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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. canadian tire,i have one its a good one it has 2amp-10amp and 60 for starting a car i use the 2amp trickle charge and it slowly and very deep-cycle will charge it then when charged will shut off,automaticlyit will also do 6volt too,it has a gauge to tell you haw many amps are going in as well for about 50-70 bucks
  2. instead of using a bell weight at the bottom just use a 3/8oz jig head ,it doubles as a weight and a jig head it works great.....
  3. WOW...ho-ho-ho thats the nicest tree ive ever seen,i only have 2 lures hanging from our tree,but thats going over the top way to go and merry xmas to you guys
  4. very funny thanks for the laugh...lol...lol can i borrow him for my january ice fishin trip
  5. thanks for one of the first ice fishing reports i see you guys are in north bay,i also heard there is small lakes in bancroft where the guys are already fishing for splake on about 4-7 inches of ice...its comming here to just not yet down here in the south its just the waiting game
  6. thats very cool and they work great,so do the berkley power magots,and the berkley power grubs,white & silver/green....
  7. well it sounds like to me that there is enough contoversy over who REALLY DID CATCH THE FISH to at least put the record on hold ,or to give it to the next biggest ,verified fish the new record.....
  8. i feel sorry for you man that sucks,i hope they will catch them well start shopping for a new one and save up over the winter and you can get one in the spring cheers
  9. nice chart and its very acurate as well,but that could very depending on what kind of ice there is .sometimes you can have several kinds of it in an area,but i would always er,on the side of caution
  10. well when we fish for splake and brookies we start shallow around the same structure that you already said on this nice little lake we fish there is a stream flowing into a few fallen trees and we catch the most fish in about 3 feet of water right in the logs and sticks and small weeds as the day goes on we will move deeper every hour till we can find them again but dont be afaraid to start in very shallow water as little as ift....cheers and good luck
  11. those backgrounds look very interesting.but i would still prefer to see the natural backdrop.... and thats a real nice bow too,thanks for the report
  12. grew up swimming in pigeon lake ,and about 10yrs old my parents bought a 16x 32 in-ground pool it was awsome all sumer iwas either swimmin or fishin ...being a kid was great
  13. always go with eagle/lowrance the rest of them dont even stack up to these,and lowrance is in mississuaga so its not a problem with warranty or repairs.... dont bother with that humminbird junk....just my 2 cents
  14. thanks for the report guys ,and mr bojangles thats paste is a very good idea,walleye guys can use that too,in the cold weather at quinte,or it could be used for ice-fishing as well...thanks for the report
  15. that would make a great ice fishing bugalow.....on simcoe/nippising...
  16. WOW...lew im surprised,that you cant remeber i have a really bad memory and usually cant remeber things from a week ago,my girl is always giving me crap for not rmrmbering things like honey can you pick up some milk on the way home, that kinda stuff always eludes me, but when it comes to big fish like yours i always remember them.....lol.lol anyways good luck trying to find out when you caught that nice musky.....
  17. well they are guys that i read about in the paper,thats just plain stupidness
  18. WOW........ looks like you guys had a blast,and thats a real nice walleye,the pics & reports are great as well
  19. ya thats to bad i fweel sorry for you guys down there well if anyone has a snowmobile there its gonna be a blast for a few days,and i hope everyone has a snowblower thats some heavy duty shoverling,dont have a heart attack and take it easy when shoverling guys.....they said some areas got over 100cm of the white stuff...and 20-30 more on the way
  20. ya but the leafs.still suck anyway and there is no chance in hell of ever getting another stanley cup oh well what r ya gonna do eh.......
  21. yes ive been watching it on the news some spots they say got over 100cm of snow wow,that lake effect can be amazing
  22. yes i have the #30 and she works great ive had it for about 13yrs and all ive ever done was change a plug and a little tune-up and she is ready it also is a 10" blade the only downfall is its a little on the heavy side if you have to carry it by hand for a ways,but its a long lasting unit and should drill you several million holes before you die,or pass her on to the next generation...lol...lol
  23. well so far in well over 25 years of fishing ive only broken 2 one was when i was stream fishing and i tryed to stop a nice big bow from going under a log jam,it was a big one and yes i somehow got her in with about the last 2 feet of rod broken the other was fighting a big lake ontario king salmon and just had pulled the rod from the rigger [rod holder] and at the same time the salmon went on a blistering 100yrd dash and BANG....the shimano TDR. just exploded lost everything...thats it so far so iguess im lucky......cheers[clink]
  24. well i bought my brand new boat a lund 1625 classic tiller with all the bells & whistles ,the regular stuff like 2 new dipsey rods & reels [okumas] for salmon fishing and tons of new lures, there is acually to much to list needless to say i spent alot more than what i make,so the bank tells me...lol so all in all it was a great year for gettin new stuff....
  25. here is my new personal best 13.3lbs walleye from the bay of quinte nov 19 06
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