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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Sorry for your loss Adrianne. Sometimes it's best to get out and do something to get your mind off of things. I think that muskie did that for you. Congrats on the first of many I'm sure.
  2. I'll take you up on that Terry! SWEET fish MistyRiver1!!!
  3. After reading all three parts, glad my clients cancelled this morning , I'd concider this for post of fhe year. The pictures and story were amazing!! I've never seen half of the plant life you captured, nice to learn something new. The fishing shots were great as well, love the underwater shots. I was wonder what camera you were using and what kind of an underwater housing do you have? Thanks for taking the time to put together such a fantastic report.
  4. A couple of decent days on the water in my books. And a PB to boot!! Congrats! Always enjoy your reports Sean. Lots of pictures and some great info, love the recaps. Thanks for another great report.
  5. Now that's pretty cool. We've been streaming video and audio files for clients for many years and at first it was incredibly expensive. Now a days everyone is able to do it with very minimal costs and some awesome results. Great job Cliff!
  6. Priceless! A couple a great shots there Dave! Nothing like taking some time to get the little ones into a couple of the WGSF. Thanks for the post.
  7. Nice fish there Remo. Good to see that you got out.
  8. I can't believe that you didn't take the time to try and get a picture of the bear. Probably could have had some great close ups. Oh well, too busy screaming like a girl I guess. I would have done the same. LOL! Congrats on yet another PB and thanks for the great report. PS- I agree with Bill - Chipper is ared squirrel.
  9. I agree with you GCD. There is not a fish out there that I'd put my life at risk for. I've traveled to a lake and seen that the conditions were bad and picked another lake to suit the conditions. There is always another choice/side of a lake to go to. Not so easy on the Great Lakes (or Simcoe) when you want to get out to the middle of it. In this case I'd stay on shore or as soon as I heard that the winds were going to 20 knots the lines would have been in and I'd be on my way back in. I consider myself a die hard fisherman and will fish in just about any conditions, some here will attest to this, sometimes you have to know when to just walk away. I am VERY HAPPY to see that everyone is safe and sound. PS - Having read your reply to Joe I just wanted to add this. Yes the weather forecast was way off from the initial reports you had but the weather offices will tell you it can change at any given time. I think we've all seen it happen. Not being on the water and seeing what you were facing I really can't say that what you did was right or wrong. I believe that I would have headed to shore with the words of 20 knot winds in a heartbeat. Are weather forecasts ever right? More wrong then right I'd say. Can we blame them for the risks we take(and possible outcomes) in the event of a change in the weather??? I think not.
  10. Great reports!!! Congrats to you and your wife and all the best for your future together. Nice walleye as well . Congrats on the PB.
  11. I couldn't agree with you more Dan. There certainly is a lot of "magic" here on the board. Thanks for the great report.
  12. Congrats on the catch of a lifetime! The best to you both. Kudos to Dave on the generous offer. And finally, congrats on the fish. However, can you do something for your brother and get him a new fishing hat? LOL!
  13. Well that sure beats kicking around the house and nursing a sore back! Congrats to you both!!!
  14. The pics are great Joe, looks like a fantastic time.
  15. Very happy to hear that they got these jerks and you got your stuff back. It certainly doesn't make up for the Bull you had to go through. Bunch of 's
  16. Very sorry for your loss Bucktail. My condolences to you and your family.
  17. Great report HH! Sounds like everyone had a great time. Some more then other on a give night. I hope the little guy is feeling better soon and looking forward to the pics.
  18. One of my favourite types of plastics. Excellent detail and some very nice fish. Thanks for the report..
  19. Now that is a great tip. Thanks for the post and nice fish!!
  20. A long with the chewed up prop from earlier this year. Thanks for the memories. LOL!
  21. At the end of a wet trip I always open up every tackle tray to let things dry out, even if the container looks dry. If a try has water in it I'll take everything out and let the tray dry out before I put the tackle back in. I'd say that my baits are 99% rust free with alot of those lures being 20+ years old. My buddies can't believe how clean my lures are. Take the time at the end of every trip, you'll be glad you did. Another option to protect your tackle on the water would be to put it in a dry lock bag that canoer's use. Dry Bags Might want to wrap the trays in a towel to prevent the bag from tearing. I hope this helps
  22. Both part were awesome!! I've only been in that area in the winter time. Nice to see some warmer weather pictures. Thanks for the post.
  23. Well it was my idea to do the towel up. I picked the fish and the wording, Di just did everying else. The rod is in the freezer as I didn't want it to spoil. I'll start to get some pricing on the mount this week.
  24. Great report Cliff! Some good times for all I'd say. Thanks for the report. Nice smallie as well!
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