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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. I can't believe it. Usually January 6th is my go to day for cooks. Might have to bump that back a month. Last year was Christmas Eve for the first time I was out. The year before that I think Chad and I were out around the 20th. No chance for either of those this year.
  2. I've heard of the one bowslayer mentioned as well. It suuuuucks. (As in it's hard to do)
  3. I'm used to a green Christmas, but not even SEEING snow before the new year, that's a new one. You have snow where you are Joeytier?
  4. Thank you.
  5. Imagine your body like you are living in a lot cabin in the heart of Ontario with no electricity and at the centre is the wood stove (or your stomach). As soon as you wake up you want to get the fire started. But if you try with a log, it won't work. Kindling and newspaper (don't know where you get newspaper in the bush, bear with me). So that's fruits, veggies, something light no later then 30 minutes when you wake up. Now you want to keep that fire hot. Don't want it going out on you and having to light it again and you don't want to smother it. So lots of small pieces of wood throughout the day (veggies, lean meats, fish but not big meals). As the day gets longer you don't want a heavy fire burning before bed so, in the evening hold back from putting too much wood on the fire (not big meals in the evening). Should work really well. Cranks your metabolism to the max.
  6. Thank god there is ice somewhere. I was starting to get worried.
  7. This was a great report. Beautiful lakes and fish. Thanks for the read.
  8. Sorry to hear TJ.
  9. They owe me 3 cents. The horror.
  10. Carrot stix are made out of actual carrots? Did not know that.

    1. farsider


      Celery Sticks....yup, made with Celery.

    2. Acountdeleted


      I mean the fishing rod. -_-

    3. irishfield
  11. Dang, this has my name all over it except Saturday is no good. Please keep me in mind in the future.
  12. Should have just walked home shouting 'BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!'
  13. This. Actually I already got my Christmas wish. My work contract was extended over the winter for the first time in 8 years. Means I get benifits and I'll actually get paid for being off this Christmas.
  14. Wow. If that is the case, that is a total disaster.
  15. Time for me to renew as well. 3 year sport, here I come!
  16. Hell of a musician. Velvet Revolver was good too. RIP. For me, Trippin on a hole or sour girl were my favs.
  17. Loved that day. Never ice fished in a rainstorm before. Dynamic_Bear thought that was open water behind us. Just awesome.
  18. Agree 100% Jimmer. I actually hope the Jays go .500 for the first 80 games and the attendance and TV numbers plummet. The fans giveth, the fans taketh away.
  19. Shipiro signs up his 'yes man' from Cleveland. It's a little soon to use the words 'Harold Ballard' but I'm starting to get nervous.
  20. I'm not keeping my fingers crossed. It's a shame, usually I'm on cooks the first week of Jamuary. Might have to test some of the back lakes then.
  21. Saw Ice fishing trip. Saw thread was started by Nick. Started typing 'I'm in!!!!' Before reading the rest of the forum. I'm sure the other guys can help on this one. I have no clue. Best of luck getting her hooked.
  22. This is my big thing. Everyone keeps saying that Price will be the worst deal in baseball in 4 years. I can't argue that. They are probably right. But 1) There is no salary cap in baseball. Doesn't look like that is going to change. 2) Rogers makes billions. Billions! $210 million is just a blip on the radar. It's nothing. The jays made it very clear when they traded all of their young prospects that they are going for it now. That's fine but they can't be half pregnant. Again, like Frank said, we have 2-3 years. Go for it all until 2017-2018 and then rebuild. If the Jays become a 72 win team after 3-4 good runs (regardless if they win a World Series or not) I will say it's worth it. They way they are going now try are setting back up to be another 85 win team.
  23. I love the leafs but here is where goalies come to die. Raycroft Toskala Poggie Aubin Scrivins (Anyone want to chime in with the rest I am forgetting) And now Bernier. Edit: Tellquivst Gigurere Clemmensen Gerber Rynnas McDonald Gustavsson ....... I think that's everyone.
  24. I agree 100% with Frank. Price was less then mediocre in the playoffs but he got us there, which is not easy to do in the MLB. If it's true that the Jays didn't even place an offer on Price, deciding instead to go after Happ, I find that very concerning. I heard Bob McCowan mention he would offer Price 4 years at something like $25-30 million a year with a chance for Price to walk after the first two. He probably wouldn't have taken it but it would have been a show of good faith by Jays management and, more importantly, Shapiro.
  25. I'm with Mike. I didn't expect him back but I was hoping the Dodgers or Cubs. Even if the jays hit well against him, that's 14-18 more wins the jays will have to overcome next year.
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