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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. Please don't change the logo.. I would hate to start buying it all over again The OFC store is great, not sure who is the main driving force behind shipping but its fast and always packed nicely
  2. LOL, excellent report.. Nice to teach BBR how to fish
  3. Rather than do a new post thought I would add too this Sean got most of it coverd. That Turtle must have felt like a movie star with the amount of pictures... Yes MR Buddy saved the weekend .. It was fun now too find some pike
  4. I surpised that someone has not mention this, Find out the dogs name and how the owners tell it too be quiet. Dogs bark when at people to alert the master, tell it too be quite and show athority, You would really be surprised how many dogs think your in charge and listen. ~ Treats also help
  5. Super Report Rich.. how long till you get your own fishing show on TV
  6. LOL thanks, besides how big is BOQ there are only a few spots the fish might be at
  7. ouch.. makes you wonder, Every private company I work for has a policy in place for these even the super large ones. Always wonder why goverment don't have these.. cause when they need more money they just tell@ you too give it too them.
  8. Needed to get the boat all tested out for next weekend opener in BOQ So I decided to take my daughter up for some perch fishing in Orillia. We were up Sunday at 6:30am with my daughter running into our room telling us were were late too hurry up.. My wife and I got everyone up ready and out the door at 8am so not too bad LOL. Dropped my wife and son at the grandparents and off we went too Orillia. 1st off SOME JERK!!!!! Went and built a playground near the free boat lanuch what were they thinking!!! Checked, double checked and loaded for the first outing then off we went . Boy after 3 months it felt good. After getting into the perching pack down goes the anchor hook a minnow on hand the rod to my daughter.. Before I even had the hook ready on my rod up comes a perch. Action was none stop, for the next 2.5 hours.. Along with the Daddy can we got too the park. Fishing with the daughter will be a highlight hard to top. With I could have take more pictures but was too busy replaceing minnows Now for the funny!!! So we called it a day and head back to the launch. We come in and tie up with the rest of the boats near the beach to walk across the road to get the trailer. When we come back we hop into the longer than normal line up to take the boats out. We wait, and wait.. Only 1 boat at a time comes out. When we get too the launch we see that the 2 concreate launches are blocked by too women with boats on each side of the centre dock so No one can get there boats out. The trucks with 4x4 are not using the launch but dropping well beside the main launch and having another person drive the boat too the trailer. Until I teach the dog to drive the boat I am very experianced at solo boat lauching so no issue for me.. As I am about too take my boat out.. I hear one of the women who is not sitting on the dock ask the other woman where her husband could be they left about 30 min ago to get the trailer. As I am leaving with my boat all on the trailer tied down etc. I pass the line up and stop at one of the people waiting.. (Guy in truck) Whats the hold up? (me) There are 2 women at the dock one on each side blocking access apparently they have lost their husbands cause they have been gone for over 30 min (Guy in truck) ohh (me) try using the side untill their husbands come back cause it might be a while (Guy in truck) went too the ramp to pick up his boat (Guy behind him) went too the other side of the ramp to pickup his boat No more blocked ramps
  9. Nice fish, ohhh hang on for the ride.
  10. All booked etc for me.. couple more weeks then the planning really starts.
  11. 6 weeks,, I hope they rebuilt it from scratch or ordered a new one from china
  12. My thoughts too, but its still to cool for froggies doing there sweat calling. Thanks for the pics
  13. got too love the south.. that looks very relaxing
  14. Roger you should get extra bonus for all the hardwork you do here to promote BPS Basspro has it's ups and down's like anystore. I am just glad for the extra competition I use to hate getting ripped by CTC because they were the only ones around. Since BPS has arrived I am much more appreciated at the smaller stores and makes it an all round better market place. Also another big Hug for BPS is all the sponsership they do in the comunity
  15. Love the last picture, Great to get the family out.
  16. Absolutly,, They stocked lake huron with these.. Like a boot bring them in and I just toss them back.. On the good side they are gobie killers for sure. Had to cull one due to bad hook thing was full of the little guys. Still any thing the MNR actually does is a good thing
  17. Super pictures, Glad you got out. Oh to fish off a boat..
  18. Welcome back Rick. Glad your all set..
  19. I will have to ask the wife she has the list Yes dear... right dear... getting back to work now
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