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Everything posted by G.mech

  1. I think you mean granite can absorb and stain...quartz & corian are both impervious, stain free, & need no sealer. They are both man made but the Corian is a little lighter, much cheaper, and not nearly as durable as the quartz. For a rental place, I'd go with the Corian, for my home I chose the quartz. Some links discussing pros and cons: . http://www.epicurious.com/archive/blogs/editor/2009/09/kitchen-counters-quartz-or-corian.html http://homerenovations.about.com/od/kitchencounters/a/corianquartzgranitecomparisonchart.htm
  2. It's really high tech how they do it....make sure you're home to see it. All done by computer and a special 3D digital camera thingy. I consider myself pretty techy and it totally blew me away. Here's a vid that explains it: https://youtu.be/XPl7mkz-Ank?list=PL8OyoXW9WRZ7NGMnfHLEzgi7Ywk4Njw-c
  3. Agreed. I put Cambria quartz on IKEA lowers and they're as solid as a rock. The quartz installer from Cambria said they do tons of them. If they're not sturdy, they're not installed properly. We love the quartz but one drawback is that you have to have all the cabinets installed before they come and digitally measure everything (at least with Cambria that's how it works). It then takes a couple of weeks after that but each piece is custom cut by CNC and they fit like a glove even if there are small irregularities such as out of square or wavy walls.
  4. This thread certainly has taken a big slip sideways.....still interesting but certainly nothing to do with the Muzzo case.
  5. How in the world does this compare to the Bosma case????? There are no similarities whatsoever other than a vehicle and body.
  6. Sorry, I missed that. My bad...I had the other case on my mind.
  7. He plead guilty and was released on bail until sentencing on Feb 23rd: http://www.cp24.com/news/muzzo-pleads-guilty-to-charges-in-fatal-crash-crown-agrees-to-bail-1.2764322 I have to believe he's going to do some time for this. If not I would think the public would go bananas...
  8. My elderly mother received that call a number of times over the past year or so and was quite upset. She tried to report it to various agencies including the OPP but nobody seemed too interested. There have been a number of reports of people actually being victims of the same scam in the local papers but there doesn't seem to be any much interest in stopping it, maybe there is simply nothing they can do.
  9. For starters, that clip is from 2014 so it's a little late to worry about even if it were true. As explained in the attached articles, any 3rd party app on any phone (including i-phones) could potentially be used for purposes beyond the intent of the app but there is very little evidence of data theft and transmission ever really happening. http://www.snopes.com/computer/internet/flashlight.asp http://www.howtogeek.com/198846/no-your-iphone-flashlight-is-not-spying-on-you/
  10. In my opinion, you should be fine Emil.....but that's just me. The way things are going you maybe should trade the grizz in for an Argo...
  11. The stock front and rear tires on Yamaha's (and most others) are the same height front to back. Yamaha ATVs are almost all 25x8x12 front and 25x10x12 rear from the factory, in fact even the Rhino UTV tires fit a 350 Grizz. The first number is the height in inches, the second number is the tread width, and the third number is the rim diameter. The key is that you don't want to change the front to rear tire height or it will cause stress on your machine when in 4WD especially on hard surfaces. If you go to 26's on the back, go to 26's on the front. You can play with widths a bit too but the machines are intended to have a slightly narrower tread on the front than on the rear. They can get crazy at high speeds with wider tires on the front as they don't steer properly (this is the alleged cause of a fatality in Flamborough this winter).
  12. And Bettman has the audacity to sit there and say that the NHL supported John all the way.....wow. Besides that gong show, it was one of the better All Star presentations I've seen ever since my kids started making me watch it 15 years ago. It was actually fairly entertaining and it was kinda fun watching the John Scott saga unfold!
  13. There is a public boat launch at Main & Park streets just on the North end of Callander where you can park with good ice access. I'm told that there is lots of ice on Callander Bay and even some vehicles going out. Bait at Billy Bob's tackle on Lakeshore Road North Bay if there's none in Callander.
  14. It's actually quite easy and there's lots of videos on You-Tube if you need help. Here's a link for a very good one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CEPmK0jmKM
  15. x2 on the Navionics +. Once I got that I got rid of everything else. You can basically download all of Ontario and still have room left...
  16. If you're going to be on the ice and don't like chains these work great: http://www.gripstuds.com/ATV.php I bought a cheap used set of stock tires and studded them with only about 30-40 #1300 studs per tire and they are amazing on bare ice. In really deep snow once you're bottoming out I'm not sure it matters much which tire you have as the tires are usually off the ground anyway. In middle depth snow they grab the ice underneath and push you through pretty nicely. These will chew the crap out of concrete and asphalt though so you can't run them on your driveway....I just run these for ice fishing.
  17. Terrible for sure. Does it not seem a little unusual though that the only news conferences are coming from our PM who is in Europe right now?? Wouldn't you think the RCMP or local law enforcement would be the ones holding the press conferences? Just seems very weird and I'm not sure what to make of it....in any case it is a terrible tragedy and hits a little too close to home when it's in our country.
  18. This had to hurt..... http://www.foxsports.com/nhl/story/edmonton-oilers-matt-hendricks-hit-in-groin-by-puck-slap-shot-dallas-stars-goes-down-012116
  19. One thing I don't get is how people are so quick to blame plastic water bottles when soda manufacturers sell 900% more bottles and each one weighs almost double what a water bottle does. I have no skin in the game but do have a bit of history in the plastic injection molding industry and trust me, they use way more plastic than water companies do. All the plastic bottles are bad and difficult to recycle (if you look beyond your blue box that is). Maybe cans and glass need to make a comeback for soda at least.
  20. I wonder if there was a method to the madness of the NHL on this......maybe they were counting on this whole saga to develop some fan interest but that may be giving them too much credit for their intelligence.
  21. If you increase the cold water line size to 3/4" at least as far as where hot water tank is it will make a big difference even if you leave the hot and cold downstream of the water heater at 1/2". Most of the time you are using a mixture of hot and cold anyway so the flow rate in the 1/2" pipes is roughly 50% of the flow rate in the cold water supply line to the tank. My house had about 50 feet of 1/2" pipe from the meter to the tee at the hot water heater and increasing this piece to 3/4" made a world of difference. As Gerritt points out however, this is based on the assumption you have a 3/4" supply from the street.
  22. Yes, these disasters are always an opportunity for the backbenchers to do some grandstanding....
  23. It's kind of irrelevant what either the feds or province say anyway when the CMA & College of Physicians has clearly stated in no uncertain terms that they will not support assisted suicides or euthanasia of any sort...not sure where it leaves things but they say they aren't having any part of it.
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