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Everything posted by G.mech

  1. Are you having trouble when the engine is running or shut off? Two different scenarios as Dan suggests. If the wire to your panel is sized properly you should have no more than 10% voltage drop (1.2V) , between the battery and your panel and preferably 5% (o.6V) with everything running.
  2. I'm sure you'll get lots of advice but I'd look at the wire size to your accessory panel for starters, you have quite a bit of stuff running and the HDS units do draw a fair bit of power themselves. The first thing I would do though is adjust the alarm voltage setting in your 'Settings' - 'Alarm' menu to stop it from going off so much. That would drive me nuts.
  3. The importer was supposed to attach a Transport Canada Compliance plate when the boat was imported but if they did not, apparently it is not your problem. The US plate doesn't count and usually the allowable loads and maximum horsepower ratings are more conservative under the TC regulations than under the US regs. Lots of good info here: https://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-obs-paperwork-paperwork_noticesfaq-307.htm#_Am_I_required
  4. HInt; if the walleye look like this, throw them back. They are hard to clean and quite bony.
  5. Just for giggles I looked this up in the history books and the name was officially changed in 1919. So how old does that make you OI 110 years or so??? In all reality though, I remember it being called Burlington Bay by the locals when I was a kid and that was in the 70's. I guess they never got the e-mail.
  6. They're kind of right, you don't need a bigger tank as long they refill it on time. If' they've already run you out twice, they need to change something, either your refill schedule or the tank capacity. If they're not willing to resolve it, I'd shop around. There's a few suppliers down that way who would likely be happy to serve you. Running out should not be a concern.
  7. DOH......okay thanks. I am officially blind. I read that at least 10 times and even after you showed me I had a hard time finding it. If this is what old age has in store I don't think I want to see 55.
  8. Thanks for that, I read the title and read the exceptions in the Zone 15 regs and can't see it.....what am I missing??? https://files.ontario.ca/environment-and-energy/fishing/2018/2018-fmz-15-english.pdf
  9. It is, The season is closed up to and including the Friday before Family Day each year according the OP..... Just for clarity on Page 8 of the regs and above each zone's season dates it states: So it says the season is closed until the Friday meaning Friday is 'Closed'. With that said, I can't see any lake in the table or the exceptions that re-open before family day, most are the 3rd Friday in May....what lake are we looking at??
  10. The only issue with TFSA's is that there are limits for how much you can put in each year. If you are starting at zero, you can go back to 2009 (when they were invented) and top up to the $52,000 accumulated maximum. The annual limit was recently reduced to $5500 from $10,000. There are also lots of rules about frequency of trades & types of holdings within TFSA's too that need to be considered. The guy mentioned earlier who turned his TFSA from about $40k into $1.5M since 2009 did fairly well it would seem as he has achieved about 3600% over the 8 years (or 400% or so annualized). I would get investing advice from him.
  11. Many people have made small fortunes dabbling in the markets. Unfortunately, most of them started with much larger fortunes.
  12. Some of those marks aren't going to buff out.....
  13. I hope he wasn't sitting on thin ice.......
  14. Any relatively modern boat would have been constructed with secondary flotation as required by Transport Canada Regs. Unless the foam or other material has been removed, the boat shouldn't sink even when fully swamped and carrying it's maximum load. If the secondary flotation material was removed it should be replaced. There really shouldn't be any need to add flotation if the original stuff is still there. Full regs: https://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/tp-tp1332-menu-521.htm#wb84
  15. I thought the same thing but my kids corrected me>>>>>
  16. It's an NHL size rink it just looks bad due to the camera angle. What's bad is playing an important game in 4" of snow.
  17. The year was 1986, Soviet Union won gold, Canada got silver. There was nobody named 'Conlon' on the team but I think you may be thinking of Shane Corson? If so he was a pretty decent hockey player with some grit. I remember him playing with Rob Probert for the Brantford Alexanders back then and it was pretty entertaining to say the least!
  18. 2 years ago my loving family bought me a new outdoors card with 1 year fishing for christmas (they didn't realize the problem with this plan). Id just finished printing out my second 1 year paper license and am thankful that I only have to carry around a beat up, half rotten piece of paper for one more year before I can get a new card & 3 year license. It sound like the whole licensing system will be changed next year anyway but we'll have to see.
  19. I know the banking and investment divisions at TD are pretty independent of one another so the staff at the branches look at you like you have 2 heads when you ask about anything specific to do with investments. There should be a contact number on your RESP statement to call and they're usually good. My wife always dealt with TD for our kids RESP's so it can't be that hard.....(j.k. honey). If you can't find the TD investing number I can likely dig it out for you or try 1-888-568-0951.
  20. 985 cubic inches to get you to the fish.
  21. And that is exactly what the Goodyear Bulletin says.... Nowhere anywhere in that article does it say to inflate above the maximum, in fact it says NOT to (I highlighted the original text in red). I'm not sure what confusion you are referring to or what needs to be clarified....
  22. Okay, sorry for trying to clarify by posting facts....I should know better.
  23. Goodyear actually issued a bulletin on this subject pertaining to their 'ST' trailer tires. For higher speed use they do recommend increasing cold inflation pressure by 10psi. The bulletin states in part: The full bulletin can be found at: https://www.tirerack.com/images/tires/goodyear/Marathon_Special_Trailer_Applications.pdf
  24. What are you using to power it up in your house? My HDS-9 Touch would turn on but the touch screen wouldn't work on my test station and, long story short,, the small 7.5 Ah fishfinder batteries just don't provide enough current to drive the touch units. If you hook up the charger to the battery, use a bigger battery, or hook two small batteries in parallel they seem to work fine. The touch screens draw a lot more juice than the regular units apparently.
  25. Again, I am not clear on where you're reading this. The law doesn't stipulate which grades of fuel the ethanol goes in, only that it must average 5% (or now 10%) ethanol for all fuel supplied. The refiner/distributor determines which brands get juiced. They could put 10% in all grades or increase the percentage in some and lower it in others.... If you really want to twist your mind, the formula is in section 4 of the legislation: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/050535
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