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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Nice fat footballs !!!! well done guys great catch...cheers
  2. I seen him in concert in 1988 i think...and he was rocking big time it was a great concert !!!! of course hes slowing down man hes been at it along time almost 30yrs.. ..its not like it was a concert it was only a half time show...i still like him
  3. WOW...Great fish porn !!!!! man thats some really nice sized walleyes for sure !!! i guess you have been really busy with all he fishing youve been doing, well all your hard work payed off big time. ...nice scenery too....keep them reports & pics comming cheers all
  4. Great weekend of fishing with your family steve !!!!. ...you guys all did very well,and like wayne said,it should be fish on the menu for at least a week !!! nice pics off all those whities...man they are so tasty cheers to everyone soooo..what time is dinner ??? lol..lol
  5. Hey great day of perching on the lake for you guys !!!!...and for 100% sure terry you sure did get a huge smelt !!!!nice pics too joey,and it looks like everyones going to have a good fish-fry too!!!!the weather couldnt have been better by the looks of it,lots of people out too i see, cheers oh ya terry fry that smelt up in butter
  6. Hey barnie..if you want a good quality mono,try to get one thats a co-polymere ,its stronger than regular mono,and yet still suble,and it casts great ,as well as hols up pretty well for abraision, the excaliber silver thread has a great co-polymere thats a very thin strong great line,you can go to the flouro,but its up to you,i always use co-polymere line and all the pros i talk to agree,most of the top companies make a c0-polymere line,so the choice is up to you,but i just wanted to let you know about the differences,as not all mono is created the same....try the silverthread ive used it many times and am very happy with it im sure other members will have their lines that they like too you will have lots of ideas good-luck cheers
  7. Well the way i was told by a cop,was if traffic is doing 120,and everyones doing that and all of a sudden thers a car doing 130-135 well he sticks out big time,just like a sore thumb !!!!!...i was on the 400 going to bass pro today and we were doing about 110 and the opp was right in the mix of things and didnt bother anyone there was the odd car maybe doing 5 or so kms faster in the passing lane and nobody got pulled over i followed him from the 401 all the way to bass pro,and he was watching i could see hime looking at cars !!! i would imagine he was looking for seatbelts !!!! i always try and do what traffic is doing and always use your blinker when changing lanes they look for that big-time....that can get you a careless driving charge if you mistakenly cut someone off !!!! great questions and interesting thread.....cheers
  8. Great report & pictures of all that fish-porn !!!!! very nice scenery as well,kinda looks like the ottawa valley/mattawa area,i know it isnt,those beautiful lakers are just the perfect size for a shore lunch too !!!!!do they have a slot limit up that way??...thanks for sharing !!
  9. Good luck wayne and remember.....TIE THAT CAMERA AROUND YOUR NECK !!!!... so it doesnt go down the hole, and oh ya put a small tube over the treble hook !!!!it works well for them temagami lakers !!! good luck man we want to see,pics &pics & more pics !!!!!....oih those so called legendary trouts up there in the great white north
  10. Great fishing report & trip !!!!...man you were really jonesing to hit the ice,going out into that storm thats for sure....nice catch of fish you guys got !!!! your hard work & perserverance sure payed off !!! well done cheers
  11. Im looking forward to it,at least now they have put a real effort into ,aking it better & more interesting seeing how alot of the stores in the GTA,pulled out of the show several years ago,i just purchased a seminar ticket for salmon fishing in lake ontario,and it was $10 bucks and that also pays for my admission too,and seeing how they have some big names comming it should be a good show !!!!!...for the seminars they are only selling 200 tickets and today at JB"s i bought ticket #145...so they are selling fast there is also a bass fishing seminar too,so get your tickets for that as well,as they say the conference room only holds 2-300 people...so we should all meet somewhere at the show on all the mornings and tag up with eachother as im heading there alone,so im looking forward to seeing lots of our members there!!!!.....cheers
  12. Same here mark this mornings show was great as usual,i cant wait to see that show on the detroit river walleyes ,i heard you guys caught some really big fish !!!!!...im looking forward to season 6 big time !!!! did you guys get a show about ice fishing for whitefish on simcoe filmed yet ???
