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Everything posted by SBCregal

  1. i believe most of the bylaws regarding buildings near the property line have to do with water runoff and drainage etc. i'm pretty sure you can build closer to the property line if the shed/building has eavestroughs for the rainwater. ryan
  2. wait another couple of weeks and you'll barely be able to find a spot down there. even worse is the river banks when the fish start to move up. i grew up about a 5 minute walk from bronte harbour and the place becomes a zoo when the salmon and rainbows start to run. ive heard of fights on more than one occasion. ryan
  3. time to find a schematic for the wiring
  4. The concet was GREAT.... I'd post pics but I dropped my gf's cell phone in my beer (Joey was right...drinking like a fish) as for being a non-fishing post....i'd think the title of the post is pretty clear that its non-fishing, if you dont wanna read it..just pass it up. nobodys forcing it on you ryan
  5. its at the molson amphiteater...some seats are outdoors (the lawn seats) but mine arent
  6. heading to ontario place to see Pearl Jam in about an hr. they're one of the bands that I have never seen before that I put on my "must see list" anyone else heading to the show tonight? It should be a good one! ryan
  7. i havent been by there in a while, but the last time i was there (a couple of weeks ago at least) lions valley park was still closed due to the construction on dundas. when it is open theres a few pools in there that hold some smallmouth that can be fun on lighter spinning gear. dont hesitate to give oakville harbour and 16 mile creek a shot as well. the mouth of the river at oakville harbour is right at lakeshore just before you get into downtown, by the library there. you can park at the oakville GO station (south parking lot) and cross the street and take the path that leads to the river where you can wade for smallmouth as well. plenty of spots around town. ryan oh yeah, welcome to the board!
  8. bigugli, i didnt realize the depth of that area fluctuated so much, hopefully with all the rain the water levels will be reasonably high...or high enough anyways. I didnt see any maps in the store at muskeys landing while i was there booking the room, but i probably missed them. does anyone know of bait/tackle stores on in the area or on the way, i'll be heading up the 400 then onto 69
  9. Hey, we're heading up to port severn for a few days this weekend, staying at muskey's landing. I was wondering if anyone knew where to get a good map of the water depths/hazards for the area. I've never been there and we're renting a boat for the days we're up there. We plan on targeting pike and smallmouth and I'm looking to get an idea of where to start fishing. Also, I'd like to avoid any hazards obviously. Im not sure if the place we're staying has any maps...are there any bait shops in the area that might? ryan we've never been to this area fishing before... i see theres pike and smallmouth and musky. are there any walleye in the area?
  10. i saw an article in the star about this today. myself, i rarely wear mine when im in the boat, unless it starts getting rougher out. probably not ideal, but its what seems to happen. im not quite sure how i feel about making them mandatory... its probably a good idea as well, but i dont know if making them mandatory will change much. seems like many of the accidents that ive heard about in the news involve alot more factors than just not wearing a lifejacket (speed, carelessness, intoxication)
  11. what about pike up in georgian bay? are they a bit more common than catching musky?
  12. my first car was an 81 vw rabbit GTI....man... if i told the some of the stories that involved that car, i'd get arrested
  13. i was at the warplane heritage museum for a tool/trade show a few months back and saw the plane there. its amazing... ive been meaning to get back to the museum with my camera but havent gotten to it. i should change that.
  14. get one of the canadian tire boating safety kits... make sure to put batteries in the flashlight, ive heard of people just tossing it in their boats and getting fined when they get stopped for no signalling device (which i believe you're required to have)
  15. early in the morning toss a weedless plastics to the weedbeds around the swimming area and docks. you can rent canoes from the park, or as said theres the place just around the corner by the bridge. on the other side from the gas station/store theres a small area to park and you can walk down under the bridge and fish from the bottom of the bridge or wade in the water. alot of largemouth in the area, i had a smallish musky follow in a perch i was reeling in too. got a few crappie from that bridge area as well...lots of perch, sunfish.
  16. #3 black fury with a bit of worm is what i had tied on pretty much all weekend, got plenty of pike and some decent largemouth
  17. i got them on worms, under a float...depth varied until they start biting too close to the bottom and you're gonna be getting a ton of goby i got most perch in the outer harbour area off of the pier
  18. Rich theres lots of perch down there, i havent caught anything over 10" with most in the 6-8" range
  19. if you can drive the car around the block, give it a few rips and tell whats wrong with it, you're a much better mechanic than i am
  20. if you're a good customer at the shop you may get him to lend you a dealer plate and/or go get the car for you. we've done it for some of our customers over the years.
  21. i cant remember the last time i waited over half an hr at a walk-in clinic. for me its always been in and out within the hour. im in a populated area (burlington now, oakville for the last 20 yrs) and it seems pretty consistent across the board. wait times for ER are obviously going to be longer. ive had to visit the ER quite a few times ( i break lots of bones and have asthma) and the average in/out time will be about 4 hrs, expect it and bring a good book.
  22. it doesnt move under its own power? if it does you can get a temporary permit
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