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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Man i remember going to partys like that !!!!!....well kinda....
  2. WOW...of all the places in the world,to not be %100 percent safe. ...the ottawa river with all that current,i have seen 14-24inches of safe ice dissapear in about 3 days after they have let water out of the swischa dam !!!! well they are not using common sense out there thats for sure,thanks for the pics & the report of the ice near you on the mighty ottawa.....cheers
  3. I Think that lebarons,is really fairly priced,and in lots of cases amazing prices,im out here in durham region,and for what we pay for things here compared to the 45min drive to lebarons is always worth the drive,when i know that im being gouged by at least 4-5 dollars on a lure,when i see the price it is at lebarons i will do the drive anytime,the retailers out here think that people wont go that far to save a few bucks well they are wrong....i do support my local stores but man thats one thing if you have lots of money,well i dont and when they wont match what i can get elsewhere,my decision is easy.i do find some prices at bps high,and some is ok,but sometimes its hard to find some things anywhere else its a catch 22,if you know what i mean....
  4. Nice winter day of trib fishing cliff !!!!!. ..hey glad you made the best of our january thaw....nice pics too...cheers
  5. Well just a question guys???...how come the hut operators tow people out to their shacks with a sled behind the quad,and sometimes 4 or more customers in the sled and they do not have helmuts on,so think how many operators are breaking the law,and the opp & mnr is out there all the time and i have yet seen anyone charged out on the ice i wonder why,maybe they are not enforcing it on the lake???? anyone know,wayne or terry?????
  6. Nice catch guys !!!..and i did hear that there was open water areas too,glad you made out ok....cheers oh ya what time is dinner??..LOL..LOL..LOL
  7. WOW...What an incredible story & a great ending,like they say never underestmate mans best friend !!!!!.
  8. Well thanks for the news gerritt,and they should match the price for sure !!!! why would they not do people like that not wonder why they lose business,and not realize that its fishermen like you gerritt that keep them in a job,and keep them in business,thanks for letting us know
  9. WOW..Thats amazing, talk about being your lucky day !!!!...i hope he buys a lottery ticket after that,as well as using up most of your 9 lives....i think he used all of them !!!...
  10. See glen,all it took was for you to take your shirt off !!!!. ..you might be on to somethin there...LOL..LOL..LOL. we knew that tornado would be scared to death if it seen you standing by your fence with no shirt on cursing & swearing at it !!!!. ...cheers buddy
  11. V ery nice scenery pics thanks for sharing !!!!!
  12. Well lew there has been some awesome information here for you from everyone,but i was just thinking if you only do walleyes a few times in the year,you should consider a set-up that is ok,and not overkill for walleyes yet still enough power to use for those ski's.....that way you will get good use out of it,lots of guys use their salmon rods for walleyes too,but sometimes the rods and reels are a bit much,and you loose your sensitivity,as they are meant for salmon as oposed to walleyes,i have several medium combos that will handle both quinte walleyes yet still ok to use for salmon,and its amazing to get big salmon on a nice walleye setup,you sure get a good fight...so good-luck with whatever you go with....cheers oh ya and lew what ernie said might not be a bad idea,and almost all my combos for that reason are around $150-300 bucks, just remember to get a reel with a line counter as its a must,to run crancks at the proper depth,with the trolling bible !!!!!
  13. Well when i was going over the brige at the oshawa creek,at bloor st,she was high,and running very fast and was ice free,everywhere i could see,im not sure aqbout the mouth area,but from the amount of water thats comming down the creek,i would think that the ice is long gone now,and with the 25mm of rain forecast tonight it should be really moving tommorow,...good-luck and let us know how things are if you go,tommorow morning,ill be going over the brige again,ill have another look and make a post for you stream fishing guys,that should bring some fresh fish in for sure....cheers
  14. Well fishergirl72 and myself would sure like to make the trip this year,its just so close to my july1st holidays and we always head north to the ottawa river and do a few weeks of walleye fishing,and its a money thing too!!!so maybe we can figure out a plan and do both,it would be great to see everyone and have fun,and of course catch a few walleyes for a nice big shore lunch !!!....cheers
  15. Yes i also heard this morning that it was very unsafe and that there was open water in several spots that they could see from shore !!!!...so that means there will be lots more that they cant see...sowith all that rain comming tonight,its not gonna be good at all.it just might finish the ice thats lefti hope people use their common sense this weekend,or more people will drown !!!!...here we go again
  16. Very impressive catch guys !!!!!...beauty pics too !!. ..and yes it sure looked like it was worth the gas money for sure....cheers
  17. WOW..what a mess,they were showing lots of areas on the news today about all the flooding up that way !!!!there sure is going to be lots of damage when all this is over,and now they are going to be getting a storm with lots of snow & rain,i think its going to get worse before it gets better,i hope nobody is hurt or trapped by floodwaters.....
  18. Well i guy i know that lives right on lake scugog says,yesterday with all that wind storm,there was huts blowing everywhere and there is several he can see that are smashed to pieces,and lots of debris everywhere,there is going to be lots of guys looking for their huts this weekend and they just wont be there,as well as ones that are smashed to bits!!!!!!!....
  19. Great report & nice catch for sure !!!!...lets hope the ice holds down there ...cheers
  20. yes i watched the story on breakfast television,a few minutes ago,and by the way the camera was filming it was open water ,and you could see where the ice stopped,so it must have been at the end of cooks bay where it meets the main basin,cause there is supposedly no open water in cooks bay so it sounds as if he went quite a ways ,and they didnt say if he had a snowmobile,or an atv....cause he would have had to walk quite a ways north before he went out on the main lake,maybe he was lost in the fog,so there is definatly details missing in this story,its too bad cause the outcome doesnt look good at this point.....inexperience will kill you,and so will stupidity,and lack of safety gear as well,so which one is it...i guess we will find out when they find his body !!!!!
  21. Thats way to funny man !!!!!!!! and the things thats the most funny....is that its all dang true man !!.LOL..LOL..LOL
  22. Great day of fishing joey !!!. .congrats on that big PB,monster perch !!!! you guys will have a very nice feed of that tasty simcoe perch....nice pics of everyone too,heck even terry caught some fat perch too,way to go terry !!!...well hopefully dan,and myself will see you guys real soon on the ice i think we are going to hit virginia beach next weekend if the ice stays in decent shape after all this january thaw ????? well we dont think that cooks bay ice will go,it should fair ok....thanks for the report joey,including the ice report as well.....cheers
  23. Dads fishing with thier kids, is the best thing in the world...cause they will remember that forever,my little girl always asks when she can come fishing with me too....its great !!!!...cheers
  24. Thats too funny glen !!!..LOL..LOL..LOL. im kinda the same,im always up just after lew<oclock myself. ...sleep is something i only get with my pain medicine....not fun at all.....cheers
  25. Nice report,and cool pics as well !!!. ..and that ice is plenty safe,it looks like about 4-5 inches in the auger shot,man thats tons of ice to be walking on,im not suicidal,or stupid and have been on the ice since i was a kid,and thats lots to be on,and its good clear solid ice too,and you did it right by even spudding your way out,and you had spikes and a float suit,so you are good to go,thanks for the report ....cheers
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