  13. Thats so true !!!!. ..specially about the leafs winning the cup....ya right..LOL..LOL
  14. Thanks for the read glen,very interesting !!!...and yes there sure are many factors to consider,and understand but the weather i think is the biggestlong before the fish-fiders came along,and all the modern gizmos & gadgets my grandfather who owned a fishing loge for 40yrs knew by the weather,when it was time to hit the water and he was most of the time very accurate,other fishing guides used to ask him all the time about the weather and moon phase ,he was so smart it used to just amaze me how mush he knew about all that stuff....so i do for a fact believe that it does work...cheers
  15. Well i guess thats good news !!!! even though according to the callender we still have six weeks of winter left regardless, but hey maybe winter will calm down a little bit from now on !!.LOL..LOL yes i know im only dreaming
  16. Well im not plugging gagnons sports in oshawa but they do have quite alot of topo maps at the store,that are the govt,maps and show amazing detail & large areas around it too !!!! goo-luck ice fishing next weekend
  17. I agree, with cookslav,weeds & wallyboss....around kids i try not too,and yes i swear alot and do take the lords name in vain,and use it alot,as i dont believe in religion,oh and i am educated,and not ignorant !!!!! because i dont believe in god,you find saying jesus christ name after loosing a fish very offensive,well i dont,[sorry to ofend anyone that is just my opinion & view,as i dont like it when people make a religious statement over a swear word}and if i choose to say that word i will....but i do try and not use bad potty mouth words around kids,and women !!!!! i dont thin k its that big of deal,have you been sheltered all your life,cause its just something guys do,especially fishermen,and guys having a good time without the girls around !!! and if you think your child isnt going to hear cursing & swearing at his or her school,from thier freinds your dreaming...i have already told my little girl to just ignore people who are swearing,and to not repeat what it is that she hears and she knows that,so i really dont think its a big deal,its not like its going to ruin your children or anything,its just one of those things that will happen...hey its the weekend shouldnt we all be ice-fishing !!!!
  18. Nice catch !!!!!!... well you sure have the bay of quinte all figured out , well done
  19. Thats one happy fisherman for sure !!!!. ..great pic & glad you caught dinner,thats a few nice grand river walleyes....cheers
  20. Great news dave congats & go down there and kick some but for sure !!!!. ..we all know for a fact that you will do well,and will have no problem catching those big,bass and having a great time doing it !!!! cheers
  21. WOW...Great catch man thats a sweet lookin bow for sure !!!!. .nice pics too,and that walleye is nice too....cheers
  22. Hello everyone,my previous virus protection subscription has expired,and from talking to the puter expert at our school,he told me to install AVG for free,i am also with rogers internet and have ads gone,adaware se profesional,also firewall,so he told me to get avg,and it works better than all the rest,and its free, he said to stay away from norton,and mcaffe,as they slow you down alot,i had pc-cillin virus protection,and it seemed to be ok,and was installed by a member on our board,but when it ran out i was to get a new virus protection,so it would be nice if someone could send me the link so i can install it and feel safer,surfing and watching fish-porn !!!!!!.....thanks in advance
  23. Well i dont know why you wouldnt want to go to simcoe,man they have been getting nice trout & whites big time in the last few days !!!!...and the big perch have been hitting near gilford as well,if you dont want to go their head to bellville for the day and get a few big eyes !!!!or hit,drag lake in haliburton for lakers???...theres lotf places to go,and i know i would be going to simcoe good-luck
  24. Nice catch !!!!..well you are hooked for sure now...dinner looks great
  25. Well blaque,you said it first but i was going to say that !!!why dont the date stamp line,they should so then we know how old it is for sure,i know i have had both,fresh line just feels different,and stale line,like trilene xt has like a powder feel to it,when its new it doesnt,and it will change color too,so us fishermen can tell the difference sometimes,maybe we should all send them an e-mail and ask them that question???? cheers
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