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Everything posted by G.mech

  1. Could be neither too....could be a lot of things. Could also be we're jumping to conclusions. Would have been dark at 9pm, visibility and lights may have had a role to play too. Why not wait to see what the investigation reveals.
  2. Each non-resident would have to buy an outdoors card and an 8 day non-resident license. The card will be sent in the mail later but the 8 day license needs to be printed and carried (make a pdf copy just in case). This can be done here: http://www.ontario.ca/page/fishing-licence-non-residents-canada The outdoors card is about 10 bucks (good for 3 years) and an 8 day NR Sportfishing license is about 54 bones. All prices are here: http://www.ontario.ca/page/fishing-licence-fees-non-canadian-residents#section-0
  3. Well not really. They do however want to ensure buildings designed in Texas don't collapse under the weight of the snow we get here. I found this article which kind of clarifies that all buildings built in Ontario are required to conform to the OBC (whether for private use or rental) but you do not have to apply for a permit in unorganized townships. It states: Truth is, nobody is watching and most camps and such buildings in these areas would never meet code in a million years so it's kind of up to you. If you are comfortable sleeping under a roof that is not capable of supporting the snow loads which it may see, knock yourself out. In all honesty, the way snow loads are calculated and given the shape of these things, they aren't likely going to collapse anyway. Point is, if you need to apply for a permit, this likely won't be approved in areas of heavier snowfall. http://www.muskokaregion.com/news-story/3573192-pushing-for-new-building-code-regulations/
  4. In the FAQ section it says they are designed for 30 PSF snow loads which would not satisfy OBC in many areas of Ontario....they do look really cool though.
  5. The other thing about ethanol is that by mandating its use (in both Canada and the US) it drove up the price of corn (and subsequently other grain crops) resulting in higher costs for food, animal feed etc. Now thanks to the ethanol in our fuel, we can't even afford a nice steak or a burger after we're done fixing all our gas powered toys which we can't afford fuel for in the first place due to the taxes....
  6. I recently did some research and was told by our local fuel distributor that all Esso gasoline produced at the Nanticoke refinery was ethanol free including the regular. I wasn't so sure whether to believe them or not and did some more digging & it is true. If you can find out the source of the fuel from your local gas station it will be ethanol free if it came from this refinery. This refinery supplies many stations including many independents.
  7. It's up the river where Black Creek crosses under Concession 2. You can likely launch a 16' there depending on the creek level but the water does get low at times so hopefully you don't mess up your boat too badly and you are able to get it back out when you return. From there it is about a 45 minute run out to the lake because you have to go less than 4 mph all the way down the river past all the yachts. There is no security there and the parking is isolated from view from the road so hopefully your car, trailer and belongings are all still there when you get back from your muddy river tour. Also, it's about 4 miles further out the elbow from Dover than it is from the $20 ramp. That's your free option, good luck.
  8. Your card was good thru 2014....the two digit number signifies the last valid year.
  9. I think there may be some confusion in terminology regarding venting types in this thread. There are three basic types: Gravity vent: draws air from the house for combustion & vents naturally outside through a metal vent tube (no power required) Power vent: similar to above but adds a blower on the exhaust flue (usually plastic) for more positive venting (power required) Direct vent: sealed combustion unit with a blower that draws air from outside, forces feeds the combustion chamber, & pushes the gas out through a separate vent line (both in and out are plastic). (power required) Only a gravity vent unit will run without 110V power but unfortunately, it's the most inefficient and least positive ventilated unit. Here is a link with more detail: http://www.home-water-heater.com/venting.html
  10. That report almost brings a tear to my eye but it reminds me of so many great times. We took our vaca every year on the East end of Nipissing with our 2 kids and another family from Texas. We fished for almost everything and many PB's were set and broken over and over again. About 4 years ago, almost overnight it seems, they got all grown up, got summer jobs, headed to university and decided hangin' with Mom and Dad wasn't quite as cool as it used to be. We are still very close and fish whenever we can but those Nipissing summer vaca days are just fond memories. Enjoy your years with the kids, fish lots, and take lots of pictures, they grow up far too fast it seems. PS you should maybe let your son pick out the hats next time, he has much better taste in hockey teams!
