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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Someone left the door open a crack. See ya on the new board.
  2. Congrats on a great trip guys. Some beauty fish there, especially the pig the Lloyd caught. WTG!!
  3. Nice fish Terry WTG!! Looking forward to the full report.
  4. Hey Bernie, is this any better?? An awesome time gentlemen as always. Even if the fishing wasn't the best the company made up for it 10 fold! As Bernie was talking about on the weekend, if it wasn't for the internet and this fishing board we would have never met. It had been about 5 months since our last trip to Bernie's and it felt like it was just like it was yesterday. We didn't miss a beat. (Well I think Joe did while trying to keep up to Cliff during the jam session. ) Great report Bernie, thanks for putting it together. By the time we had stopped for a 1/2 a dozen smoke breaks, got rid of the 2 bums that were riding with me , is was a little late. To top it off the dog got sprayed by a skunk while I was unloading. Good times! Tonight's 2 and 3/4 hour commute home was even better! AND I finally had to shovel snow, first time this winter!! No time for me to have done a report in the last 24 hours so once again, thanks. Cliff - Awesome that you could make it and even catch a pickereye. No one more deserving of this over the weekend. You've certainly put in enough hours. Now we'll have to work on the whitefish. Joe - A blast as always. Next time we'll get some nicorette gum for Gerritt for the drive. BTW - Have I told you that......I've got soul but I'm not a soldier?? Gerritt - It's all about pacing yourself. Thanks for the CD but I've had enough of a certain song to last me a while. lol! Let me know if you want me to ship it to you or just wait till spring. I have a few other items to get back to you Joe and Cliff as well, I'll be in touch. Thanks again for putting up with us cuties Bernie. ( Got to love word censors) You're a good man B.
  5. Didn't say you had to use all the J.D. in the mix.
  6. Came across Weber's fish seasoning last summer and gave it a go. Cedar planked whitefish with a bit of the seasoning on the fish, very good. Have really enjoy the fish I've done on the cedar plank. Walleye, whitefish and of course salmon. Once with the salmon I did a reduction of maple syrup, Jack Daniels and cajun spice. Dizzle it over the fish after it's done and serve. It's become a big hit with family and friends. I'll be looking at trying a few more none frying methods on the fly in this year, just for something different. Great thread.
  7. Bernie, that looks amazing!!! Nice to see how the project is coming along. Thanks for the update. BTW - only 15 days!!!
  8. About 8-10cm in Keswick last night as well. Should be OK.
  9. On the Beaverton side of the lake there was 3-4 inches last night in my Dad's driveway. Better then nothing at all. Haven't heard about the westside as of yet.
  10. All is well. Abducted three-year-old girl okay, mother turns herself in <H2></H2>680News staff Jan 27, 2010 16:08:15 PM Sarah Young, the mother of abducted three-year-old Madison Young, has turned herself in with the child. Earlier Wednesday, an Amber Alert was issued for the girl. Police had issued an amber alert for the girl who had been last seen in Etobicoke Tuesday night, reportedly with her mother. Toronto police Const. Tony Vella told 680News the child's mother was supposed to turn her daughter over to the Children's Aid Society. "The warrant was issued for the apprehension of a three-year-old girl, Madison Young [...] arrangements were made by the Catholic Children's Aid Society to have the mother turn over the child to them, and then when they arrived at the mother's home, the mother and child were not there," Const. Vella said.
  11. Well I'm no expert on this but here's what I know from my last 2 trucks. My previous truck was bought through a dealership that my buddy works at. Was told the best price was $14,000, uncertified. My buddy did the safety and all was fine. Found out later that the guy who traded it in was given $9000 for the trade in. $5000 in profits less whatever administation cost were involved. I probably paid for them on top of the costs anyways. My next truck was on a lot for $22,900 I told them $17000 was all I had. After some dealing I was out the door for $17500 taxes in and a bedliner, fiberglass flat top, hitch and wiring. Thought I had a pretty good deal until my insurance came in a couple months later and showed the value of the truck at $12,900. So if I was in an accident that was a write off I'd be out almost 5G's in a couple months of ownership. Personally I wouldn't by the Bull from some of these dealerships, the insurance companies are a whole other story. From my experences there is a lot more room to play with if they want to. Just find a dealer that wants to play. Can you imagine going and droping $25G's to find out in a couple of months the truck is only worth 1/2 . I'm glad that guy wasn't me, only a 1/3 less in value of what I paid . I guess they deserve the name Stealerships that I've heard so many call them.
  12. Looks like a great time Wayne. Great pics too. I hope that Leah is feeling better.
  13. It's too bad my gps/battery/boat is put away or I'd check. When I've been up at your place I've use the Hot Spots charts from Navionics. I can't remember how much of Nippissing it covers though. I can bring up the chip and you can have a look at it to see if it will suit your needs.
  14. That's because he was old in that pics as well !! Thanks for the replies everyone.
  15. Saturday I headed down to the boat show to see what kind of trouble I could try and stay out of . The last time I was there it cost me $25g's! This time, I able to escape for about $80. Still drooling over a few of the boats I saw, maybe in a couple of years I'll take the plunge again. It's been 8 years since I was down there the last time and found the show to be pretty good for my needs. Picked up a couple of things I was looking for, got a my questions answered, ran into a few people from my past and was asked if I was interested in doing some work for an old employer. Lesson learned, never burn any bridges. A pretty good day I'd say. Sunday was a the first hard water trip for me and the old man together. Went out on Simcoe looking for some perch and we were not disappointed. Picked a spot, drilled some holes, and caught fish all day. The action was up and down but not down for too long. It would be about 10-15 minutes without a bite and we'd start to talk about moving when another school would show up. Dad really enjoyed the comforts of the heated portable but spent most of the day with me outside enjoying the weather. First time that we used it in the 3 years I've had it. We tend to just enjoy being outdoors but the zipper broke on his coat and the chill was starting to get to him. We iced about 60 fish between us and lost who knows how many, a very light bite. A mixed bag of sizes but in the end there was enough for my Dad and his wife to have a couple/three meals. The highlight of the day for Dad was a toss up but I think the CO showing up was the winner over the pig of a perch he caught. You see my Dad turned 65 3 years ago and has been anxiously waiting to show off his seniors card instead of a fishing licence. Nice to see the boys in green making the rounds. Here's the fish of the day, just shy of 1.25 pounds on the digital scales. A nice start to the season. Hot baits were jigging raps and small jigging spoons, colour didn't seem to matter.
  16. They were showing open water at the shoreline on the news last night. I think it was Innisfil. I don't think I'd trust the main lake but Cooks and other first to freeze areas should be fine.
  17. Have a great day Bernie! Hope you catch a few!
  18. Awesome! That last video clip I had the image full screen. I then grabbed onto the monitor to keep the horizon level and almost like I was flying! Thanks Lloyd for the images and Wayne for taking us the journey.
  19. If you are going with a new blade make sure you put it on the right way. I know of a guy who put the blade on backwards and could not figure out why his auger wouldn't cut. Now having said this, I'm sure you'll be fine. I've personally bought another set of blade for my auger as a spare set and never used them. I've just sharpened the old ones and they seem to cut fine to me. Same set of blades for about 15 years. Now, when it comes time to replace them I hope that I remember to put them on the right way.
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