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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Here is a close up. Hope it works.
  2. Yup he would sit on shore with a sled with two benches, take you out and pick you up. made a few bucks for sure. later we got our own sleds and stored them at his house.
  3. I showed you mine and no drilling involved. Who is Uber? Yamaduber? In the 80s we paid Rick $2 in and $2 out of Innisfil. NO meter! I used to feed him at the hut and he did it for $0 after a while. We kept him after we got our sleds out of 9th line. Good times were had.
  4. It’s there B. Just like the alarm lol. Great shot Lew
  5. Dave, you collect pennies? I have $110 worth if not more!
  6. When you do take the middle hooks off saves a lot of tangles.. Those pearl set ups were amazing. Another one we used were the small round things that hung On a chandelier they could really deflect light.
  7. No worries about the 7 inches, the OPP won’t believe what they see going down the road anyway. My cousins drove to a moose hunt with a full size freezer on their trailer hooked to a Genny.
  8. Have a good trip Dan, looks like a moon trip!
  9. Don’t have boat but grow vegetables! Home Depot or any building supplier has galvanized reinforcement bars/mesh that can be bent into an arch, eight feet long and about eight inches wide; looks like a ladder sorry the actual name escapes me. They can be bent to shape and are somewhat spring loaded when bent. just a thought. I try to adapt and invent.
  10. Reading the headline I thought a skating rink! Ice fishing with a truck? Mr B says it all.
  11. Brian pulled him out! Nice fish B.
  12. OI, I’m in advertising and been for a long time but in the actual production of ads not design. I sign off before any ads hit the media or presses . . . So they don’t touch me at all but when a new president or creative director takes over the Creative team usually disappear within months. One industry where jobs are never advertised to any extent, word of mouth . . .
  13. I seen one go down. I was on the Bell Mobility account at the time and my friend asked if there was anything I could for him. Yes buy another phone. Brian take Monday off.
  14. Saw that as I came over the 400 at Rutherford. Can't stop to shoot it
  15. Nice to see you back Roy., and for a long time
  16. Just read this. https://ca.yahoo.com/news/5-snowmobilers-missing-falling-ice-105616724.html
  17. When I was young I worked midnights and had dinner at 4 am. Difficult to sleep in the summer so one morning I figure do some garden work and have a beer at 9 ! Until my neighbour came in her yard and saw that!!!!! I never tasted whiskey! BUT a when my daughter was born I got a bottles of King’s Ransom. Or something like that. Nice looking Ceramic bottle, that was in 77 and opened it when she was 40. The cork fell apart and to it tasted terrible. I’m kept the bottle. I also have Crown Royal from 64 and a small tiny thing around the same time. Wanted to have all the sizes but gave it up during moves.
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