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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. You ARE the man! Per cheer. A PDF print out is a good idea Beanzi, but only the pages you need. I don't understand why if you get it with the vehicle why not pass it on . . . I just sold my 95 Jeep and all service records for the last 12 years plus manual was include! I'd take Percher's offer.
  2. Amazing Irish, you have an amazing girl to contend with. My youngest (21) went through a nasty test last wednesday to see what it may be and can be removed or treated . . . We are on pins and needles until they see the results and options. Jen is amazing in her progress.
  3. Thanks Irish as CT may just 'donate' it for a small fee, I may just put it on a shelf for later/ kids.
  4. I know where there is one off 9th line Oro in 46 feet of water and it has a rope the noobie didn't know what the rope was used for
  5. Starting Monday I have to park outside. I'm looking at a Remote car starter for the winter, I can get one really cheap/with saved card money plus sale price at CT. Any opinions problems/installation and draw backs would be appreciated.
  6. Good catch! As son as my grandchild is old enough I'm back out! You should invest in a food saver and vacuum pack them, they will last a lot longer . . . Just saying
  7. [quote name='Rattletrap2' date='19 January 2012 - 07:22 PM' timestamp='1327018973' Oh, and I've been married for 31 wonderful years to a great woman and raised 3 Daughters. Congrats Rattle. I've raised 4. Took them out when I had my hut on Simcoe, all they wanted to do was ride the machine and eat. It wasn't that cold, one actually dropped her leg in an outside hole, but NEVER AGAIN, we like the mall with mom! .
  8. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  9. many years ago I had a great friend for a neighbour five house or so away (still a good friend). On Saturdays and Sundays I heard saws and hammers, once this thing broke over the fences I went over, slowly walked up behind him (him on a ladder) "Sir, do you have permit for this" he froze and looked back . . . Man those Greeks can rattle off fine words I didn't understand. Karma comes back, I was in my yard burning scrap wood in steel pail, I turned around and there stood a man in a fireman's uniform. The first thiing that came to mind "are you selling tickets to the ball" NO SIR, it's about the smoke/smell, what smoke it's wood burning. . . I wasn't going to win this one at least for now. I was also pround owner of a large outdoor brick BBQ, Asked the fine man that next time I would burn my wood in that and have some meat nearby, We just laughed it off, as he had to respond to the call and then I questioned the $$$ another good laugh!
  10. I never touch the "hard stuff" but I do collect it. My oldest is a 64 Crown Royal and a Kings Ransom that was 12 years old when my daughter was born and that was in 77. Now that's warm. Be careful out there, I was the same, not worth your life. Memories of ninth line.
  11. Pour "something" over ice cubes and YOU will be cured! If you fall what you'll hit all be warm and dry!
  12. I have a Windsor Hotel listed in my Ontario Accommodation Guide, if they are still around. 507 Main Street POwassan ON 705.724.2029. There is also a B&B Satis House B&B 258 ENglish Line 705.724.2187
  13. Welcome To Canada The guy shooting this video is deer hunting from his tree stand, when an adult-aged black bear moseys into the clearing directly below his tree. What the bear does when it looks up the tree--after over two minutes-- and sees the hunter may surprise you. I personally think it’s an "oh crap!" moment, but this guy has got to be one cool customer ... either that, or he had a video camera in one hand and a .44 magnum in the other! The moral of this story must be ... "if confronted by an adult-aged black bear, just be calm and act cool ... then merely ask the bear a question." Turn your audio up so you can hear this; you just won't believe it unless you hear it for yourself! http://www.wimp.com/curiousbear/
  14. So when I buy one of these does it make it cheaper? We all know how to save energy, it's the government who dictates how much we pay. I've done all possible to keep my costs, down but then I also like to live comfortable according to the amount of taxes I pay very year. Why can't we turn off every second light on the 400 series of Hwys after a certain hour. Plazas with glaring lights all night long . . .parking lots empty. Who pays for that? The water over Niagara doesn't run according to time of day, I know, I advertise how much water flows over the brink. yes there is maintenance . . . Why do governments COEs Hydro/ Hospital . . . have to make million dollar salaries? I have saved my energy bills since 2004, they are not doing us any favours! I'm not making the millions that the hydro/hospital CEOs are making
  15. The "smart" meter is sitting at Queen's Park, Mc something. Who does not have to worry about conserving for the rest of his life. I've done the same thing short of washing dishes and laundry after midnight. (he doesn't have to worry) This smart metre to me is bunch of crap and only put in to take our hard earned dollars. My wife watch our grand children (under 2) can we keep the house cold, not turn on the stove to feed them, wash their clothes in the daytime . . . Let's keep voting them in.
  16. A small pail would probably do it (cat litter). Replace the handle with a bungee cord so you can wrap it around the shaft.
  17. Wayne, you got lucky! I had to buy a dishwasher on New Year's Eve, two hours before the sale ended . . . Merman, I never did get the parts in, that wasn't the problem, thank the lord I got them from you (spare change). We all "have to eat" is my policy. If a retailer or someone else can help another person out then let it be done. Cliff has helped me out and I've given back also on the board. A
  18. 2 am, had an amazing 8- hour dinner with friends, no driving, next door! hope all went as well withIn the OFC. spending tomorrow with the kids and grandkids. Let's hope 2012 will bring us health and quality of life for us all.
  19. Happy New year Paul. Now to tackle the new dishwasher, no wait I'll do it Monday!
  20. Misfish seems to the the Angel here. Big cliff will chime is soon (he's good) We have great bunch ready to help. I've learned to start the blower in early November just in case. You will be fine.
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