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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Nice fish!!! I caught a 21" bucket a couple of years ago and it weighed in at 5 pounds 12 ounces to give you a ballpark weight. Congrats to John on his PB!
  2. Awesome, simply awesome. Thanks for taking the time to put that all together. You certainly have got some great memories from that trip.
  3. Doesn't sound too bad, at least let's hope so. Thanks again for the report.
  4. That sucks for your buddy JB. Di seems to be OK for the most part if she has her sea bands on and some Gravol. If it's a winding day she just stays on shore. This trip was the first fishing trip she's done in about 3 or 4 years. HH - We'll get out very soon. Until then - where is your report? I figure you still have a couple of weeks to get it together. Oh! We need pics.
  5. Love seeing your piece of heaven there TJ. Great to see you've got the pickerel figured out. Looked like a great fry as too, sometimes keeping it simple is all you need to do. Thanks for the report. PS - How is the motor?
  6. Looks like everyone had a great time and some nice fish as well. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Great report Joey! That spinnerbait looks sweet!
  8. This must be a fishing board as it appears no one noticed the women sunbathing topless in the background. LOL! Joking. Congrats on the fish of a lifetime. Now beat that one!
  9. Your right Tony! Thanks for pointing that out. We were were too busy looking a the mouth and the scales that were falling all over the place but never looked at the tail, as I just noticed. The tail seems more squared then the Coho and yes the gums were white. Wild - PC was pretty busy but everyone was scattered much like the fish seemed to be. Most likely do to the thunderstorms from the night before. HH - Not sure I need riggers..... just yet. I'll pass on the compliments to Di on her embroidery as well. And yes, that captain is an awesome guy to spend the day with. Anytime Remo, anytime.
  10. A few months ago Gerritt and I won a 2 day Salmon charter with Remo in the Fishing for Tyler Auction. Gerritt was unable to make it so I took one day this past weekend and left one for him to use at his leisure. I called up my buddy Malcolm and made arrangements to head out this past Saturday. Before the trip I wanted to have something made up for Remo to thank him for his efforts as he was doing this for the benefit of Tyler. So with Di's fancy sewing machine she embroidered this on a hand towel for Remo's boat. The day started off with a beautiful sunrise and calm conditions Malcolm enjoying the view and his morning java. Our captain for the day. Worth getting up early to see this. The day started off slow as we made our way to deeper water. Marked lots of bait and a few that were tight to bottom but no takers. After a couple of hours we were out in some much deeper water and hooked up with the first one on the day. A nice 27 inch Coho for myself. Malcolm was next with this steelhead. Thanks Tony. And then we trolled and trolled and trolled. The winds picked up and we moved towards shore and managed a shaker and that was it. None the less it was a great time on the water, learned a few things, some great conversation, and a ton of laughs. A great day on the water in my books. Thanks Remo. Oh ya, I almost forgot about the catch of the day. We were out in nearly 400ft of water when one of the rods starts acting weird. I was up so I reeled it into see what was going on. As it gets closer I see this long thin silver thing, eel, lamprey? Do I really want to know if its either at this point? As it gets closer to the boat we can't believe our eyes! A Zebco spinning rod and reel! Who would have guessed you'd find one of those out there? It was caught on a dipsy about 50 ft back with a NK spoon if you want to get out there and try for them. Thanks for reading.
  11. Thanks for the replies everyone, glad you enjoyed it.. EC1 - pm sent. JB - ya the inner ear problem is a drag but what can you do. We pick and choose the the days that work for her and make the most of it. Is your buddy on the meds all the time or just when he needs them?
