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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. You can’t make prosciutto out of that, it comes from the leg. Maybe on the Rock
  2. You sir are the Michaelangelo of fishing rods.
  3. You mean there is a Hwy, no more driving in front of the ship yards? what next a bridge at the orchard?
  4. where I live they are all over the place! no stop signs and in 17 years I saw no accidents.
  5. been looking at that Cliff. they said they were trying to vent the gasses and fell through the roof. I read one comment, at 680 news “why were they on the roof”. Can’t believe people who comment and have no facts as to why! Hope it all works out well for them.
  6. Are you sure you want to advertise this one ?
  7. Those retired guys! Sleep until noon! You drive while he sleeps and when he wakes up he can fish!
  8. No Terry, you can’t put ice tires on and take it on Simcoe. Brian would love you if you did.
  9. Lew that happened to me at an advertising agency. We collected food for a church on King street and me having a van volunteered to deliver it. Pulled up with a trunk full and got some help unloading. Went home and looked in the truck to unload my own that I had bought for Christmas a few days before and it was all gone! It was only two cases of soft drinks and other items. Now I unload the day I bring it home! didn’t mind that they took it!
  10. No John he is only 10. I take them out on walks and teach them to Respect nature and people. and yes they have iPads and the internet that can influence them. Maybe when they will be teens they will change. Hopefully not on my watch.
  11. Put a mattress in the back of the “truck” and jig away!
  12. Johnny D we hold our kids close and teach them values. I have 4 daughters and they all have kids (9) we are a “family” they have respect for all of us. My parents kept us in line and we had to obey them or we got it. Today kids roam on their own and no supervision! Parents leave it up to the schools! That is crap! Teaching starts in the home. last night was and example, taught one l how to stoke a fire and then we roasted chestnuts. We sat outside and talked. He asked why am I getting smoke in my eyes, then I thought him about wind direction! Can we roast marshmallows, yes go find some, he did and and was going to hold them over the fire NO we need skewers. Do we have any? Yes we do. He told me he will always remember what we did. he’d did burn the skewer a few times, they were mini mellows. It was fun and I’m sure he will cherish what he learned. A lesson and it was fun.
  13. same here Lew 9 kids under 11 and 8 adults. One noisy day!
  14. Great catch Simon. rain and more rain, get ready for snow by the looks of it. We are in Canada.
  15. One of you guys should start a “Looking back” thread! where we we’re in . . .some years ago we had one. What do you do? I’m writing a short story about my evolution in the typesetting trade, from day one to today and backing it up with pictures and lots of collectibles. The changes that I have survived but MY kid have no clue what got them where they are now. Hard work. It was a long journey, no days off and it got me some amazing memories and friends. I even hired some of my teachers. Work in progress and even fishing experiences.
  16. Your parents took you? I drove! And ended up living at 7 and Pine valley many years later. I was there when they started the Colossus centre and demolished the drive in. I don’t remember going for treats
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