all-of-rural-canada/article19798876/
  11. I run Telus Smarthubs at my rural home and also for my construction site offices and it works fairly well. The speed is decent and they are very reliable and simple to set up and move. The big drawback is that on most plans you are limited to 10GB/month and anything over that is crazy expensive. It is great for general internet browsing and such but you certainly couldn't use it for streaming movies, large downloads or Netfilx. When my 2 kids are home from university in the summer we often eat up our 10GB even when we're careful about usage. I have been looking into Xplornet myself for home and apparently the recent upgrades to 4G wireless are really good. The plans are limited but at 250GB or 500GB/month which is a huge improvement over the Telus and Rogers hubs.
  12. If he was paddling in the river on Thursday as the story suggests I'm sure it was flowing pretty fast after the monsoon on Wednesday. There's undoubtedly a lot of rocks and debris to bounce off between where he launched and Leslie St....he likely floated 50 km or so and was still alive after two days. Pretty amazing actually but unfortunately he didn't make it to tell the story. Very sad.
  13. I bought a set of mud lites for mine to use in the summer and then studded the crap out of the stock tires for ice fishing. Good studs are amazing on ice but don't run them on your asphalt driveway....
  14. Here's a link to the CBC report. https://youtu.be/2TIbOKGCGOA No comment beyond that.
  15. No worries Cliff, I have been having 'moments' myself lately and I really thought maybe it was me again....not this time I guess but I'm sure it won't be long!
  16. I'm confused....the OP has a link to a Honda diesel car engine...what's the connection to electricity costs?
  17. That bear must be extremely hard of hearing. Whether an animal understands english or not, it would surely run away if it heard that ungodly racket. If you look closely, you can see the wake of the fish dashing out of the inlet in the background.
  18. I would have thought this was true without looking but these stats don't really support this explanation. In the list of deaths per capita by state, New York and California are near the bottom of the list and most of the top 10 are more 'rural' states. http://kff.org/other/state-indicator/firearms-death-rate-per-100000/
  19. Just to set the record straight, lead shot was banned for hunting migratory birds in 1999 (16 years ago). Lead shot is still legal for other purposes, is readily available and is widely used for many things as are full choke barrels.
  20. Couldn't resist posting this. No matter which side of the fence you're on it's a pretty funny statement on guns and home security from Jim Jeffries, an Ausi comedian... DANGER, contains coarse language: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OZIOE6aMBk
  21. Rather than a bearing kit, I just bought a whole hub assembly packed the bearings and sealed it up with my vacuum sealer. It's not much more than a kit and a lot easier to change the whole thing on the roadside than trying to change bearings, seals etc. Another thing I learned the hard way is that the lug nuts can become seized and impossible to remove with a tire wrench. Now I loosen them a re-torque them every spring just to be sure.
  22. Here's the rating and pressure chart from Carlisle. The OP's tires should be run at 50 psi assuming they are LRC (load rating C) model not the LRD's. You will find the trailer pulls a lot easier too at the correct pressure. In all honesty your tires should dry up, crack and die of old age long before they wear out on these light boat trailers as long as the inflation and alignment is right. They don't brake.steer, or accelerate, they just kind of tag along for the ride and should last a very long time. http://www.carlisletransportationproducts.com/product/tires/trailers-toy-haulers-towables/sport-trail
  23. Under inflation will wear both outside shoulders of the tire. Over inflation will wear the centre of the tire. Inside or outside shoulder wear is caused by alignment problems which, on a trailer, is usually a bent axle. One tire wearing inside and one outside indicates that the axle is not mounted squarely. I have seen trailer axles bend from guys putting a jack under the middle which would cause both tires to wear on outside shoulders. If only one tire is wearing on one shoulder, I would suspect that the axle on that side is bent somewhere around the leaf spring or on the spindle itself. A trailer shop should be able to straighten it fairly close without replacing it. A bad bearing would do it too but would be pretty obvious.
  24. Maybe you should turn yourself in then if you're that sure of all the details....
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