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Everything posted by SBCregal

  1. when i first picked up my cell phone i got alot of text and voice msgs. turns out it was my provider (FIDO) sending all of them, once i requested that they stop sending them i didnt get any more calls/msgs
  2. shih tzu maybe? wonder if the board censored it
  3. I wouldn't think that you'd need a factory certified yamaha mechanic to inspect a motor for purchase. Any reliable marine mechanic should be able to do a compression test, leakdown, run it in a tank etc.
  4. princess auto sells all kinds of metal stock.
  5. hard to go wrong with a set of michelin LTX tires. definitely not the cheapest out there, but a great tire
  6. nice... where did you get the manual for that motor? I have what looks to be the same, or very similar motor on the back of my 12' tinny. Mine is from 64 or 65 though. I gotta go through it and do some work this summer, lower unit seals/water pump and what i think is going to be some carb work. looking forward to pt 2! Also.. Go Bronte!!!!!
  7. I dunno, we had a customer come in and ask the very same questions, is it possible to work the windows/radio without starting the car. I found it in the manual in no more than 2-3 minutes.
  8. The pushbutton starter cars DO have a way to turn on only the accessories and they DO have ways to shut them off while driving. Some of them you push the start button 3 times some you push and hold them. Why wouldn't anybody who bought a car like this look into it before operating the car. First thing I'd do if i couldn't figure it out was RTM, there's lot's of good information in there ryan
  9. Doesn't Bigcliff do that sort of thing? I believe he's a little bit out of Toronto though.
  10. Thanks for the heads up... was thinking of heading down there tomorrow hopefully. glad to see there is still plenty of ice how wet/slushy is it out there?
  11. I drilled the FIRST hole about 100 yards out and started to work my way deeper from there. I ended up at least 200 maybe 250 yards out and spending most of the time there. I figure I was in about 25-30ft of water most of the day, thats where the one fish I got came from. I'll be keeping at it for sure, trying to figure out a way to get my depthfinder from my boat rigged up for portable use and I'll be heading out again soon (weather permitting). This time the girlfriend even wants to head out. ryan
  12. Some of you may have read my post asking some questions about being new to this whole ice fishing thing. Well today I made my first attempt with a trip out to Gilford. After an uneventful drive up and a quick stop for minnows I was out on the ice at the crack of noon Not really having any experience with this I set off towards where I saw other people setup, punching the first hole about 100yards from shore. Eventually I made my way out deeper and closer to where the other people seemed to be situated. It took a few hours of roaming around and punching holes but I finally ended up icing a fish shortly after 2:00, a dink perch roughly 8" in length certainly no trophy but my first fish through the ice! Unfortunately that would be the only one of the day as I had to pack up and head home right around 3 o'clock. Everyone I talked to out there said it was real slow with only 3-4 fish caught by most guys iI talked to. Thanks to Fisherman, Ted&thegadget and johnnyb for helping me with the questions I had. Oh yeah.... the ice was ~8" wherever I drilled... the snow on top wasn't quite slushy, but I imagine it'll be pretty wet there the next couple of days ryan
  13. I was out of Gilford today, I think the road was 2nd line, was on the ice around noon and off just before 3, no problems at the shore and I found 8" or so of ice wherever i punched a hole. ryan
  14. thanks for the info guys...i was wondering if there was a bait shop in the area (kinda figured there would be)
  15. Hey all, With all the icefishing posts that have been posted on the board I figured I should try it out this year. I purchased some gear... an auger, couple of rods, couple of tipups, small jigheads and tubes, a couple of jigging raps and some williams spoons. I am thinking of heading out to Gilford tomorrow and trying my hand at this whole icefishing thing, I'd like to target perch. With the temperatures the way they have been today and are forecasted to be tomorrow, will it still be safe out there? I don't have any form of flotation suit but I did grab some of those ice spikes, hopefully I won't need them. I guess my questions are: 1. Will the temps cause the ice to melt to the point of being unsafe 2. Is there plenty of parking/access down there? 3. I have no idea where to even begin... just look for the pack and start from there? Please help out a noob!!! ryan
  16. maybe its because he doesnt ever blink!
  17. 1. Dont ever put on only 2 snow tires. 4 tires or no tires. alot of shops wont even put on 2 tires for you anymore (some people think its a way to sell more tires.... its not, its physics) 2. If you're putting any weight... sand/kitty litter/bags of cement... make sure that they are secured in some way. hopefully nothing will happen, but if you do get in an accident those 50lb bags become projectiles inside the van and can do some real damage when they start flying around in there. ryan
  18. i've been buying up some gear and am gonna try ice fishing this winter. i just purchased some of the trilene cold weather line, 6lb i think i grabbed. havent used it before, but have had decent luck with trilene in the past.
  19. are the augers still on sale at CT? i didnt see them in the flyer
  20. ive seen them at the fortinos around here, and price choppers as well i was looking for them earlier on in the spring for ice-out pike...had seen them once and couldnt remember where. months later i saw them at the 2 stores mentioned
  21. isn't being biodegradable a bit of a start in the right direction... seems they are looking into some aspects of the impact they have
  22. mmmmmmmm just talked to mom on the phone and shes making up some Rosolli to have with dinner
  23. one thing i've learned since i made them... where the recipe calls for water...use whipping cream im liking the way grandma thought!
  24. i thought of doing this...couldnt find papers big enough
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