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Ice Fishing Ham

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Everything posted by Ice Fishing Ham

  1. I did see some of the special, so many memories. If I recall there was some issues about Puff the Magic Dragon being a song about toking. Kind-a fits if you thing of it!
  2. That's one solid sled Drifter. Nice work.
  3. Nice work Terry. Looks like it will go through anything. Is this a kit or did you make it from scratch?
  4. Check out Walmart, I got one there before.
  5. Is it used for chumming or for snagging?
  6. Great post BC, I've never cold smoked, the cheese sounds good. Looking forward to the picture/drawings.
  7. Looks great F7, you got the spirit. It's a good thing the neighbours keep moving. When they start buying BB guns is when you have to worry !!
  8. Check out Shoppers Drug Mart, I got my last pair there.
  9. Sad......................
  10. I don't know what what your situation is Grimsbylander. I would hate a 80km commute in traffic. If I found myself in that situation I would be looking for a new job. It's easier to find a job when you have one. A fellow I use to know had a long commute and he would get the (don't know the correct name) books that are on discs from the library and would listen to then on the drive. Not sure if this is a good idea, I might get to distracted and not focus on the driving. I lost my job of 20 years and when I was looking the commute was part of the equation. An hours drive to Peterborough would be OK but an hour in Toronto traffic wasn't. Fortunately my new job is 20km down the road. There's a couple of different routes I can take to change up the scenery and adjust for weather road conditions.
  11. Any team but Brazil.
  12. Durham Regional Police got one last spring. It was given to them General Dynamic Land Systems. They call it a Tactical Rescue Vehicle (TRV). I have no problem with it as long as they don't mount a gun or cannon on it. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/03/11/durham_regional_police_boast_biggest_and_best_toy_of_all_an_armoured_personnel_carrier_hume.html
  13. Fun video, he should do another one when the black flies and mosquitoes are at their peak!!
  14. That is fresh
  15. Nice video, looks like you had lots of fun as well.
  16. I enjoy most of the events of the Olympics. One of the better events, I don't know what it's call but they start with 4 skiers and race down the hill together. Lots of action. Go Canada Go!
  17. I just replaced my Olympus Stylus 800 (as much as I hated to), with a Canon SX280 HS. I did a bit of research and found this one fit my needs. I wanted a camera with a better zoom (it has a 20x zoom with stabilization) and video quality. So far I like it, it doesn't have the same lens cover as the 800 but the 280 cover seems OK so far. When I'm ATVing or fishing I all ways have it with me. I put a lanyard on it long enough to go around my neck and keep the camera in my jacket or breast pocket. It was around the $250 mark.
  18. In the past during the week I have rented huts from Floyd Hales in Beaverton. Also from Ice Fishing Outfitters at Virginia Beach.
  19. We had the power out for 36 hours. The ice sure made a mess of the Pine in the back yard not to mention the shed. The bird feed looked kinda neat. Got a new vanity plate for the truck.
  20. Good News! just got a 2-up machine.
  21. These are a few videos I've taken over the last 2 years of the Bowmanville Dam. There are a lot of good people trying to get this this new ladder built. Sept 24 2013 Salmon http://s142.photobucket.com/user/Alphaalphaalpha/media/Bowmanville%20%20Creek/20130924BowmanvilleDam_zpsa74f3a75.mp4.html March 29 2013 Trout http://s142.photobucket.com/user/Alphaalphaalpha/media/Bowmanville%20%20Creek/20130329BowmanvilleRainbows_zpse3760792.mp4.html Sept 28 2012 Salmon http://s142.photobucket.com/user/Alphaalphaalpha/media/Bowmanville%20%20Creek/20120821SalmonLift.mp4.html Sept 19 2013 Salmon before the fish lift http://s142.photobucket.com/user/Alphaalphaalpha/media/Bowmanville%20%20Creek/20120819FishLadder.mp4.html Sept 11 2012 More Salmon http://s142.photobucket.com/user/Alphaalphaalpha/media/Bowmanville%20%20Creek/20120811FishLadderSalmon.mp4.html
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