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Everything posted by G.mech

  1. Well now, just when you think you have it all figured out, these headlines pop up: Canada misses medal round at WJHC the Leafs are above .500 & 8-2-2 in their last 12 Bernier gives up only 1 goal in the last 7 periods, Babcock says Reimer's back in ASAP John Scott is team Captain at the All-Star game, Crosby misses the show It's a crazy hockey world we live in.....
  2. Too funny! I've never messed with a mink before but I think I'd be letting him have a walleye rather than eat my fingers....
  3. Not meaning to split hairs but the NHL is now less than 50% Canadians about 20% Americans and 30% Europeans (& others). It has changed dramatically in the last 30 years which may account for the game becoming more 'Europeanized'. Here's a chart with the past and present breakdown: http://www.quanthockey.com/TS/TS_PlayerNationalities.php
  4. Oh yes, I forgot about Chedoke. The quads are all NHL sized (85' wide). I was looking for a big sheet for a summer program and couldn't find one, Chedoke didn't have summer ice which is why I was SOL.... Sorry for the minor hi-jack of the thread...... now back to team Canada!
  5. Not questioning your statement but I just wondered which arena had big ice in the hammer?
  6. If you're at an intersection with a left turn signal this may be true but at most intersections the walk signal and green light are both on simultaneously. If you are turning left you could be crossing the path of a pedestrian crossing on the green. It really has nothing to do with the new law I guess since it doesn't apply at intersections anyway.
  7. Despite what has been covered in some articles, this does not apply at intersections with traffic lights, just the 'School Crossings' and designated 'pedestrian crosswalks'. The media and government did a horrible job communicating this which is why there is so much confusion. Here's a link with a good explanation: http://www.therecord.com/opinion-story/5789120-road-ahead-i-got-it-wrong-no-crosswalk-changes-are-coming/
  8. I saw that on the early edition too but they made it clear(er) on the later segments that it DOES NOT apply to crosswalks at intersections.
  9. Sail normally stocks the Terrova 80/60/US-2 with I-pilot which sounds like what you are looking for isn't it? I shopped hard for one last year and their regular price was very competitive on these and they had them in stock in Burlington. I waited until the 15% off store wide sale in February and pulled the trigger then.
  10. There is one down side to credit cards; that is that the banks are making a killing off them even if you pay down your balance every month. The banks charge retailers between 1.5-3% of every purchase and although you won't see it on your bill, it is tacked on the price of the products in the stores. They offer you points and rewards so you keep filling their pockets without you seeing it. Hypothetically, if everyone stopped using cards and retailers actually passed along the savings, you would be far better off in the long run and the banks record profits may take a minor hit but we all know this will never happen.
  11. This isn't Ontario but very cool regardless.... http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/clear-lake-becomes-see-through-skating-rink-thanks-to-perfect-conditions-1.3356031
  12. I'm not sure how the weight distribution is different between that rack and the receiver mounted one; it's all carried on the rear springs of the ATV. I'm not sure how removable that unit is either for when you put it in the truck...
  13. The 407 sell off was bad but its use is optional and really only affects a few people in the province. Wait til the dust settles on the current Hydro 1 selloff....you may be looking for a different headstone.
  14. Well that's easier said than done if you have to do that commute every day. After about 7am, the 407 saves about an hour on the trip from Burlington to Weston Road, depending on traffic of course, it could be more. Same thing on the way home. The cost of the trip is about 18 bucks each way. If you were losing two hours on top of your work day & commute every day of your life, you'd be on it too. I hate the thing myself but given the rest of the highways are a mess every day during the rush ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I did it for 5 years and tried every trick in the book to beat the tolls, avoid the traffic and everything else but unfortunately, they've got a lot of people by the short and curlies.
  15. No worries Wayne, it would be interesting to see the article though if you do find it. We had lots of discussions with the MNR over the years over what constitutes 'camping' vs 'structure' and eventually we gave up the good fight...resistance was futile.
