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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. At the Bruce its a great place to get Walleye, Salmon and Trout in the spring. You can not get too close anymore, Years ago you could go right up too the discharge. With increased security you can only get so close but still with-in the prime fishing spots
  2. Just be there bud, Only thing I can offer that not already said is too keep busy (the good busy).. not cleaning and taking care of the kid. But walks, stuff she likes etc. When the mind is busy it does not think of the dispare. A very larger percentage of men and women go through it at one point in their life. Hang in there it gets better
  3. I am married to the warden, Strong in both arms (Reaching for the wallet with similar strengh) I am right handed, reel spinning use my left hand for reeling.. Here is the one that gets most people, because I am so use to reeling with my left hand I just flip my baitcaster and downrigging reels over and reel backwards Sometimes its just hard to find a left reeling baitcaster
  4. Someone up staires is driving a snowmobile leaving tracks
  5. Look for the OFC hat I will be there Thursday around 4pm
  6. I wonder if they had special tracks to keep them from bogging down.. Stupid and cool. Hope they had floater suits on.
  7. LOL, more like Willma blaming Fred. Couple more years these might be the way too go.
  8. Does it come with the Fishing HOT spots all Marked Congradulations
  9. My favorite is when you go too a store, They take your card say its not signed... Ask you to sign it, never ask for other ID then compare the signatures to make sure they match the bill. Now thats closing the barn door after the cows escaped
  10. Thanks guys, I was originaly thinking of doing that but with all the new devices going to the SD cards I was worried that the CD's might go like the bataMax... I will have to head to the sportsman show (TJ offer free tickets here ) and chat up the GPS\Sonar guys to make sure there compatible in the long term. Thanks for the input
  11. Thanks guys, I was just concerened that the Micro-SD to SD converter might not work in the card slot of Gps devices that take standard SD
  12. Hey All: Thinking of buying the blue charts on mico-SD.. Where is the best place to buy them, I checked out e-bay, and the standards but just checking for local place that has good pricing. Weird that you can buy from Garmin MSRP cheaper than anywhere in Canada so far Another more technical issue has anyone used a Micro-SD chip in the SD (coverter) and had it still work correctly. Hate to buy a micro-SD card, upgrade my equipment and then need to buy a standard SD card of the same thing Thanks for any advice
  13. Its called Jewlery for the outdoors person..
  14. Great work, Wow loved the end result.
  15. Yeap it was and I have the sun burn to prove it We were thinking about walking to the island early but easy walking out.. harder walking in..
  16. Thanks LadyWalleye, Good thing about walking is you know you can head back to the same location if you get into fish.. (but if your heading out Sat, I am really thinking about taking another last shot) Here was our haul of perch,, We started targeting them about 3pm and was off the ice at 5:15pm.. Still fun Just checked the GPS and for the entire day we walked 4 miles, seemed like 20 miles from the way my legs feel today
  17. Thanks HH I checked my trucks weight with the average Ice thickness. It was too close Nothing worse that comeing home with no fish and saying to the wife you know that new truck I use to have. hense we walked 14k that would have been a very long walk. The 2 k we walked all day tuckered me out.
  18. Oh, If you got out without the buzzer going off it must have been a goof buy the cashier, Cause they would have removed the Shop lifting tag.. Its your call, guilt is a feeling that your can't transfer, or trade.. No guilty feeling your free and clear.. You have guilt take it back
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