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Everything posted by G.mech

  1. Turn off your Auto Updates, problem solved....
  2. Agreed, he still has some growing up to do but I'm pretty sure Babs will help expedite that process...
  3. Start menu>>>Control Panel>>>Windows Update>>>>>Change Settings From the dropdown box select which way you want to do it (anything but "download an install updates automatically" will put you back in control). If you're on a limited internet service you're best to select 'check for updates but let me choose when to download and install them'. This also prevent them from installing 10 without permission.
  4. Reportedly, Kadri's deal is worth $27M and Rielly's is worth $30M. They have certainly signed worse deals in the past....not mentioning any names.
  5. once you cut the side out of tank to let the propane out it's perfectly safe & legal!
  6. Babs just admitted in the pre-game interview that they have not been trying to match lines aggressively in the last few weeks as they normally would. He also said that all the players are expected to compete 100% though. That's about as close as anyone has ever come to admitting they are okay losing.....
  7. They certainly wouldn't become repeat offenders!!
  8. Hopefully you get the explosion on video too! That would be waaaay cool! Likely wouldn't happen but something about wiring up a sparking device to your gas cap just doesn't feel right to me.....
  9. I liked Babcock's comment a couple of weeks ago when the tanking issue came up at the post game presser....it was something to the effect 'I like to pick first, everybody does, but I like to win every night too. The thing to remember is though, if you mess with the system, the system will mess with you'. I really don't think anyone is throwing games.
  10. Maybe it should be a fan vote for the top 3 picks....it worked for the All Start game didn't it???
  11. All the teams still go in the draft lottery, nobody secures first pick based on standings you only better your odds a bit by taking a dive.
  12. Wow that makes 26 for the year!!! He's the man. http://www.thehockeynews.com/blog/penguins-phil-kessel-the-most-overrated-player-according-to-player-poll/
  13. I had trouble with mine too and installed the Marinco twist lock plug and have not had any issues since. FWIW I used 6 Ga wire which is overkill for the 24V motor but whatever..... The ones I had trouble with were called 'Rig Rite' and I had two complete meltdowns... http://www.marinco.com/en/12vcps2
  14. But you keep defending Kessel at $10 million dollar this year and his career stats are no better.....he is 56th in points with (56 points) playing with the premier centermen he always complained about not having ... The plus side for Phil is, he will never get injured they way he plays unless he fans a big one timer and fall on his a$$ again.
  15. I checked with a friend of mine who is a pilot and camp owner based in Sault Ste Marie and he tells me Lee is living on St Joseph's Island East of the Sault but that he is no longer operating.
  16. Not sure if this helps or not but at least it will help you find it...: http://media.channelblade.com/EProWebsiteMedia/3506/Late%20model%20Optimax%20outboard%20Guardian%20warning%20horn%20chart.pdf
  17. Oh NO! We have turned this perfectly good NF thread into a fishing related thread.....how did that happen????
  18. 12" tires I wouldnt' worry too much about, buy a spare and drive 'em until they fall off. Bigger tires are more of a concern
  19. We used to run a paint stick across the racing tires to see the same thing in only a lap or two rather than having to do a whole run and get tire face temperatures...works pretty good. Honestly though, trailer tires should see very little wear since they don't accelerate, brake or steer. Goodyear even says that you can over-inflate trailer tires by 5-10 lbs over the sidewall if you're running over 100kmh on the highway to keep heat down and improve mileage. I do that and don't see any sort of uneven wear at all unless the tires are very, very old. I'm thinking wormdunkers tires may be underinflated; I'd go to at least the max or even 5 psi more, it really won't hurt anything on a trailer tire.
  20. Mine are off so I stayed home today....HELLLLLLOOOOO extra long weekend!!!
  21. Tire worn more in the middle is over inflated, tire worn on both shoulders more than the middle is underinflated, more wear on inside or outside is an alignment issue and can be either a misaligned or bent axle.
  22. If the bearings have been freshly re-packed they should go tens of thousands of miles without issue just like the back wheels on your front wheel drive car do (some cars go their whole life with no service on the rear bearings but they aren't in and out of the water like a boat trailer). That said and trailer bearings being what they are, I carry a whole hub assembly which can be changed in minutes with nothing more than a pair of pliers. They only cost a little more than a bearing kit but are waaaaay easier to change on the road. Just make sure you get the right bolt pattern with the right bearing & seal diameters (that's a little bit of experience speaking....). Good Luck!!
  23. Another one victimized..... http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/news/cra-impostor-swipes-4-800-from-brantford-man-police-say-1.3495489
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