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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Well I would think so as the ice thickness is more than it was last winter as we had the coldest febuary and less snow cover in many areas so I guess it would depend on where you are in the province ?? But in the kawarthas I would say yes and in Haliburton on some lakes I fish the weeds took a serious hit and they were very late Comming up and were killed off earlier as well from cold water !!! We were accualy discussing it with the MNR back in the fall in Haliburton as well so I guess we will find out !!! Less weeds makes some baby fry way more vulnerable to predators and less food !!!! It goes on & on !!!! Time will tell
  2. Cliff I have fished Haliburton lake many many times !!!! And can give you some tips like the guys above did as well !!!! I will have fished it several times by the time you have your holiday and might even be there while you are there so we can talk a little closer to that time !!!! And don't think of getting riggers is not worth it for 1 trip !!!! Think of it as you are getting a rigger for many many more trips !!!! And not just for there for all over !!!!! Come on man !!!! Lol ..... Haha no such thing as too much tackle & gear ......... ??
  3. Nothing wrong with those fish !!!! The big girls are just for taking a few pics of anywAys !!!! You did well as quinte can be tough on new anglers !!!! It can take a while to figure out bit you sure got a few water size fish !!!!! Well done !!!!!! Fish-on
  4. Save a bit more and get a decent 12-14ft boat and yes get a trailer you will regret it later if you don't it gives you way more options and you will be able to fish many more spots and be able to move your boat around and stuff !!!! A 9.9 would be great on a 12-14 ft tinnie !!!! Do it right from the beginning and you will not regret it !!!! Never mind the Jon boat save them for the duck hunters !!! Lol .. And if in a few years you want something a little bigger you will no problem selling your 12-14ft tinnie with a 9.9 !!!!
  5. Troll the current and breaks with bottom bouncers & worm harness or cranks the technique is called "hot shotting" it's deadly in heavy current troll just barely faster than the current & work your boat across the current back & forth wile matching your bouncer size to keep ticking bottom and it's a done deal !!!!! Sometimes it can take an hour to only troll upstream 1,000feet bit you are working the bouncer across and on an angle back & forth through the current !!!!! Been doing it for 30yrs !!!!! You can almost fish any speed current that way deadly deadly way to do it ..... And cause it's a bouncer your bait is always always in the strike zone cause Walters hug the bottom in heavy current or just above it so your bait is there constantly !!!! Ahhhh never mind the above technique it doesn't work ..... Lol
  6. There is lots of pics on Facebook I seen it this morning '!!!! It was sure high .....
  7. . Hey I know where that dock k is !!!! Lol .... I have caught a few nice bass right there !!!! I think I have a pic of it as well !!! Lol
  8. It's to protect the natural strains of lake trout found nowhere else and to take pressure off them and to increase natural production and promote more of the lakes that are stocked so that if people want to keep a fish it's where they should take one from !!! Haliburton lakers are under increasing threat from pollution over fishing and development it's many things !!!! I will try to find more info as I was going to attend one of the meetings
  9. That's the vodka working for sure !!!! Lol .... Another Darwin Award recipient !!! Haha
  10. Great deal grab it !!!! Before someone else does !!! A few freinds of mine have them and same feedback !!!! Flawless no issues at all !!!! Show us some pics of the new motor !!!! :-))
  11. I have taken snow off my roof about 6 times this winter to be safe and yes here in caygeon it snowed a fair amount in febuary but still nowhere near what we had last year !!! This year it's been the cold for sure !!! Lots of broken and frozen pipes here in the kawarthas that's for sure
  13. . Ahhhh they may look like a swammer but they are not a swammer !!!! There is no other ...... Too bad as they work the best for sure !!!!
  14. I wish mark all the best and hope he sells it to someone who appreciates his product for sure !!!! He started by hand pouring every single one of his plastics !! And really put care & pride into each one !!!! Best plastics I have ever used !!!! Good luck mark thanks for many years of xzone !!!
  15. Yes going to be a delayed spring for sure and will affect the bite !!!! Going to be a cold spring too as the Great Lakes are almost all frozen & all that cold water will affect our weather for sure bring ing more rain & cold weather and unstable weather according to those who know !!!! And iff the azz hats lower the Kawartha lakes any lower than they are right now we won't have a launch to use !!!!! Down 3-4 feet crazy lowest I have seen
  16. My 2 fav things in the world #1 FISHING. #2 SNOWMOBILING so to me it doesn't matter what season it because I am either doing one or the other !!!!! It's awesome !!!! I'm not ready for spring yet ..... But within a month 1/2 I will be in my Lund so it's all good !!!! Then by mid-November I'm ready to go snowmobiling again !!!! And with those 2 sports I'm outside 12 months of the year ..... Wow look it's -28 time to go fire up the sled .... Woo hoo. )))))
  17. Buddy's have said they have seen a few quads froze in some back lakes that have been there for a week or 2 and now they are starting to get covered on snow and hard to spot !!! He put spruce bows out to mark the obstacle !!!! Snow is really deep on some of the back lakes as well up in the highlands & even our area lots of drifts on the lake you don't see till your in them !!! (
  18. Slush doesn't even exist at 60mph !!!! Lol ... A big 137 long track all studded ... Might slow me down abut but no issues when you hammer it !!! 128 studs up the middle of a 1.25 inch ripsaw 2 track pretty much does it !!! Need something with a bit more power & the track makes a huge difference if you sink into the slush and find the hard ice surface that's where the studs come in and will carry you out !!! Ran slush many tunes for a mile and it was past knee deep !!!! Don't stop !!!!!! Keep the fun flipper pinned and ride through it
  19. . So true Shane !!!! Leaned that many years ago when most nets were that cotton crap stuff !!!!! Especially on Lake Ontario for big fish !!!!
  20. I have a few elderly retired awesome nieghbors that are better than any watchdog !!!! Lol ... They don't miss anything they are always watching the road the people you name it !!!! As well as watch our house they are always home and nice people they tell us everything what time the garbage truck came by what time the bell telephone guy was working on the pole !!!! Lol ... Plus we have 4 motion security lights plus all our nieghbors look out for one another and we all know each other's cars & trucks so it's been great so far but a few do have cameras but yes always take the precautions and lock stuff up and generally just keep an eye out for things !!! But profesional theives if they want it it's pretty much gone !!! Locks & cameras only keep the honest crooks away !!!!! Warning signs & beware of unstable owner has shotgun signs work too !!!! Lol ... And "smile you are in the crosshairs " with a red laser. Dot !!!!! Lol ...... I would prefer 10ft high double razor wire !!!!!!! Lol .... Be safe and make it difficult for the bad guys is the best prevention I guess
  21. I hope it's as good as or better than the xrap they are my go to rapala jerkbait !!!! They work awesome and catch smallies & Wally's very well !!!so I will be aquiring my usual assortment if different colors to try out !!!!! Fish-on !!!!! :-))
  22. Would be a 20ft Lund prov tiller with a big SHO Yamaha with a 9.9pro tiller fully rigged and loaded with all the goodies it would probly be around the $80 grand mark !!!!! It would be able to go anywhere
  23. You don't to be an astro-physicist/ NASA engineer to work on the older sleds !!! The new ones well .... That's where your degree from NASA comes in to play !!!!! Lol I just sold a 98 Yamaha vmax 500 that would have been great for an ice fishermen at the end of last season !!! I will keep my eye out for you guys I see lots of good shape sleds for sale in my area & while sledding myself !! Happy family weekend !!! Cheers
  24. Those jags are good sleds for fishermen I know a few guys that use them and a trapper so they are pretty east to work on and last along time if they are kept decent !!!
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