Imagine your body like you are living in a lot cabin in the heart of Ontario with no electricity and at the centre is the wood stove (or your stomach).
As soon as you wake up you want to get the fire started. But if you try with a log, it won't work. Kindling and newspaper (don't know where you get newspaper in the bush, bear with me). So that's fruits, veggies, something light no later then 30 minutes when you wake up.
Now you want to keep that fire hot. Don't want it going out on you and having to light it again and you don't want to smother it. So lots of small pieces of wood throughout the day (veggies, lean meats, fish but not big meals). As the day gets longer you don't want a heavy fire burning before bed so, in the evening hold back from putting too much wood on the fire (not big meals in the evening).
Should work really well. Cranks your metabolism to the max.