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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Just before the PRICE POINT it say SALE and then WAS . . never buy with just was Yes they are expensive, try buying a NINJA MIXER? B
  2. Get one of these, We have one. we use it sparingly and it does a great job.
  3. Sometimes they help lol. I wore an ONTARIO logo shirt when I did Tourism advertising Only given to tourism partners. I was treated a bit better when I visited tourism locations:) the logo was the one you see on fishing shows and Go Fish ONTARIO.
  4. Later to be known as 10W30! You could change your oil at a drive in. On a bad date.
  5. think carefully before you make a move, it could set you back and things will be worse. Curl it JD! Or over the top. With lots of hairspray that a hurricane could not move.
  6. I just want to stay home and hope for some warmer weather! I’ve been getting up at 5:30 for 50 years! 🇨🇦
  7. Geez can even learn to speka the Englisha. she makes them by the load! Even spicy ones.
  8. Be careful you what happens when you try to muscle in on a bakery business! IT’s not amore. seriously that looks amazing B. Nothing like homemade food. I bought 66 lbs of flour before this began and my wife makes bread and fennel seed taralli. One thing she did the other day, she Had a crap load of Easter eggs and nuts of all varieties In small quantities so she crushed them, melted the eggs and here they be.
  9. OI keep up the good work, sta fa na bona jobba. I quit the day we found out we were having a child in 1977! No spray no nicotine patch . . .
  10. a pizza pie in your eye, now that’s amore!
  11. Looks good B. You have to trade in the vest for a apron. OR wear the vest and pretending you are wading.
  12. I have family that are frontline Brian. I have lined up at 6:30 two times. Ten minutes in the store and everyone else was in also. Today at 10:30 I drove by a Food Basics and not one person at the door. I’m sure if this happens they won’t all show up at the same location. I read last week in England a heathcare worker got off work after 12 hours, went to store and shelves were empty of what she needed. Let’s hope cooler heads prevail and be civil, we are Canadian.
  13. happy birthday Brian, No chunky Cheese this year? Did Terry get your the extra boat? You health is the best gift keep well.
  14. We had the same thing tonight! Wife went a bit better and even did a whole wheat loaf. it’s starting to be the norm now.
  15. Yes he would be, I have 3 more beside him, all with a great head on their shoulders. They are all Italian/CANADIAN. Born here but practice the religion. The one with the car does NOT eat Rapini! What kind of an Italian is that?
  16. That belongs to my daughter’s husband Honda Type R something. He likes his cars Keeps it in the detailing room at CT. He had one in the 90s I think parked in the CT lot in Woody, one of his employees asked where he went for lunch. WHAT lunch I don’t take lunches. Well your car left the lot a while back! NEVER found.
  17. You could replace another cup with white wine! Wine spritzer bread.
  18. You should have gotten yourself a chicken! You would have know where the eggs were. We had a drive by, one car still to arrive. It was amazing seeing them all at once. We played by the rules and it was done in 15 minutes.
  19. We had a drive by, and not the Gambino style! Bound Pasquale a voi anche.
  20. We passed on lamb this year Brian. A family tradition we will continue after this is over. Hopefully we can at Christmas.
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