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Everything posted by SBCregal

  1. i'm ordering a set of michelin ltx m/s2 tires next week. they look fantastic and are supposed to be an upgrade on the ltx m/s which has pretty much been the hands down winner in a light truck/suv tire for quite some time. ryan ...that is they look fantastic on paper, i really care little about how the tire itself looks.
  2. was the campground that MADE you buy their wood a provincial park? any provincial park i've been to has been okay with wood i brought as long as i didnt cut it down myself basically. if it were a private campground it may be just their policy to make a bit more dough. ryan
  3. that pic KINDA looks like a duck with its head under the water and hind end up in the air to me. ryan
  4. water access would be pretty important as i will have to hand launch the boat. i guess we'll have to wait a few more weekends to head that way. now to figure out somewhere else to head to. ryan
  5. why not head out towards lake erie? it's well under you're 3hr drive and the fishing for just about everything seems pretty good. i'd rather drive one hour each way and have an extra 4 hrs each weekend to relax or fish. edit... also, no fighting all the traffic across the top of toronto or up the 400. ryan
  6. My girlfriend and I just purchased and picked up a tent trailer and are looking to take it out the weekend of may 8th. We're thinking of heading to the long point area and would like to get out onto the water for some perch fishing. We wanted to stay at the provincial park, but they arent open until the 14th. Are there any campgrounds in the area that would be open yet, and would have a place to dock a boat (i'll have the 12' tinny on the roof of the trailer and will be putting it in by hand). We may have to wait until the weekend of the 14th when long point prov. park opens (there are still plenty of sites available) even if there IS a liquor ban until after the long weekend ryan
  7. here is a great tire size calculator. put in the 2 sizes you want to compare and it'll show you the differences. tire size calculator
  8. the ontarioparks.com site has some basic info about the parks themselves on their respective webpages. look around the site, there is quite a bit of info. ontario parks website: ontario parks ryan
  9. i'm in the process of fixing up my little 12' tinny. i pulled out all the wood on the benches and i'm cutting new ones and sealing/carpeting them with new carpet. while the seats are out i will be painting the inside. instead of paint i'm going to use rubberized rocker guard in a beige colour. i'll let you know how it turns out, i should get to painting it this week sometime. ryan
  10. i saw probably 5-6 people carrying them around the burlington store on saturday when i was there. i went to the fishing section to see what was so special and got there just as a lady picked up the last one.
  11. I learned real quick that all that crouching and jumping hurt way more than any paintball that hit me. Man I'm outta shape. ryan
  12. The silva fight was ridiculous, so is having a champ that makes the sport look that way. I left the place I was watching the fight in the middle of the third. It was annoying to watch.
  13. I was driving around town one day and saw a sticker on a big jacked up fullsize chev blazer that said "eats Hummers, crap$ Jeeps"
  14. you COULD get it replated. dont know how that would compare to the cost of a new spoon though.
  15. there was a posting not too long ago for a CO position that somebody here linked to if i remember correctly. in addition to any other skills/classes for this posting you also had to speak ojibway(sp?) and be familiar with native traditions etc.
  16. I'm not worried about any naysayers, I know how projects like this go. I've had several project cars over the years, one even got finished! I know the seats are part of the structure and need to be in there. I was kinda joking about taking it out. I took the seats out today to use them as templates to cut new seats. This was just a "part one" of the process, the work I got done today Ryan
  17. yeah... i know it wont be DONE in a couple of weeks, but it will be READY for the water in a couple of weeks hell, if i had plans to get out anytime soon i'd toss the motor on it as it sits and head out! heeheh i know it never ends ryan
  18. almost makes me glad that I can't seem to catch anything worthy of a report
  19. I decided at the end of last year that I was going to re-do the little 12 footer that I bought off a buddy 2 yrs ago. Today I finally got around to starting on the project. I went and tore the benches out of it today and tomorrow I will be buying some wood, sealer and carpet to replace them with. I also plan on painting the inside of the boat using some rockerguard. I snapped a few pics to try document the progress of the project. This is how it sat before I got into it today. My girlfriend got a pic of me while I was working, at least she got my good side!! After getting the seats unscrewed and torn out. All ready for powerwashing, scuffing/sanding and painting. That's all I got done today, stay tuned for more "in progress" reports. Hopefully I'll have it ready to hit the water in a couple of weeks. Ryan
  20. I saw that as well, don't plan on going but I was going to post it here for people interested. Completely slipped my mind though. ryan
  21. not sure if it the line was wrapped around the log or not. we saw it when he brought it to the group of guys right at the end of the point there to weigh it on their scale. my gf and i were the 2 people on the other side of that point, near the pond. only i was fishing though, we had planned to get her license at fishmasters but he was out. ryan
  22. I was down there yesterday fishing from shore as well. We got there around 3 and left around 5:30 and only saw one fish caught off the shore while we were there. Definitely gonna head down there again int he next few weeks. If anyone sees a guy with black hat and long goatee, say hi. ryan
  23. 97? 142k? thats hardly broken in my old man just got rid of his 99 safari van, with over 750k km on it although...it was a chevy :) i'd keep the truck and put the money into a boat as well! ryan
  24. last time i was on kijiji there were plenty of boat/motor/trailer in the 12-14 range for ~1000 bucks
  25. my girlfriend and i made a trip there last summer. the boats were good for 2 people and the lady running the place was really nice. I really didnt notice the noise from the highway, but i tend to fall asleep watching tv so that probably covered anything else. for a place to sleep and rent a boat its not too bad at all really, the girlfriend even wants to plan another trip there this year (so it cant be that bad). ryan
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