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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. Wow, gas prices really low.. What a perfect time to add a carbon tax !!!
  2. Oh well, they say change is good. Shakes out the bad apples Money is going to flow (i:e Debt) Taxes are going up They tell me its going to get better.. OK Impress ME!!
  3. Just bend over more "revenue tools" coming,
  4. I feel better knowing I was not the only one that had a tough season
  5. I have a legend and yes the base packages are underpowered but it gets you into the water. Glad I purchased the base package at the time. I love my legend, It was purchased in 2004 and still going strong. Now that bad parts.. Rivets and warranty. Lifetime leak proof.. (start laugh track now).. The rivets started leaking at 8 years. Took it it to be repaired lasted 2 years and leaking again. No more warranty check the fine print. ~ Good boat for the price
  6. Ontario does everything they can so you can't build anything out of the "norm"
  7. Cool stuff there!!.. I started out my carear doing the network for robot plazma cutters. Thanks for the pictures
  8. PC so far this year has been a ghost town.. few and far between.
  9. People have pointed out the wrongs of taking the marker. LSC has lots of stucture.. a dip, small hump, even suken log.. Thing about LSC if you find something where fish hold you mark it . Some people are rude, just put in gear and leave...
  10. Oh My Wayne. So Sorry to hear. At a loss on what to type. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
  11. LOL good times at all the events. Miss the big gatherings The OF-"remain nameless" flag is still attached to my boat. Over the years met tons of great people
  12. Nice going Boss!! Good to see the family fishing together
  13. Sling shot and marbles. Also very effective against double-crested cormorant.. Not going to kill them but they get the idea they are not welcome
  14. GET A VHF.. and link it in with the GPS.. The day you need it,, the Cell phone will blink low battery, Get no service or get wet and stop working. oh and duck tape (fix a cut finger, fix a leaky hose, fix a .... everything..)
  15. Wow Lew, take care! That many bee's could be fatal if the body reacts bad. Glad your OK..
  16. Take care, Stress, smoking, diet all add up. Your body just gave you a warning notice.
  17. I use the Engine but also have a grab handle to help me up. With the kids and wife I use a portable ladder. hardest part was training the dog to use the ladder
  18. oh, if i could only move outside of the city. Your living the dream Lew.!
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