  16. They will charge you for that too, I think it's $280 bucks for not having your plate visible. It's under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act and they nail people all the time....drivers with tinted plate covers get the same treatment
  17. I don't think I ever said I was happy with it....if your going across the city in rush hour, there really isn't much of an option.
  18. I commuted to the North end of Toronto for a few years when the 407 was first opened and still owned by the province. I used the 407 daily to miss the Burlington Mississauga mess and still use it fairly regularly unless I can avoid it by travelling in off hours. At that time the 403 to Burlington stretch didn't exist, it was only 2 lanes from the 403 to Mississauga Road and 3 lanes the rest of the way. I continued to use it after it was sold and the ETR extended on to Burlington. Since then, it has been expanded tremendously. It is now minimum 3 lanes and 4 & 5 lanes in many of the busier areas. The highway is generally very safe with wide shoulders and very well maintained. The OPP that patrol the road are a separate division and paid for by the 407 consortium that own it and the highway maintenance is also paid for directly by the 407. I have had a few billing issues (especially the trailer double billing thingy) but they were all resolved fairly easily. With that said, I have mixed feelings on the whole toll road thing. On one hand, I wish is wasn't so expensive and I wish the province hadn't sold it. On the other hand, I highly doubt that any of the expansions would have been done (at least as soon as they were) and doubt very much that the highway would be maintained half as well as it is if the Province was in charge. I think that those who can afford to use it will continue to use it as long as it's fast and convenient and there is lots of people doing so especially at rush hours. I would hate to see all those cars diverted onto the other highways in the area, it would be a disaster.
  19. I think you're gonna need a bigger garage.....no point letting fear or common sense hold you back!
  20. You're in a bit of a pickle Emil but maybe you can ditch the sled idea altogether. I have a reese hitch on my quad and if I'm travelling light I just put my cargo rack on the back of the bike and forget the sled. You can carry all kinds of gear even with the 2-up seat on it. If I still want to tow the sled or the tow-behind clam, I made a little hitch on the back of the cargo rack and tow it behind too. You do need to make sure your exhaust is not blowing on your stuff though or things get melted....don't ask how I know. The cargo rack comes off easy when you load the atv in the truck and takes up hardly any space at all.
  21. There is a difference between camping on crown land and placing a structure on crown land. You can camp without a permit but you must move every 21 days. You need a permit to place a 'structure' on crown land. Under the crown land use act, a houseboat is considered a 'structure' which means you need a permit to place it there in the first place. Since permits are rarely issued anymore it makes it pretty difficult to do legallly.
  22. I was looking in the Crown Land Use Act and it does consider a house boat a 'structure' which means you need to have a permit to erect it on crown land (or water in this case). Land use permits are nearly impossible to get anymore so I think you would likely run into problems with the MNR if you left it on the lake. This is an interesting case though....
  23. I'm kind of surprised it won't self-prime but the pump does discharge out the top and then turn back down to the heater which will make it prone to air lock and very hard to bleed the air out. Try plugging off the jets in the tub and hook your shop vac to one of them, it will likely pull the water up and around the loop allowing the pump to prime (you wanted a crazy idea right??). if that's the problem you may have to add an air vent to the line between the pump and the heater for when you re-fill.
  24. That's where it all started; they gave her the antibiotics and told her to go to the family doctor as they were unable to perform the 'procedure' for whatever reason....
  25. My daughter had a badly infected toe nail which she had to have removed in the fall. They tried antibiotics for 2 weeks but it was getting worse by the day and had to be dealt with. The two options we were given were to wait 8-12 weeks for it to be done under OHIP by the family doctor or go pay to have it done at a Podiatrist the same week. It was not covered by OHIP & cost about 400 bucks but with the bad infection she simply couldn't wait or she would have had gangrene or blood poisoning by the time it was treated (OHIP would have covered the treatment for these though no problem.... ).
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