  11. As others have said, a homeowner can legally do work in his own house without a license as long as it is installed to code and inspected by the relevant authority (in your case the plumbing and building inspector). The ESA would be involved for electrical work. You cannot do the work of any 'compulsory trade' for anybody else however or you will be in crappola with the inspectors.
  12. I put a 4HP 4 Stroke on my Princecraft 176 for backup and to save hours on the 115. I didn't want to go too big to keep the weight down so I thought this was the answer. Although it works fine and will push the boat at 6 mph, I wish I had gone larger just to keep the RPM's down since it is actually noisier and vibrates more than the 115 when trolling so I often end up running the 115 anyway. A speed control (such as trollmaster or iTroll) is very nice to fine tune the speed and a high thrust prop is essential to push a larger boat at low speeds.
  13. I know one cop that does.....don't ask. Some call it education but I refer to it as scar tissue. Also, the black plate on a pickup does not deem it commercial, you have to get a CVOR and yellow sticker every year to tow the tandem or any trailer over 4600kg's. (similar lesson).
  14. The MTO clarified this recently....you cannot even drive that rig with an AR (restricted class A) anymore, must be full A (you don't need a Z endorsement but whatever). Not saying you'd get stopped or charged but it is the new rule. Regardless of what Ontario says, most RV'ers will be travelling in the US too and if you think figuring out what you can or can't tow in Ontario is hard, try figuring out each different state you plan to drive through. Here's a link that spells it out as clearly as any: http://www.pstc.ca/ontarios-class-class-restricted-drivers-license/ And a chart showing the smorgasbord of rules across Canada: http://www.rvda.ca/ProvRVRegs.asp
  15. Some fools buy bigger and newer houses than they need. Some fools buy new boats that are bigger than necessary and burn more fuel. Some fools even go on vacation and have nothing left to show for it after except a few foggy memories. These fools realize that you can't take it with you. Other fools would rather drive around in an 8 year old pick up that some other fool ran into the grand just so they can enjoy the feeling of the wad of moldy cash in their pocket. This fool likes his new Ram!! (Oh ya, it's loaded)
  16. If nobody buys the new ones, where are the used ones going to come from???
  17. It is a great setup, my buddy up north has something similar. Problem is that in Ontario for some reason you need a full 'A' license to tow the double trailer (regardless of the weight) and the hauler has to be registered as a Commercial Vehicle. Kind of a show stopper for most of us....
  18. Well the short answer to your question is 'NO'. The majority on many reservations do not believe in or recognize the elected band councils since they are members of a system that was put in place by the Canadian government (The Crown). These factions only recognize their traditional governments such as their Chiefs Councils, Men's fires etc. This issue is a major contributing factor in the inability to resolve any land claims as there is no consistent and supported leadership. This can be witnessed with many of the Southern Ontario claims such as Caledonia where the elected Band Council and the HCCC (Chief's Confederacy) are constantly at odds over who is in charge. Same deal here, many of the members have no regard for anything the Band Council does or says, they follow their traditional treaties and leadership.
  19. These sitse may be helpful if you plan to land in the US. For small vessels the requirements are minimal. One thing that has trips up some people though is that you need a Station License for VHF radio in addition to your Radio Operators Certificate if you are operating it in US waters. In Canada you don't need the Station License so lots of folks don't have them. http://boating.ncf.ca/usborder.html http://www.cbp.gov/travel/pleasure-boats-private-flyers/pleasure-boat-overview
  20. Fund for what? There aren't really any costs involved other than the non-resi license that you always needed,,,
  21. The Leafs have been basically out of cap space every year since the cap was introduced...their failure had nothing to do with not spending money.
  22. Good thing the NHL doesn't count management salaries under the Cap rule!! I doubt any other team is even close to what the buds are spending in the front office.
  23. We cross back and forth all the time on the Detroit River and at the West end of Erie & St Clair. Canadians do not have to report to the USA authorities if they are fishing on the US side as long as they are not anchoring in US waters, entering and inland waterway (river or canal), or touching shore, or rendezvousing with another vessel . Before re-entering Canadian waters you need to call the telephone reporting center the first time you cross each day to report in and let them know you are coming in and out. Of course you need your US license, should have your passport, and abide by all fishing and bait regulations. CBSA has never even asked if we had fish with us but who knows what they're up to these days. Lots of guys don't call but I'd rather not deal with the problem for the sake of a phonecall.
  24. My in-laws stop by unexpectedly sometimes too....
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