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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. At great day to have the kids out. WTG Jordon!
  2. Great report Roy. And yet another awesome day with Lloyd.
  3. More then EPIC!! A lot of work getting there but the rewards seemed worth it. Cool find on the pop can G.
  4. Looks like a great day on the water to me. Always nice to know the boat is running fine.
  5. Happy Birthday Joey! Hope you are having a great day.
  6. Hey! Are we allow to post crap like that?? I would say yes. Saw some once at a cottage I was staying at on Stoney Lake, looked very similar to your photo Lew. Edit - We also saw the tracks to confirm that a bear had been by.
  7. Looks like another great day on the water with Lloyd. Nice report young_one.
  8. Just thought I'd add this. I've been dealing with TMR for many years now and they have alway been able to help me ( and a few of my buddies) out, with a reasonable turn around. If you are stuck and in the area give them a call. (Not sure what he keeps in stock in the way of oil hubs) Jim was able to get 2 axles for 2 different trailers over the years when I couldn't find them anywhere close to home. Great guy to deal with. TMR Trailer Mobile Recreation (705) 454-2080 7484 Hwy 35 Norland
  9. Well that just sucks. I too have a buddy that went through all the same crap. Several trips to a local repair shop with no success. Finally Tracker agreed to have the boat shipped back to them and they did the repairs just before the warrenty ran out. Seems to be fine now but what a pain in the to have to go through all that. I hope your issue gets resolved to your satisfaction.
  10. The last time I was on the water (2 weeks ago) I was getting a bit of a miss when running. I knew I need to get some new plugs for the season, but I do like to run the old plugs on the first trip. Just to get the storage spray burned off before I put in the new ones. I go out tonight to put the new plugs in and everything is going well until plug number 4 (bottom one). It's different looking then the others, I figure it's the one causing the problem. I look closer and notice a tiny bead (pin head in size) of water on it. I call a buddy and he thinks it is most likely just some condensation but says to pull all the plugs and turn the engine over by hand. Check to see how the heads of the cylinders look. They all looked the same, a little burnt looking. The only difference was the bottom cylinder had a bead of water on it. Called him back and he is pretty sure that with the up and down temps over the last 2 weeks and it just sitting, it's condensation. Some condensation will settle in the bottom cylinder. Said to run it and then check it to see if there is any moisture. So I figure I can't very well fire up the motor this late at night, neighbours would just love me. Plans were to go fishing tomorrow with another buddy of mine but he has cancelled due to a sick child, completely understood. Maybe a sign to stay home after seeing the couple of beads of water in the one cylinder. The motor is a 2002 Mercury 115, 2 stroke, 2+2. Never seen this before but the boat is usually not sitting this long, once the open water season starts. Also once the plugs go in I usually don't check them until it's time to winterize. If it ain't broke don't fix it. May have to change that motto. Anybody had this before and should I be concerned? Thanks
  11. My way of thinking as well when it comes to oil hubs. Well after a bit of running around last night we were able to finish the one side of the trailer. Found a washer kit at Princess Auto (no bearings to be had here), Parts Source for bearings, CT for lower unit oil (well it was on the way - lol) and then started to put it all back together. Wouldn't you know it - the washer fit. One side running smooth as can be. Thanks for the tips.
  12. Booked for fishing right now. What do you have that needs some TLC Phil?
  13. Great info DanD. I was wondering if there would even be enough room for a washer this morning. Will know better tonight. A buddy of mine is in love with the oil hubs. I haven't been in a situation to decide whether or not to get them but have not been to crazy about the idea. I think I'll stick the a grease hub design for now if have to get a new trailer down the road. Cost and convenience has sold me for now. Thanks for the replies gentlemen.
  14. That is just sick! One of the nicest rigs I've seen. Enjoy the ride! Maybe a set of wheel locks are in order.
  15. As others have said, both are a good boat. I've got a Fishhawk 1750 and so far so good. (2002) The tinny I had before was riveted and I didn't want to have to deal with loose or missing rivets again, so I opted for a welded hull.
  16. Tonight I was working a set of bearings for a friend and noticed that there was no spindle washer. I've been doing my own bearings(and friends) for about 20 years now and they all have had a washer. Surfed the web and all the diagrams I could find all had one. I'm thinking that I will get a pair (one for each hub) and put them on. It seems like the nut may have some slight heat damage and I figure it maybe from the lack of a washer. The trailer is newer, about 2 years old so maybe it's new school stuff, I'm not sure. Old school has been working just fine for me. Just wondering if anyone has ever seen this before? The pic below is what I'm use to.
  17. Maybe a couple of upgrade ideas for you here. Heck, anything that runs off of aviation fuel can't be that bad can it Wayne? Have fun with the new ride.
  18. Where are you located Krawler? I have a couple of buddies in wildlife control that may be able to help you out if it is in their area.
  19. You would think that they might want to protect their future business. Lower numbers of fish=fewer rental customers? We all need to be ambassadors to our sport. When something is going on that needs to be reported then pick up the cell and do it. Take as many pictures as you can and hope for the best. In this case the best that could happen did thus far.
  20. Very nice, now are you taking orders? lol!
  21. Very cool to follow along with the progress. Sweet looking ride.
  22. Welcome aboard. The step is admitting that you have a problem. We've all done that but it hasn't helped. Congrats on the new ride.
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