  12. It’s been a long time coming but here it is, my West Arm and Killarney report. Diana and I have been going to Bed and Breakfasts for 6+ years now and have stayed at a couple dozen or more. We have enjoyed the accommodations, the people we’ve met, and of course the great breakfast you get to start your day. When it came time to book this year's vacation it was just a matter of where we’d go and which B&B we’d stay at. I wanted to bring the boat and be on the water so I could get out for that early morning fish before breakfast. We ended up booking at Woodgrange B&B on the West Arm in Monetville for the first part of the week. For the rest of the week we stayed at Whispering Pines On The Bay B&B on Rock Lake near Killarney. Our trip up was great. We left a bit later in the day, made a couple of stops on the way up. Very little traffic, even saw a bear on the side of HWY 69, a first for Di, no problems with the boat or truck, (fixed those before I left – new rad in the truck and a bearing on the trailer - a good practice to do before a long trip – check your bearings. I had no idea one was going until I jacked up the trailer and gave the tire a shake.) We arrived at Woodgrange and met up with Harold who showed us around and got us settled in. The only challenge (a small one at that) was backing down the slightly winding driveway with the boat - did that first try. Went out for some dinner and saw a bear cub on the way to the Monetville Lodge and Taven, good Clubhouse and fries, and called it a night. Sunset from Monetville. The next day we were greeted with some unsettled weather and a risk of thunderstorms. We decided to do a bit of sight seeing and traveled up to Sturgeon Falls. Checked out the falls and toured around town helping out the local economy. Couple of shots at the falls Taking a moment to pay our respects. I also want to add in here that Harold and Linda have one son who had served for 3 years and another who has been in for 12+years, if I remember correctly, and still serving our country. THANK YOU!! Very interesting to have a chance to hear the parents' side of the story, thanks for sharing. On the way back we came across this sign. Looks great TJ! And then I noticed a familiar name on the mailbox and decided to stop in and say Hi. Sorry we missed ya TJ and Monique but we’ll try again the next time we are up that way. Once back at Woodgrange we were invited, by Harold and Linda, to have a glass of their homemade wine (it was very good) and watched the thunderstorms come in. We opted not to put the boat in due to the storms and headed out for dinner at the Shuswap. Primerib was the special that night, with all the trimmings, and only $14.95! A view from the dock at Shuswap. The next day they were still calling for rain but no thunderstorms. We got the boat in and did some touring and fishing. The fishing was a bit slow but Di managed to get her first ever pickerel. (I figured it was a pickerel since we were in the north. ) A nice pike for myself. A few small bass and that was it for our day on the water. Di was a trooper putting up with the rain and the motion of the boat. Not good for her inner ear problem – took her a week to get over it once we were back. A few scenic pics of the area. Little Cut. Big Cut. View from our dock looking towards Monetville. View from the dock looking up the narrows. View from our room. That night for dinner we traveled to Lavigne for dinner. There is a family restaurant on hwy 64 that I can't remember the name of, pretty tough to miss. It's a slower paced restaurant with good food. If you are in a hurry this is not the place for you. We had the pickerel dinner and both enjoyed it. On the way back we saw this girl standing in the field across the road from the B&B. Once back at Woodgrange we had a visitor come and see us. Jeb is a Chesapeake Bay Retriever and is just a big 90 pound suck. We became good friends while we were there and I think he would have come home with me. The only problem is that he likes to ride shotgun and there was no way that Di was taking a back seat to a dog. LOL! Jeb looking so innocent. Finally invited himself up and took over the bed. The next morning would be our last so I was up and at it, the clear skies were a bonus as well. Just beautiful. I idled my way down the narrows wondering where to start. The first rocky shoreline looked good so out came the chugbug and hooked up with a nice smallie on the first cast. Had a couple smaller ones before I moved to a rocky and weedy point. First cast to that spot and into another nice one that jumped off at the boat, about 2.5 pounds. I just kept working points and edges and got a dozen or more smallies/buckets and a couple of hammer handles as well. Not bad for a couple of hours. One of the nicer ones of the morning. While at breakfast Di decided she needed to get out and catch a couple of those. We packed up and headed out for an hour or so before the storms came in again. A couple nice fish for Di made her happy to be out. Here's one of them. After getting rained on, yet again, we went and said our goodbyes, loaded up the boat, and headed off to our next location. Having arrived as strangers, we felt we were leaving as friends. A special thanks to Harold and Linda Duff for a great stay. You too Jeb. Just a side note to our trip – Since there will be some hockey rumblings on the board here shortly I thought I put this in here. Dick Duff - some of you may know of him. A 6 time Stanley Cup Champion and a brother to Harold. Dick Duff Once we arrived at Whispering Pines On The Bay, Bob and Peg gave us the tour, we quickly unpacked and put the boat in the lake. Just in time for another wicked thunderstorm to roll in. We decided to head up to Sudbury for dinner and get a little something that Harold had helped me find – a chart for the West Arm! A special thanks to Harold for helping out with that and to Ramakkos' Tackle World for holding the chart for me. Be sure to check them out if you’re in the Sudbury area. The next day I was up early for some fishing and headed off to my first spot. Didn’t even have to start the big motor to get into the nice smallie. Thanks for the tip Bob. Shortly after that came this guy, Then a couple more small bass before heading in for breakfast. Another great morning on the water. After breakfast I went back out to explore some new water for a couple of hours while Di decided on some R&R with a good book. A few more bass (12-14inchers) and I went back in for Di. We headed out for a couple of hours and managed a few more bass on the small side and headed into get ready for dinner. Once back at the dock I met