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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. I've been nothing but polite and respectful to police when I get pulled over but have never gotten a warning. Always a ticket or, at best, a lesser sentence. I was told by a buddy though that 'admission of guilt' when they pull me over is my biggest mistake. Be polite, be helpful, but never admit what you did wrong. Any truth to this?
  2. I bet if he takes it to court the officer won't set a court date. That being said, I have been wrong before. I really like threads like this. The info is good for the paranoid folks like myself. I finally got my insurance down to 'non-mortgage' prices after 6 years and I want to do everything possible to keep it there. Sometimes I'm just not sure what that involves.
  3. Haha. I never thought of that. Start planning the parade route! The Spark-Knight (or sparknado) gets the next start too. Hope the kid stays hot.
  4. Not bad....... For a Muskie.
  5. Brrrr.... I still tell stories about that My therapist says I will stop having flashbacks in 3-5 years.
  6. I do. I plugged it in overnight. If it doesn't charge I'll try the trickle charge tonight.
  7. Started unpacking my ice fishing stuff today in (very premature) anticipation of the upcoming season. I was using my 12v battery from my flasher over the summer with my hummingbird fish finder. I could have swore they both used the same battery (worked great with my hummingbird) but now I plug it into my charger and it says it's fully charged. The charger. Have is just one of those small ones that have a red, green, and yellow light. Regardless of what I do, the light stays green saying that battery is charged. Yet when I plug it in to the flasher or fish finder nothing works. I get the feeling I probably fried it and need a new one, but I'm open to suggestions as I can't really do any more damage. (Saving some time, yes I checked, the flasher and hummingbird cords are all attached and in good condition. No I don't have another battery to test everything with).
  8. Only one that wasn't Berniers fault was the pinball goal. What a joke.
  9. Oilers vs Penguins 3 on 3 OT. This is some entertaining hockey.
  10. I don't follow follow boxing as much as I'd like. I was really hoping this was Mayweather Jr that got upset.
  11. Wooooooo! I'm so jealous! Have some fun for all of us out there.
  12. Wow! Some great pics here. A lot of really beautiful fish. Thanks for the report.
  13. Ugh. We signed Happ for 3 years and waaaay too much $. So long Price.
  14. I think it was a year in the making. If I remember correctly a lot of people on this forum were asking for Scugog to close last year around this time. Still lots of Crappie to target on the 'Gog. Also weren't people on this forum reccomending Rice get opened up for winter? (I wouldn't know. I have no success there).
  15. Agree with that 100%. The last time I had it was about 2 or 3 years ago and I vowed never again. I've had cardboard that tastes better.
  16. Congrats. The big family Christmas get togethers are always the best.
  17. Let me know when you're free. I'll make time for it. Always a blast.
  18. I've got a buddy down here in Toronto that owns a sports marketing company. Often during the year he is looking for people to ask shops if they will take flyers for the various charities that hire the company. It's easy work (few companies won't take free flyers when you say you are representing the Canadian cancer society), you get paid $1.50 per business you drop flyers off at (in a good day I was doing 100 in 6 hours) and best part is you make your own hours. Let me know if you'd like his contact info.
  19. Now I'm really bit by the hard water bug. A little skim of ice on some storm water ponds and it's Ll

    1. Acountdeleted


      All I can think about. *

  20. Congrats bud. I read this and first thing I think is 'lots more time to go ice fishing'. Doing bar work I would make decent cash doing a couple nights a week. It messes with your sleep schedule but it doesn't interfere with life too much.
  21. For those of is who only have a kayak I can't wait to bring on 'trout season'. Lady simcoe and a few secret spots and calling. Co-workers say it will be difficult to find ice this winter. I know it's going to be a bit of a wait but I sure hope not. My flasher is itching.
  22. Just once I'd like to see a premium star go elsewhere after their rookie contract. I was really hopeful with Tavares. Maybe McDavid?
  23. This is an easy one. Watkins cream. Except no substitutions. This is from 3 years tree planting in Hearst Ontario. The only thing that worked. And you couldn't get me to trade it for a good bar of the same weight on some days.
  24. Exactly. Shore anglers have only a small area in which they are able to fish. Decreased even more so by the presence of other shore anglers and potentially property that they don't own. I agree with John, disrupting boat traffic in a narrow channel by casting would be frowned upon, but on a large body of water I feel it is the boat operators reaponsibility to 'share the lake'
  25. This is so true. Whenever I go on a lake and people are coming off and they say they caught nothing, it never discourages me. If it does it means that I think they are better fishermen then I am. And I almost never think that. I actually like when my known hot spots are taken on my favourite lake. Gives me an excuse to explore and find new hotspots. That being said, my biggest pet peeve is on my buddies cottage on Quinte. He has a really nice property with a pretty sweet weedbed nearby. We can usually make a day out of pulling 5-10 bass and a few sheepshead out of it. But he has no boat. Often times, bass boats will come within casting distance of the dock. It's within their right but it's a complete lack of respect. We have a 30 ft radius to fish. They have the entire lake. Gimmie a break.
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