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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. Excellent thanks for putting it together
  2. Glad to see little Dawson out there we need more that age to ensure Lakair trip goes on for ever One of these years I will get too bring my little guy too
  3. Mepps Spinners, Mepps Spinners, Mepps Spinners, Mepps Spinners, Mepps Spinners, Mepps Spinners,
  4. LOL, a problem true to my heart. I have the 151 All sport. Get the Hydro fin it really helps planing and will stop the hull slapping in larger waves. You need to be above 13knots to get a plane going at top speed with the 25 you should be around 20-22 knots depending on waves, wind etc. I added a second trolling motor battery up front too give me a little more weight near the front. 2 people on the boat is great to get a plane going but your not going to be able to reduce speed too much, 50% power will drop you below plane speed 3 people on the boat without the hydro fin, you need to balance people. yes move them all around the middle or close to the front. Then its WOT, start slowing down and you lose the plane. 4 people.. never going to happen unless they all are on diets and small With the 25 (4) I almost never allow more than 3 just due too the planing issue.. I would not worry about the WOT at all the 25 hardly uses any gas at all. I am normally WOT or crusing not on a plane. Too get on a plane put the motor down all the way and as you increase speed gently thumb the motor up. Once on a plane thumb the motor up until its at the max. Then you are going as fast as you can When 3 people are on the boat.. a thumb click wait till speed increases, a thumb click etc.. do fast and you lose it. 25 is underpowered but for me most of the time Its me and a friend and only on rare occasions is it 3 people 4 people only when there is no other option. Can't beat the trolling all day and it cost $$6-8 in gas
  5. Excellent information there Guys, I will be on the river this weekend too Weather dependant of course
  6. The humiliation is more than enough punishment
  7. Those about sum it up Rick.. Carol did you have to post that pic... burrrrr its going to take weeks to get rid of the shivers after seeing that
  8. How do you say thank you too so many people. After last years trip my brother and Dad could not stop talking about the great people, location and yes TJ's fish fry. Over the winter months a game plan came in too get my Uncle to come and have a family boys weekend. My uncle does not fish often at all and I think his reel was almost as old as me. I think I replaced the original line that came with the reel with some fireline crystal, tested the drag to make sure it still worked added a 50lb leader and handed him a mepps spinner and said this worked last year. After checking in and doing a quick tour we decided to putt around do a few casts to get warmed up. We were on the water about a hour with only a few little snots to show for it when I said hey Terry cast over there I has some luck last year there. Not more than 4 seconds later I hear got one, and I hear the drag peel.. Quietly thinking to myself oops must have goofed on the drag its taking it out fast. Nope my uncle pulls in the biggest pike I have seen in that area, and as you can tell by this picture a fish that will last a lifetime in memory. We worked fast too get it back in the water so we did not get a weight or length but it was over 40" for sure. The next day we head out early and must of caught over 15 pike. Saturday comes Tourney day we scout around in the morning but determined that the best place to go was where we went on Friday. If you ever wanted to see a tortoise and hare experience you should have seen us at the "blast off" for the tourney. My boat was slightly underpowered with 4 people as I almost never fish with 4 people but my max speed was 9.3 knots yes you read that right.. Boat after boat from the Lakair fly by waving. We continued on our way chatting and eating lunch. Rather than head all the way to where we wanted to fish we stopped in the first closest bay to get more fishing in. Then those words from the back off the boat sounded again. I got one!! 30 min to check in and I said we better start heading back we are weighed down even more with the livewell full. Max speed on the drive back 7.5 knots again boat after boat passed us on the way back The rest of the pic's speak for themselves Terry won the tournament, picked up the grand prize (LOL) with the largest fish and it took forever to wipe the smile of his face. I can't express my thanks to everyone for making my family feel very welcome, memorable trips like this will be spoken about for years to come.
  9. WOW, Some super pics there, great too meet you
  10. Excellent report and pic's thanks for shareing
  11. Yeap but think about it you can NOT cut through the peg.. now cutting through steel bolts holding it on thats another issue
  12. Got too agree over night is a little too much, still a loss is a loss..
  13. Intresting topic, When I was a very young pup and my almost wife were out canoeing we were about 2 hours out and she said "I need too pee" fine lets head to that island over there I said.. No she said, I need a full washroom. I said fine, sat back feet up and said better start paddeling fast. Funny how the island worked. Modesty gives way too necessity.
  14. That looks like a great outing.. Man I would love to head up there Great going Sean
  15. LOL, the minute I have too ask my boss if I can cut my hair is when I look for a new job.
  16. The big lake water is still cooler that it should be.. just means the flea's will be a little late this year
  17. You get out of it what you put in... If your lurking and getting your stuff enjoy. If you want more you ask. We have lots of knowledgeable people here and a few that just think they are ;0 Its no different than chatting at the launch ramp just little more fun
  18. You really need to start writing for OOD mag, I could read these all day
  19. Excellent report. Nice too see you got one early in the season great way too start.
  20. Best way to catch a muskie is fish for walleye
  21. I second the dog food.. I actually cut the kibble in 2 too get a good bait trail going
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