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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. If you read further into the story you will find that the R@D actually does not create any "New" jobs its all for university grants and exciting departments are spared for a couple more years. Funny other "foreign" car manufactures are expanding in Ontario while GM is reducing?
  2. If my work project gets cancelled, I might be back then to. See you then Lew
  3. I think, Lloyd was changing up for the start of Salmon season. Not sure what he knows more Walleye or Salmon.
  4. Hi All: Going to get my fix in early this year at Lakair on West Arm of Nip. Just checking if any fellow OFC'er are going up from the city Thanks Lexx
  5. I will be up there early, June 1st weekend if anyone is up there, Unfortunately, work/life takes over and I might not be able to make it that weekend.. If work get's Postponed I will be there
  6. Great report Sean.. One of these days I will make it to rice lake. Love it when its calm like that in a kayak. Thanks for sharing
  7. Was out early Sat tried going for the big ones but it was to windy changed up and moved in close ended up with a nice small pike. Sunday great day on the water, nice 3 lb walleye and a bunch of sheep. Nice to be on the water... little chilly at night
  8. I will be there as usual with my new first-mate in training. LLoyd don't cut the rope attach to my boat until you arrive on the big fish. See you all on the Water, stay safe, and have some manners..
  9. always some of the best reports to read. Thanks again
  10. Very nice vids Terry. Thanks for sharing I think it would be great to get out fishing again... Yummy perch
  11. The ship was originally slated to be decommissioned in Japan the owner gave up all rights to the boat. Prior to sinking the vessel a fishing boat tried to tow it in under salvage rights. Unable to tow the fishing boat it was in the best interest to sink the boat. 1. Better to sink in far of shore where most of the fuel will dissipate 2. It was a hazard to navigation no lights, no driver and going into a high traffice area. 3. Towing it in would cost lots of tax dollars then you still have to pay for the disposal of the ship Using it for target practice was just for fun, we really should have sent our navy they need the practice. Ships sink every day all over the world, this one should have sunk in Japan but it wanted it see Canada first
  12. Amazing post's as always. Great meeting you at Wayne's.
  13. I think a lot of local stores are now going back to customer service. Thanks for the info
  14. Enough has been said about why in the world would you go out there.. My only comment is how many people have gone out on the lake when the forcast said light winds but then in a couple minutes the wind changes and the winds turn to a gale from the worst possible direction. I am glad we have people trained for these events. Sometimes stuff happens. If there was a fine I would pay it and smile.. If there was no fine I would be making a donation to the fund for fallen rescuers. Now back to prepping my boat for spring
  15. Thanks Wayne for inviting me up. It was an amazing trip with a great group. My first laker through the ICE was a big plus Again LLoyd put on a fish clinic, can't say enough about how much Lloyd knows about fishing and catching fish. And the storm that was not suppose to happen. The day after the storm.. freezing temperatures and not a sole around.. Ok us and 2 fellows who dropped by to say hi
  16. Hope the winds keep down this year. If the bait fish had a good year Huron may make another strong come back
  17. That is great customer service. thanks for posting.. Now Lew did that make you crack a smile?
  18. My deepest sympathy on your loss.
  19. The LLA that covers open alcohol in golf carts. and it overrides 32(1). The driver just cannot drive while holding onto a drink. Sec. 75 Regulation 719 Impaired charge can still apply.
  20. so sitting on the back tailgate of my truck and drinking a beer on my drive way is a no-no. Guess you can thank the government for this one. Driving a golf cart while drinking is fine.. but sitting on your boat tied up to your own property is a no-no. Will someone please JUST THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!
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