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Everything posted by G.mech

  1. Well I do know this, I spent a lot of money to send my son to University to study freshwater marine biology and he can't answer the question either.... a lot of good that did. I thought that would be my ace in the hole for catching more fish but it just hasn't panned out that way.
  2. I agree 100%, the question is how do the fish know??? Maybe they have a weather app built in...
  3. Is it the small transducer you are concerned with or the large structure scan one? The SS one doesn't look bad but the small one is too high...if the manufacturer is right it should have the horizontal centreline of the transducer even with the bottom of the boat.
  4. The general consensus of the scientific community is that fish cannot directly sense changes in atmospheric pressure. The pressure the atmosphere exerts on the surface of the water is only a tiny fraction of the pressure exerted on the fish by the water above it. The 100 year record high & low pressures in this area are 31.04 & 28.30 " Hg (inches of mercury) respectively. Doing some math, this equates to a 2.74 " Hg or 37" of water difference between the extremes. Typical swings are less than half of this. So if a 3 foot wave passes over a fish or the fish swims up or down in the water column by 3 feet it would feel exactly the same change as the 100 year extremes would exert. Since the fish cannot tell the difference between water pressure or air pressure, it really can't tell whether the barometric pressure is changing or the depth of water above it. All that being said, the fish do seem to sense changing weather patterns in a number of other ways including light, waves, clouds, etc so they should be smart enough to know to come in out of the rain even if we don't! I'm not sure about the calendar/moon thingy but I know the bright moonlit nights keep the walleye feeding.
  5. My father used to stretch an old nylon stocking over a funnel and pour the gas/water through it. The gas goes straight through and water runs off the top. Pretty simple and it seemed to work. Handy in the bush if you happen to be with a woman with pantyhose on...
  6. In my son's rear end collision, his insurance company and the at-fault driver's company agreed that the accident was 100% the other driver's fault. The assessment was done by my son's company and the deductible was waived but the settlement offer and payment came directly from the other driver's insurance company. My wife had a similar one a few years ago and it seems to me it went the same way. At that time, our broker explained that in most of these more common collisions, the companies have already made agreements as to how the fault will be split up and who pays what. Rear enders are 100% the fault of the following driver.
  7. Wait until you see what they offer...my son's low km 2014 car was rear ended two weeks ago and written off. We were thinking it was gonna be an argument too based on the condition and low miles on the car but their first offer was more than fair. He got an identical car, added the accessories that were missing and ended up $3k to the good! There was no bargaining or bickering involved. We were very surprised at how smoothly the whole thing went, it seems like they know the value of the vehicles too. I'd be more concerned with the injuries which may crop up later...hopefully all goes well for you in that regard too.
  8. These are pretty decent units for the money and would do a good job, I have a 3 bank model and it's been stellar: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/offer-listing/B00F5EBS66/ref=olp_f_primeEligible?ie=UTF8&f_new=true&f_primeEligible=true&qid=1496260552&sr=8-1
  9. Your size 27 Deep Cycle batteries will each have about 90 amp-hours capacity so the pair will have 180 AH. Divide this by the total amperage output of the charger and it will tell you how long they would take to charge from 0% to 100%. If they are fully discharged, it would take 180amp-hours/4 amps = 45 hours. If they are starting at 50% charge, it would take half as long (i.e 180/2 = 90amp-hrs/4amps = 22.5 hours.
  10. Not to be repetitive or let laws get in the way of rants but the law says that to stop a vehicle they must signal you, not post a sign. It's a fine line between rights, freedoms and enforcement but I'd drive by that roadside check too : Stop signals (3) For the purpose of subsection (2), signals to stop include, (a.) intermittent flashes of red light, in the case of a vehicle; (b.)intermittent flashes of blue light, in the case of a boat; and (c.) a hand signal to stop, in the case of a vehicle or boat. 1997, c. 41, s. 89 (3).
  11. Front the Ontario Fish & Wildlife Conservation Act (i.e. the Law): It would seem the right to stop and search the vehicle or boat is only based on 'assisting in determining whether there is compliance' with fish and game laws...kind of open ended in my opinion. As far a whether you should pull into the checkpoint or not, it would seem you are not required to stop for it unless signaled to do so.
  12. I think there may have been a misunderstanding...I bought some from them recently and it was $12 per running foot for 6 foot wide carpet ($2 sq.ft). It is pontoon carpet and it looked very nice when it was all done.
  13. Let's do one better, give the whole city of Ottawa to Quebec!
  14. I have used mine a number of times now and am very surprised how well it performs. The only issue I have with it is that it turbines while I'm towing on the highway. I don't know how many RPM's it gets up to but it's fast! I made a little bungy cord thingy to put around it to stop it from spinning as I'm sure that would put a lot of undue wear and tear on the motor.
  15. If it had been a white bear it likely would not have been harassed by the cops....
  16. Is there a Bass Pro is near Newmarket? There is one in Vaughan (1.5 hours from where you are) and there is the one in St Catherine's which should be under an hour....
  17. It hurts me more to see the pooch with the hook in him than it did when the hook was in my own hand...poor guy.
  18. I did one last weekend on the Detroit River too. I always tell everybody on my boat not go grab fish out of the net with their hands but then I go an do it....DOH! Stinger hook went straight in but I pushed it through and cut off the end without losing a drop of blood. I actually tried to pull it out but it became quite obvious that pushing it through was going to a lot less painful and messy.
  19. There have been lots of reports of this phenomenon known as "fuel hose permeation" in the last few years. Some of the multitudes of the additives in modern gasoline can actually leach right through the walls of the fuel lines especially when the fuel sits stagnant for any period of time and result in the 'gassy' smell. It is common in applications such as in boats, hot rods, etc that sit in storage in the off season. If you run your hand along the length of the hose you will likely be able to smell it on your hand after. They say it's not really a big deal and that the hose isn't really leaking fuel or breaking down or anything but some of the molecules manage to sneak through over time. The only way to solve it is use 'low permeation' fuel hose. The high pressure fuel injector hose or MPI hose is considered low permeation but it costs more than regular fuel line. The low permeation hose should be marked SAE 30R9 while the regular hose will SAE 30R7. Most boat builders have been using low perm hose for a few years but without checking it's hard to say.
  20. I'm not convinced that there is any measurable lunar effects on the levels in the Great Lakes but Lake Erie is very prone to 'Surges & Seiches' (aka the bathtub effect) which can have dramatic effects on water levels even days after a storm. At times, larger ships leaving the Detroit River have to adjust their schedules to time the 'high tide' at the West end as the lake settles after a storm. You can read about it here: http://www.miseagrant.umich.edu/lessons/lessons/by-broad-concept/earth-science/surges-and-seiches-2/
  21. Freshtrax for PM!! Oh, oh I think this thread just turned Political....
  22. The new rig has worked great which is a bit surprising given all the new stuff I installed. I guess I will need to change my avatar pic or photoshop you into it somehow! The river has been up and down so far, I've only been there on the slow days so far but done okay. Heading down again this weekend; hoping for a good trip.
  23. Unless something has changed in the last couple of years, once you put the i-Pilot or the Co-pilot wireless on the Powerdrive units, you lose the ability to plug in a foot pedal. You can use both on the Terrova's.
  24. I put the Autopilot on a Powerdrive V2 a few years ago and never ever missed the footpedal. I've had 2 terrovas since and the footpedals have never been plugged in. You'll find you don't need to adjust hardly at all if you use the Autopilot mode.
  25. OOPs, just realized the OP was referring the Ramsey Lake in Sudbury as opposed to Lake Ramsey....my bad.
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