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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. great report guys,and the pics say it all.FRIGGIN HUGE WALLEYES great to get out this time of the year and david ,bet you want to get your boat back in the water eh ????? lol...lol...lol way to go on the new PB,
  2. wow...bet you never thought this late in the season you would be out in a canoe for a little paddling on the bog,really cool pics thanks for the report
  3. thats to bad but mother nature ,can really bring reality into view,poor little fella
  4. from our family myself [shawn] my lady [fishergirl72] and my little girl [angelina] a little fisher girl in training have a wonderful christmas and a happy new year
  5. I love fishing period,its my love and passion i will fish for anything and every species i have equiptment for almost all the freshwater fish,anything goes from panfish to sturgeon im not afraid to say it,i love to catch all kinds of fish,and will forever but if i had to pick my favourite it would be WALLEYE...MMMMM YUMMMMYYYYY
  6. way to go ...and i hope that nice little silver bullet tastes real nice,oh ya dont forget the garlic & lemon...mmmmmmmmm
  7. i caught a rock with a hole in it while bottom bounceing for walleyes in the ottawa river,it was a piece of shale like rock,it was real cool still have the rock just no pic,ive caught about 300ft of wire line,i snaged off bottom while lake trout fishing ,when i crewed on a charter boat we almost hit a picnic table doing full speed in a 29ft enterprise while on route to our fishing location on lake ontario,the table was foating right side up and we almost hit it dead on,it was being hidden just inches below the water line,that would have had disaterous consequences at 30mph in a 3ton salmon boat..... also snaged clams,plastic bags,rope,and a plastic construction helmut in oshawa creek while trout fishing on my noodle rod,put up a hell of a fight too....
  8. thats cool guys that there is still that many old fishin boats around,and that they are still very water worthy keep up the good work and maybe they will last another 30-40 years....
  9. WOW...thats an awsome amount of fish you guys caught . way to go its,nice to see a few guys still fishin the bay,now with this weather again im wishin i didnt put my boat away last weekend, thats a very cool report and a great way to wrap-up 06...merry xmas
  10. WOW....you guys sure put the time in fishing at the docks in picton,those fish are friggin amazing its incredible to catch fish like that from shore way to go and congrats on your effort and hard work,those are all trophy walleyes no matter where you fish people like me have chased walleye all my life to get6 fish like that .... congrats on your new PB..im sure we will be hearing more reports from you guys in the near future...merry xmas..
  11. WOW....i made it to 1,200 points thats a real fun game...it doesnt take much to entertain my mind either lol...lol
  12. yes lunkerbasshunter,they said on the weather channel its a big el-nino year and it does not look good for ice on the jan1st opener,even in the bancroft area,for 12 years ive fished there on jan 1st we have always had ice safe enough to fish on and put our 2 huts on the lake ,but this year is going to be questionable well theres not much that we can do except wait,it will come just not for when we want it to,mother nature is making ua wait in anticipation
  13. i think the only downfall about the company,from what i heard is very difficult dealing with them in returning the unit my freind had one to return and it took about 4months to get it back,they will not cover the labour costa if a unit craps out on you.... i only own lowrance products ,so you should ask about warranty first....cheers
  14. i cant beat 670.and thats really trying hard ,guess i wont be flying anytime real soon...dam game 30mins trying too...lol...lol
  15. congrats,verno a very nice xmas present
  16. thats an amazing video,and a true trophy of a lifetime,all caught on tape....
  17. i wish, i would love a cabelas to come to the GTA,that would be amazing and im sure there is enough of us fisherman & hunters to support a store that big around here...
  18. ya i wish, with all these mild temps,i put my boat away last weekend,i had no choice , but i did do very well at quinte this fall,oh well soon ill be doing january lake trout in bancroft...cheers
  19. cool i got a 321.0.....very addictive... hilarious
  20. thats a very good rant...i love it..its to bad the people that left the crap all over cant see that video....
  21. cant the regular police do something,like hold them or at least get there info so that later they can be charged,when a co is available....its very disturbing...
  22. ive only had one boat that was a console,never again....tiller forever, for the quickest control and imediate engine response.... just my opinion
  23. congrats,joey....WAY TO GO.. thats so cool....
  24. lolo...lol thats very funny...lol...lol
  25. yes i still use mono all the time,and have always caught fish while using it,i do use the braid,and for bottom bouncing for walleyes you cant beat it for sensitivity,but mono is still my fav line to fish with,i also have a rod rigged with fireline for jigging but 90% of the time im a mono guy and got no problem using it forever,and hey they are always improving it to so....stay with it
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