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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Glad to hear that you and Sue are OK. Some crazy weather in TO yesterday but I got nothing at home. Not even a drop of rain. I can certainly come up on the weekend if you need a hand with anything. Just shoot me a PM.
  2. SWEET FISH DUDE!!! Easily a mid 40 fish. Congrats on a great catch. Bet your buddy was a bit po'd that he didn't grab the rod before you did. Love the pics!
  3. Great day on the water. I bet your exchange student is wondering when the next outting will be?
  4. Thanks for the replies everyone. Mike - No complaints at all about catching a pair of 40"+ fish. We were up there from June 27 - July 1. The 27th was the last day of the heatwave. Next year we are thinking of giving ourselves a travel day. I believe that Joe has answered the question about the lemon drops. MTBF - Dan grabbed that shot of Larry fly fishing, one of my favs as well. douG - The Thermacell worked great. If the bugs came out we just started it up and in about 15 minutes they were gone. I think the key is not having any wind or very little. Used it agian this past weekend and even with a bit of a breeze it helped to keep the numbers down.
  5. Well it’s about time I got this posted. Our drive up to Cochrane was uneventful. We left around 11pm and with a few stops along the way, we were in Cochrane about 7am for breakfast. Arrived at the air base shortly afterwards and checked in, loaded up and we were off before we knew it. Dan and Larry. Soon Dan and Larry were on their way. The Beaver wasn't too far behind and the rest of us loaded up and left. The Pilot and Ken Gerry and Louis Arrival at the lake. The Cabin Dan and Larry awaiting our arrival. Upon arrival at the camp we set up are stuff, got are rods and tackle together and we were on the water in search of anything that would bite. The lake was like glass and the temps were pushing the high 20’s. Not a fish to be found for any of us in the first couple of hours at camp. We certainly enjoyed the nicest weather of the trip. We decided to head in and rest a bit as we had been up most of the night. The cabin was like a sauna and I don’t know how the others did it but I just couldn’t sleep. Gerry and Larry had come up the day before and were quite rested and had gone out for some fishing and exploring. I sat on the deck and quenched my thirst. Once the others woke up and we all regrouped, it was time for some dinner and back on the water to see what might be biting. The walleye were on pretty good that evening for about an hour then they shut down. Nothing big but a few keeper size but nothing was kept as we were just out for a few hours of fun. The sun had set and it was getting pretty dark, bugs were coming out and it was time to call it a day. The alarm went at 5am; I woke up having not slept well at all, maybe a couple of hours. The sunrise was awesome but the coffee was better, at least in my opinion. We headed out for a morning fish and managed a few more walleye before coming back in for some food and heading out to chase some pike for the rest of the day. The weather was changing and a big front was moving in. Temps had been in the 30+C range before we got there but stayed in the low 20’s while we were there. We headed out to see what might be interested in our offerings. A few small pike before Dan hooked into this nice 35incher. Shortly afterwards, not to be out done, I boated this 41”x15” beauty. She still had her spawning battle scars. A few smaller ones were boated and we changed up to walleye as we needed a few for dinner that night. The next day was quite cool and wet to start off with. We started at the spot where we left off the day before to see what would bite. Things had slowed down but some good fish were caught again. I managed a 42” northern that was quite skinny. Gerry however got the fish of the trip. While jigging for walleye he hooked into a monster. After few minutes they finally got a look at it, Larry and Gerry couldn’t believe it, a sturgeon. After being asked for my assistance, (I am a sturgeon expert you know, I’ve seen them on a couple of fishing shows .) Larry and I traded places and I became net boy for the task at hand. Gerry got the fish turned just right and I scooped it up. A 45”x15” beauty, well at least in its mother’s eyes. After a few pics were taken by Dan and Larry, I had the honour of putting her back to swim another day. A day in my life that I will never forget. We all just sat there and took in the moment before heading back to our spot. Once set up we had a couple more sturgeon come up and roll in front of us. Very cool. We manage a few more walleye for our dinner that night. I’ve been deemed the fish cleaning guy for some reason or another, a task I don’t mind at all. Lots of supervision as you can see. One of my favourite shots of the