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Ice Fishing Ham

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Everything posted by Ice Fishing Ham

  1. Sauerkraut Before the pizza arrives or comes out of the oven, heat up some sauerkraut. It doesn't matter what you have on your pizza, add a little on top of each slice just before you eat it.
  2. I was also looking for Jig-A-Woppers but have had no luck. The kind I'm looking for are in the photo below.
  3. Very clever, nice interior as well.
  4. Nice work fishNwire and thanks for posting your progress. I built a hut back in 93 and went through many of the same planing/design issues you have had. I laid in bed many hours thinking on how I was going to make it. It almost became an obsession. You have built a good solid hut, you might what to use it as a bunkie in the off season. Keep the updates/photos coming. Looking forward to seeing the first fish through the hole.
  5. Good use of and old snow blower. They made machines similar many years ago. They called them Hus Skis.
  6. Check the video clip the truck went quite far before stopping. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/storm_watch_stories3&stormfile=trailer_truck_takes_an_icy_p_060112?ref=ccbox_weather_topstories
  7. I lost the cover for my 8 inch Jiffy last year and wasn't going to pay $25 for a new one. So I made this one. Its made with 3 layers of ¾ ply wood and a bungee cord. The photos don't show it but the blade is suspended and does not rest on the bottom all the weight of the auger is supported on the bottom plate.
  8. I also use Stihl oil and premium gas (no ethanol) As mentioned I put 10 litters in the vehicle then fill the auger gas can. This way I know the auger gets the good stuff. I also stick to the manufactures recommended ratio.
  9. has not set their status

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