up with my new fishing partners, Cameron (Bob and Peg's grandson) and his friend Michael. After chatting with the boys and getting clearance from the grandparents (and Di) the boys were thrilled to get out in the boat. We zoomed down the lake to a nice weed bed and I taught the boys about Texas rigging and fishing the pads. I put on a pretty good seminar and followed it up by pitching into the weeds and getting a 14 incher. They we impressed but I think that I was even more so for the fish to cooperate like that. A special thanks to that little bucket. We fished for an hour or so and Michael managed to get 2, Cameron wasn’t so lucky. A couple of laps around the lake and then back to the dock. Not sure if they enjoyed the fishing or the boat ride more. Here are Michael's bass. Once back at the dock the boys continued to fish and this is where Cameron had his luck with 2 bass for him to even up the score. The second one was hooked too deep and wasn't going to make it so we kept it. I had kept a couple of bass earlier in the day for Peg as it was her birthday and what better birthday gift then a couple of fish for dinner. Cameron had watched me clean the fish up and was willing to try doing it himself with the one that he kept. I think he did a great job of doing so for his first fish. I think a lot better then my first one. Looking like a pro even with the gloves on. The next morning was a bit of a slow fish for some reason and only managed a couple dinks. Came in for some breakfast and offered to take the boys tubing. Peg went in to wake them up and tell them of my offer. She’d never seen them move so fast. Lol! Here are a few shots of the fun. A couple shots of Michael I'd say he's had enough. And Cameron rocking down the lake. Di and I then pulled the boat out and headed down to Killarney. We dropped the boat in and headed over to visit Captain Marg – you may remember her from my report a couple of years ago. We had a great visit and then went for a short tour around the area, man I love this place, I don’t know why I didn’t take any pics, they wouldn’t do the place justice anyways. After the tour we headed in for some Herbert’s Fish and Chips. Now if you haven’t had the fish and chips from the bus then you must make a point of it. Fresh caught whitefish and homemade chips – pretty tough to beat. On the way back to camp Di did see a moose at the edge of the forest to add to our wildlife sightings for the week. No pics of the moose either as there was nowhere to safely pullover. When we arrived back at Whispering Pines, Cameron came flying out to greet us. Asking about the day and if we fished, etc., etc. After about 10 minutes we made our way inside to find these notes on the bed. Michael was still working on his and Cameron had to stall. Lol! From Michael (Broken into 3 images to see the detail) He LOVED Di's homemade chocolate chip cookies. Cameron did as well. And from Cameron. Now if that isn’t what this sport is all about then I don’t know what is. I took the boys fishing because I thought it would be fun and hopefully we’d get a fish or 2. I took the boys tubing because I love to terrorize kids. (Kidding LOL!) Who’d of guessed that they would have enjoyed it? Bob and Peg wanted to “pay us back” for taking time out with the boys. They offered us dinner and a few other things which we graciously declined because we didn’t want to impose on them. It turns out the greatest payment that one could ever expect was in the words on those thank you notes. Memories for a lifetime for both the boys and myself. Priceless. Thank you Cameron and Michael! The next morning we slept in a bit and got up to a wonderful breakfast on the deck. What a view. These little guys aren't too far away either. Just don't sit to close to the feeder or they'll dive bomb ya. And a couple other shots. To add to your enjoyment while you are there The islands in front of the cottage. And a bright green visitor. (Tomato Bug?) After loading up and saying our goodbyes we were on our way. Once again having arrived as strangers but leaving as friends. Thanks Bob and Peg for a great stay. Bob and Peg had suggested that if we had some time we should check out the visitor area/ rest stop at the French River. The self guided tour of the area was very informative. It was also cool to see the highway 69 bridge from another angle. For the sledders out there. And of course, The French River. So there you have it, my summer vacation for 2008! Thanks for reading and sorry to the dial up users. PS - Sorry we didn't get over to see you Bernie, we'll try again.
  13. Some great shots there, thanks for the memories. I was up there a couple of years ago and did that cup and saucer trial, just stunning. Thanks for posting!
  14. Nice looking ride! Now get out there and enjoy it! Where's the fish porn btw?
  15. Congrats to the winners and a special thanks to Muskies Canada.
  16. Speedy recovery. Good thing you went to the doctors.
  17. Hey Ron, Very sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and the family. As I said the other day, if you need to clear your head and wet a line just give me a shout and we'll set something up. Take care.
  18. I have to agree with GCD in the bye bye rod and reel. I got a pair of similar to these for a gift a few years ago and put them on the boat. First time I used them was with Headhunter out on Quinte and even with the slightest change in tension on the rod (like from a wave) the rod would pop free. I've never spent a day trolling being so focused on the rods. lol! We didn't loose any gear but a couple of close calls. The next time out I had a set ot Scotty's on the boat. The down easters are another great option. As for the other ones, they seem OK for still fishing or even ice fishing set up on a stand.
  19. There you go Squid. I've been fishing about the same as usual, perhaps even a bit more. My weekends are some what flexible and just pick the day that looks less likely to have a thunderstorm. Not to say that the weather has not hurt the number of days on the water but I seem to be making out OK. The fishing since about mid-June has slowed down a bit. A lot of smaller fish and the bigger ones seem to be few and far between this summer.
  20. Thanks Cliff. Vacation went well and not even a scratch on the prop. I'll try to get a report up before the week is over.
  21. I guess your drag was a bit tight Cliff........nuff said. Great report!
  22. Great report Jen. Lots of pics and some good information. Thanks for the post.
  23. A day on the water is better then........ lol! Great to see you got out.
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