trip of Larry. First time meeting him and would have him in my boat anyday. Lots of laughs but I should probably be watching what I'm doing with that knife. After dinner the rain just poured down and as we were already trying to dry out our things from the day we stayed in and played some poker, a few drinks and I also introduce the group to the joy of lemon drops. Our last full day at camp we change things up a bit and I fished with Ken. We hit our first spot and boated a dozen walleye or so that we released as we didn’t want to be dragging them around all day with us. We then went looking for some pike but only managed a few small ones before a big storm came in and blew us off the lake for an hour or so. Good thing it was lunch time. Soon we were right back at. While fishing a back bay Ken had a big fish roll on his bait and miss it. Dan and Louis had made their way in shortly afterwards and hooked into what we believe was the same fish and lost it. Must have been 40”, 50”, 60” + fish!! A few small pike were caught and we went back to do some walleye fishing as dinner time was approaching. Well that storm system had shut them down pretty good. Ken had got a nice 35” northern, his PB while fishing for some eyes. We also had one eye on the stringer when there was mass of confusion going on at the stringer. Ken and I both looked and couldn’t believe our eyes, a pike of about the 8 pound size had our dinner on his mind with the eye on the stringer in his mouth!! We had a couple of laughs over what we had just seen and low and behold the pike comes back again!! I reached for the camera but it was too late. Very cool to see though. The marks the pike left on the walleye. We hit a few more spots and managed couple fish for the table and the others had as well. Some turf and eyes always makes for a nice meal. Some cleaning up and poker and off to bed it was. Our last day and the weather looks very iffy. We cleaned up and packed up in hope of leaving that day. We had rented the Sat. phone and made the call to see if we were leaving or not, all systems were a go. We went out for a last fish, (a few small pike were caught) the skies were low and the rain was coming down, I’m thinking there is no way are leaving today. A half hour later the skies cleared and our first plane could soon been seen coming in. We loaded up and we were gone. We found out after we got back that there was only about an hour and a half window that they had to come in and get us before the next system was to come in. With the vehicles loaded we headed on our way back home. The end of yet another excellent trip. Here’s a few other shots from the trip in no particular order. Larry did some fly fishing in front of the cabin, no luck but he looked good doing it. What was probably the smallest pike of the trip caught by Larry. Louis and one of his walleyes. Some beauty shots Love how Dan managed to get the one seedling falling in this shot. Poker anyone? This was the best idea of the trip I think, putting the tarp over the doorway. And finally the group shot. From left to right, Larry, Gerry, Louis, Ken, Dan and Will. A special thanks to Dan and Gerry for their pics to add into the report. Till next year gentlemen!
  6. Very cool Cliff, thanks for sharing your trip with us. Glad you are back safe and sound.
  7. Nice gator! Great report as always Simon. Love the videos.
  8. Long Beach is about the closest to Fenelon Falls that I know of.
  9. Had the MNR fly in a couple of years ago. 4 fish in the cabin (between 5 guys) that they wanted to see, no skin on the fish, $125 fine. As for the beers in the boat, the laws of the province would apply although I haven't heard of the OPP dropping in on these lakes. Not to say they wouldn't but perhaps they have bigger fish to fry so to speak.
  10. 80 and still tenting eh? If I should be so lucky. Looks like some great family time T.J.
  11. Glad you are OK. Looking at the pics I was trying to figure out what the red glow was in the water. Then I hope the repairs aren't too bad but a small price compared to what it could have been.
  12. That is very cool Pam. Good on you for helping the little feathered friend out.
  13. Some great family time, all the best to Anna.
  14. Sounds like a good day to me, certainly better then the way I spent mine. Nice to see a few of the wgsf too!
  15. Nice looking rail system Mike, motor seems sweet as well. My 115 merc will troll down to 2-3mph depend on who's fat is in the boat with me. These days with my fat it doesn't take much. Probably with some minor adjustment you will be fine.
  16. Very nice work Joey any Paul. Now when is the BBQ so we can all see it in person?
  17. Well that's too bad but I do wish Sam all the best with his future endeavors. Good luck Sam!
  18. Done. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Jacob.
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