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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Well thats a very succesful 07 fishing season for sure !!!! you had some real nice catches of walleye & all those trout from the mighty niagara river !!!...great pics too, now all you have to do is top all that in the 08 fishing season comming up soon !!...cheers
  2. I caught an ice -fishing scoop,that was at least several years old as it was covered with zebra muscles,and there was a lure stuck to it,i think it was a mr.champ,so i guess someone else got snagged on it and wasnt able to free the lure,and it broke off !!!!i was using 12lb trilene XT...so it pulled the 5lbs of muscles up no prob...so thats my weird catch....cheers
  3. Yes but what about habitat degredation !!!!..take the kawartha lakes...theres a perfect example of habitat loss,the fishing is nowhere even close to what it once was ,and alot of it is due to just that,there is hardly 25ft of untouched shoreline anywhere in the system...so in that case doubled with a 6 fish limit,it has made them what they are today....so in that case stocking is the only way to keep the fisheries alive,as well as the tourism industry,which has dropped righ off,and is getting worse every year,but i think anglers have to be more educated about whats the priority ,keeping what we have left,or trying to enhance and make the fisheries better buy using common sense,and yes in these times maybe we should use more C&R...for a while,maybe a few years,and do some stocking where it needs to be,and see what happens,its tough cause there is people who just want to hunt meat .and people who just want to catch and release,so its a hard question to answer,but overall things are not good,and i think the new regs did not do enough to make things better at all,i give it a failing grade for sure
  4. Oh ya im always jonesing for my boat...i just put her away this morning ,and i miss her already ..LOL..LOL..LOL...dam winter,well i try to keep busy doing maintenence on reels and making my homeade worm harnesses,and doing inventory on what i lost during the summer,like getting new lures,and stuff so that when spring comes im all ready to go,but still its along time till spring,oh ya and i go to bass pro,and lebarons alot just to hang out and check things out,and ya the puter,too..and i still go ice fishing just not as much as i used to,with having a bad back its pretty labor in tensive so i will go my 5 times a winter and thats it,oh ya and i go to the spring fishing shows as well...all in a way to kill time,thats what i do !!!!,where bouts in oshawa are you,im at ritson rd,401 area....cheers
  5. Well bass pro has them...thats where i bought mine,as well as cabelas,they have the most selection....they had several styles at bps...good-luck
  6. Hey wayne,im not sure if you have seen the new style cannonball...its a chrome shark...its amazing and cost 70 bucks...well it really attracts the salmon,and most of the time we will run that shinny shark about 10ft...and man does that get the salmon very interested,we can see them on the graph all the time streaking up and down ...its really a great fish catching ball...andwe really do run them as close as 5 ft...its been a secret for a while but its out now...and i seen it all summer long in my buddys boat....until now i always varied the lead,depending on fishing conditions,and how they were biting.but in rough weather you have to shorten up your lead and in flat will run them most times at 20ft...for kings...now for lakers i never have a lead more than 75 ft...well ill tell you why...because the number one reason is every once in a while i will slip the engine into neutral,and let my lure or bait sink on a nice dive curve,and lakers as we all know will follow a lure forever so by having a lead of about 50 ft will make a nice dive curve,and almost always if you are marking lakers on your graph,and dont seem to be getting a hit,and you have a lure at that depth...90% of the time if you put her in neutral,thats when they will hit...so there is lots of little tricks you can do by varieing your leads....cheers bud let me know what you think,and have a look around and see those shark style cannonballs they are amazing and the fish can see them for a mile....they really work...
  7. Great fishing/camping/scenery pics !!!!!!. ...it sure looks nice up there,and it makes me want to be there right now !!! like cliff says man its along time till spring....thanks for sharing...cheers
  8. Congrats sean on your great year of catching lots of fish !!!. ..some real nice ones there for sure !! and some very good pictures as well,you will have to work real hard in 08,to beat this years catches for sure...cheers
  9. Nice catch glen !!!!...looks like you have fish dinner for tonight....cheers
  10. WOW...thays some good shottin for sure !!! congrats on your very sucessful 07,hunting season.. .you will be eating well for a while....great looking buck,and nice pic too....good-luck on filling your last tag...cheers
  11. Cool muskie fishing video !!!. ..nice catch as well...cheers
  12. Glad ypu are feeling better glen !!!! just in time for xmas too !!!!. ..take care and get back out there and catch us some of those big,slab crallies !!!! go get em tiger..LOL..LOL..LOL. cheers
  13. Thanks for the read !!!..very interesting,theres a good story behind it as well...
  14. Well weather they are all legit or not ???...they are still very big pike. and i know i would love to catch one that big,my PB,is 22lbs and i think that one is alot bigger than that for sure !!! thanks for bringing that to our attention moosebunk !!!! cheers
  15. Thats gross !!!!...i wonder if they washed the glasses at merland,when we were all there !!! i dont even want to think about it????...
  16. Great fishing reports & fish !!!!!...you guys had a succesful summer & fall fishing season for sure,great pics too....cheers
  17. Thanks for the tip wayne !!!...cheers theres always something to learn....
  18. Im too peved to say anything as i would definatley offend some people as well....
  19. Nice fish porn !!!! looks like you have been very busy.....cheers
  20. Well i dont know why they wouldnt wait a few weeks,is it wort risking your life,and putting your family through all the greif...just to get a fish !!!!...NO ITS NOT WORTH IT...ive been out on the ice for most of my life,and about 10yrs ago my bud and me were on lake scugog,when that day 4 people drown in less than 24 hrs we were right there when they pulled out 2 of the bodies,and if you seen what we did,and the look on their faces you would be shocked...so im for sure a little more careful than i used to be,i have fallen through 2 times,and will not be out again on a few inches like i used to...but it will always happen,people just cant wait a few weeks its too bad,sorry to hear the bad news
  21. Like wayne said man that would be amazing to blow those things up with an over & under 12 gauge shotgun !!!!! oh ya now we are talking !!...if those carp get here in the great lakes fishing as we know it is over....dam,they are almost here.grrrrrr
  22. Well done guys !!!! thats a great first half of the 07 fishing season,im looking forward to seeing the rest of the years catch too !!! great pics as well,some real nice fish...cheers
  23. WOW...lots of big fish were caught this year for sure !!!! congrats to everyone....cheers
  24. Thanks for the link,i think its pretty cool, lots of shows & info there for sure !!!!....cheers
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