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Everything posted by SBCregal

  1. I agree with Steve 100%... it was a great event, best in a while.
  2. lesnar is a freak of nature. its understandable why people dont like him but cmon, you gotta respect what hes been able to do. for a man his size, the speed that he moves with is incredible. carwin has punching power, but as seen last night, he doesnt have what it takes to deal with someone with a chin solid enough to absorb it. *I* wouldnt be that impressed with title defense fights that last less than 2 minutes. you gotta be more rounded to continue to win fights. lesnar DESERVED that win... better all around.
  3. that event was WELL worth the price of the PPV. lots of real good battles all night. and in reality, the ppv at home is much cheaper than my tab at the bar would be
  4. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go
  5. prelims are on SportsnetHD on cogeco its 731...not a bad fight so far ryan woah...fight ends as im typing.
  6. how long were his prices set at 12 bucks? an increase in price seems pretty fair to me every once in a while.
  7. i dunno where you gotta be to not know about it. seems every time i turned on the radio somebody was talking about it. it shouldnt come as a suprise at all i'd think.
  8. i'd imagine you could get carp at the islands. if the carp bite is slow theres pike and bass there too. and about as local as it gets to downtown TO.
  9. we did a trip 2 yrs ago with houseboat holidays out of gananoque. the area is really nice and there are plenty of places to dock for the night. fishing was pretty decent. ryan
  10. im pretty sure there is a launch (not sure of fee) at the place that houseboat holidays rents houseboats out of. we used it to launch my buddys boat when we rented a houseboat for the week. if i remember correctly they're right on hwy 2 ryan
  11. i actually just picked up one of the wetskins rain suits from CT. i'd had my eye on it for a bit and it happens to be on sale right now (store at guelph line in burlington had plenty of suits in M, L and XXL.) the suit may see use 1-2 times/yr at the rate i get out and it looks like it'll stand up to that use. we'll find out this weekend as it looks like rain for the kawarthas area (i'll be at emily pp) ryan heres a link to the suit. wetskins rain suit
  12. go with a pair of cocoons. i love mine, i bought them originally for just fishing and now i wear them all the time. comfortable, dont feel like they're falling off and pretty cheap. i paid about 40 bucks or so at lebaron for my pair and i'm on the third summer with them. the lenses are pretty scratch resistant, i'm pretty abusive towards my sunglasses and theres only some minor scratches on them. ryan
  13. the politicians aren't responsible to the voters because there aren't enough of them to worry about pleasing. the 07 provincial election had a record low turnout, something like 53% or so of eligible voters actually took part in the process. of that ~50% of voters approx. 70% or so of them voted for mcguinty? the way i look at it, by not voting, half of ontario automatically loses their right to complain about the government. it's unfortunate that too many people complain about the government than actually take part in choosing it. ryan
  14. I remember it happening. My aunt lived right where it went through and I remember my father going up there to help clean up and move stuff for them. Can't believe it was that long ago... i would've been 9 i guess ryan
  15. the bps site is in usd unless you saw it in the flyer for the vaughan store
  16. there were plenty of people there, probably saw 15-20 other groups out there throughout the day. there were also plenty of shore anglers. ryan
  17. my forearms and shins are burned pretty good, seems that the 4 times i applied sunscreen to the neck/face/ears i forgot those parts...ooops
  18. we headed to mountsberg today to get my buddys new to him boat wet for the first time. made our way out of burlington at the crack of 10am on the water by 1030 or so, and fishing not more than a few minutes later. the water test on buddys boat went well, and his bowmount worked flawlessly. only managed to catch two tiny (around 12") pike and my buddy caught a half decent oos largemouth. no pictures...fish werent really worthy of pics. all in all it was a great day out, hopefully next weekend at long point is more productive though!!! ryan
  19. The show was a real good time! maybe too good of a time... work REAAAAAALY sucked the next morning!!! You're right TJ, we'll have to sit for a beer or two sometime, when they arent ten bucks though. On another note, I managed to score some cheap tickets to another show while we were there, the customer service booth was selling tix for other shows for ten bucks each, so I picked up four for the canadian carnage tour (megadeth, slayer and testament) ryan
  20. that MAY be a good idea! I have to come up with a way to get out of work early tomorrow now. at least we dont have the drive you have ahead of you.
  21. woohooo....confirmed that we'll be there too! gonna get there a bit early and maybe make a few casts while having a beverage or two.
  22. if all goes well, i'll be at that show as well. anyone else??? plans are to drive down, hang out a bit in the parking lot before the show... behaving of course if you see a guy with a long goatee, bald, with a chick that looks out of his league, sitting behind a green safari... say hi! there may even be refreshments there! ryan
  23. i'm hoping to get out to long point as well. try and find a launch and some water suitable for my little 12' tinny, hope to get into some pike. that is if the weather cooperates. ryan
  24. I thought they had closed??? have they reopened? there website seems to be down (or i dont have theright one) we used to go there as a family about 25yrs ago (wow..that long??) ryan
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